kidney pain possibly: anyone know how or what... - Thyroid UK

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kidney pain possibly

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42 Replies

anyone know how or what kind of tests to get done on kidney's.

I had pain in both flanks on Friday past, it disappeared by Saturday. It was both of the kidney/flank area. Not the same pain as the stomach burning h pylori pain. I have had the same pain last night and all day today.

My urine is a bit smelly and was darker this morning, been lighter during the today. When I went to the hospital with my h pylori infection 6 weeks ago, they told me I had red and white blood cells in my urine then and suspected a kidney infection as well as gastritis. But one of the GPs I saw after it dismissed it at the time said it was a red herring, I asked what raised white cells and red blood cells were about and he said sometimes that happens.

Just wondering know would hashimitos cause you to have kidney pain or maybe I have kidney infections as well and it is annoying my thyroid more as well?

What test should I get? Any suggestions? My GP only works Monday and Tuesday do not want to talk to the other ignorant male one, who they will likely put me through to for another argument and some stupid answers from him. So will have to wait until Monday.

I feel like a hypochondriac with all these complaints coming at me all at once.

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42 Replies
jezebel69 profile image

Well - the signs of infection with yours sound like kidneys. They can take a while to settle after infection - so long as it isnt getting worse. I'm assuming the infection was treated at the time? If you're looking for a thyroid connection then adrenals come to mind. There isnt a test for adrenals - probably why most doctors fail to believe in adrenal fatigue. :/

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69


6 weeks ago when I was in hospital they gave me one antibiotic for the kidney. They did CAT scan of me because of the blood to check for kidney stones, but said it came back clear, not sure if they only did the left kidney side then because I only had the pain 6 weeks ago in the left side. But anyway good news then was no kidney stones, which is what the a and e staff were worried about with the blood.

GP gave me the antibiotics for the h pylori/gastritis 12 days later after I showed him the private results for it I had done, and when he did his own breath test, he didn't trust the stool test I had done. I am clear of any h pylori infection now. I had another hpylori test carried out privately because the GP surgery said they do not do a retest so many weeks after to check if the infection is gone. I got the good news and I am clear of it now as of last week.

I got the flu injection (for first time ever because of all my probs) last week, 2 days after it, I felt the pain in both of the kidneys/flank area (Friday past) it went away on Saturday (I thought the flu injection may have caused it paid no more heed to it) and now it is back today. So am currently drinking lots of fluids to try and flush it out at the moment waiting and watching to see if it improves and goes away completely on its own which I hope it does. (never had any of this type of pain ever before)

I have had cortisol test done and GP said it is normal. I am not looking for a connection.

I am just wondering if it could be connected and if so that it is another area that I need to get fixed to help my hashimoto's antibodies to come down to try and save my struggling thyroid.

I feel like an old car in the garage that a mechanic cannot fix that keeps throwing up these problems making its owner look like a fool when they cannot be found by mechanic.

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

The cortisol test done by GP's is not accurate enough. Was it a blood test? The 24 hour saliva test is necessary to see how cortisol fluctuates. So are your antibodies high and are you working to reduce them?

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

Yes it was the blood test. in the morning. the arguing I had to do to get that. I was surprised it came back fine, because I know how I was stressed for so many years with work (4) and that I had major stress percipating the hair fall and weightloss due to an extremely sore throat. Thought at one time or at the beginning that I had sub acute thyroiditis because of it. Never experienced it before. unbelievable pain couldn't move head.

Anyway - peroxidase antibodies are 9 above the level. I have gone gluten free. no more cereal for breakfast - 3 scrambled egg. I never ate bread really only occasionally if I was having boiled eggs. And that wasn't a lot. I have hardly had any sweet stuff this past two years.

I have just had about 6 eyebrows fall off. its mad. my hair was so strong, coarse and thick 2 years ago

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

Good to hear. Trouble with going gluten free is it has to be 100% or it just doesnt work. And you'd be surprised what contains gluten. Check all ingredients on labels - easy when you get used to it :)

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to jezebel69

Oh - the hair? You'll see lots of posts on that. Hair loss tends to come 3-6 months after the stressor so think back. Its also connected to deficiencies like B12 and zinc. Are you supplementing?

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

my timeline is like this:

Previous to Jan 2016 high levels work stress, 3 weeks jan intense stress work related lost half a stone of weight prob. Immediately after that was over, I went on holiday. Returned from holiday, went to a party and caught an infection I called it a flu but I don't think it was, it didn't affect my chest, nose, sinuses or anything, it was concentrated around my throat, I couldn't swallow anything for a week. Lost a stone of weight in a week. Was anorexic by the end of it. couldn't speak with the throat properly for 2 weeks. Took two months to put the weight back on and get diet back up.

Noticed hair changing pretty much the week I was sick, tangling. March 2016 noticed hair loss in temples and very bad tangling in hair dressers. Hair was extremely dry all teh time I didn't realise just thought was straightners use etc. she used less foil around my temples, I thought it was just a diff hair dressed and she was highlighting less paid no real heed.

May 5th 2016 - I commented to someone that I was shedding hair like a dog in a meeting. May 24th after a bath took towel away got the hair dryer and lumps came out in my hand. up to 500 a day. would still be like that today if I fumbled with it as much I hardly touch it now. let it dry on its own and when dry in morning pull up in a ponytail, any time I touch it hair falls out. Hair is so much finer and breaks and snaps.

Around may 2016 I noticed my leg hair was growing slower and coming back finer or not at all and under my arms. then two months later pubic hair.

In January of 2017 I noticed eyebrow hair starting to shed and eyelashes and even hair on my finger, last month nose hair.

All hair just falls out everywhere without any kind of force or pulling just touching.

I noticed probably around January lanugo hair on my face (was to fixated on hair loss to notice hair growth).

About 3 weeks ago I started to notice it was going away, last week a lot of it just pulled out in my hands very easily, it is almost all gone, was on my cheek area. felt strange I can feel skin with no hair for a few days. I assume lanugo hair was from sudden weight loss year before and it never went away even though my diet was excellent from May 2016 because of my stomach problems. I am assuming that is why it is gone, but there is always the worry it is because the hair loss has now even moved to it. Not that I am sorry to see it go but it just means the hair loss no where near resolving.

it is 100% not hereditary of FPHL. my mum aunt gran all their own hair, more than me better quality thick hair. I had their hair colour and all.

Derms are useless 2 of them said Telogen caused by stress even endo said that last week. one of them said could be alopecia areata.

No improvement in growth. Hair seems to be to have just stopped growing altogether and where it is growing it is growing at a snails pace and very weak, a new borns hair is stronger than mine, an older persons hair in a home is stronger than mine. I could have swung on my hair in January 16

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

I must do that, but my diet is - scrambled eggs, all types of fruit - bananas pears apples grapes peaches oranges, fage 0% yogurt 2 a day, potatoes (boiled with skins on) some form of meat, pork, eggs, fish, garlic, onions black and white peppers, tomatoes, peas, carrots, beans, cabbage, coleslaw.

Pretty much all fresh made now and revolves around that.

no cereal no sweets no savoury no pastries, don't really buy any packaged food

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

mmmmm sounds good - gf should be no problem for you!

I just read a related post on here entitled Kidney/adrenal area pain - you might like to look for that too

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

is it a recent post

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

A year ago - steviep43

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jezebel69 in reply to jezebel69

And on the subject of hair - your experience sounds classically thyroid. My leg hair is long gone - underarm needs dealing with once in a blue moon. Eyebrows need filling a little. Head hair 2 years ago was thick and wavy and is now dry and skimpy. I cry. Its not fair :(

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

I cry too, its heartbreaking. every one notices mine. I had the thickest hair in the entire office, out of all my friends out of everyone I knew. hairdresser had never anyone with thicker hair, was always getting it thinned. my eyebrows will be gone soon. my hair everywhere is destroyed on head I have in 2 years lost 65% of my hair. what is left is awful condition.

are you getting thyroid treatment? what are your levels like? are you not seeing improvements?

My most recent levels are below

Test Date August 2017 @9-30am (private test)

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

3.32miu/L0.27 – 4.20

Free Thyroxine 16.6Pmol/l12.00-22.00

Total Thyroxine 106.5Nmo/l59.00-154.00

Free T34.69Pmol/l3.10-6.80

Reverse T316Ng/dl10.00-24.00

Reverse T3 ratio19.0815.01-75.00

Thyroid Antibodies

Thyrogloubin Antibody19.400Iu/ml0.00-115.00

Thyroid peroxidise antibodies43.6Iu/ml0.00-34.00

my b12 is good and was supplementing with zinc. have stopped taking everything today until I get nutritional tests done by a doctor next thrusday. don't want anything in my system that hasn't come from my body and food. not sure what he is testing.

would only agree to see me when I said I was anxious and depressed. basically had said before that when talked about symptoms of hair loss and less sweating and my results above that it would be a wait and see approach. he is my last resort.

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

I'm prescribed 50 mcg T4 and 20 mcg T3. Its not enough T3 so I obtain the extra privately. Its a balancing act to keep it steady and I had a reverse T3 problem a while back so cut T4 altogether to clear it. Have now reintroduced but not sure it helps at all. Biggest problem I think is Hashimotos. My hair loss comes in phases - most likely when antibodies are high.

You look undermedicated. Your TSH should be lower and T3 in the top quadrant of the range. Being optimally medicated really helps prevent hair loss.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

I am not medicated at all. they all say there is nothing wrong with me and it isn't my thyroid

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

OMG - thats outrageous! I'm so sorry. The medical profession would describe you as sub clinical - your bloods are 'within range' I'd like to see every one of those stupid doctors to lose their hair gggggrrrfrrrrrrrrrr

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

when I spoke to the male GP I said to him I was sub clinical because of the symptoms and he stopped and asked me was I medically trained. he thought I was I said I wasn't. he then told me there was nothing wrong with my thyroid at all. However, that is not to say that I will not develop it in the future. the other 2 gps in practice said the same. the endo said my hair loss wasn't because of my thyroid, however, acknowledged in letter he sent gp about raised antibodies slightly raised all other within range, and that I had lost outer third of eyebrow. I am loosing hairs from every part of my eyebrows. not just outer third. my own family member told me there is nothing wrong with me and they are a gp as well.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to Jump1

You can self-medicate.

Sorry but NHS staff are given protocols they have to prescribe by and if you don't fall into the criteria then you are simply mad, bad or crazy. If doctors decide to prescribe outside that criteria in the UK they can and often are chased out by other doctors.

However before you go along that path you need your kidney infection sorted out.

Do you have symptoms that match another autoimmune disease?

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to bluebug

all of my symptoms big and small are:

the hair loss

lack of sweating

lighter shorter periods

nails on ridges (these have improved) soft nails beaded ridges on toe nails (used to be beaded on finger nails)

cold hands and feet

swelling in fingers and feet after exercise never had that before unless walked 8 miles. intermittent

drooping eyelid intermittent

constipation at times

lower body temp I feel colder

cracked dry lips.

flaking dandruff from eyebrows, it falls down on me.

scalloped tongue, fissure on tongue

obviously the hpylori gastrists infection and pain now in back which I will watch.

energy half of what it should be

poor sleep some nights I sleep well others I don't

used to be great multitasker not so much now.

bruising on legs though at the moment they are fine. sometimes I could have 10 bruises across them light coloured ones not dark, don't know where I got them from

I think my sense of smell may be weakened or not as good as others, people smell food in the office and I don't really

I had pins and needles in hands not had that in a while

memory not as great either

I think that's them all

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to Jump1

As at jezebel69 has said try to sort out your vitamins and minerals.

If that isn't working then start on the self-medication route for your thyroid, and still try to improve your vitamins and minerals.

Once you have done that so your free T3 is good and your TSH has gone down then look at your signs and symptoms to see if you match the signs and symptoms of any other disease.

Don't fight with your NHS GP if they are a feckwit it just leads to stress you don't need. The majority know SFA about nutrition, the thyroid and any autoimmune disease.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to bluebug

when you say self medicate. how does this work?

what am I self medicating with?

I was told t3 is what I need. But where do I get it if once I reach the end of the road and sort out any kidney infection etc, how do I do it?

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

what are your antibody levels. I am 38 was 36 when this all started

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

Six months ago it was THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES*51.7 IU/mL 0.00 - 34.00 - pretty sure it increased about 3 months ago and I'm now gluten free to try to get them down again.

If you cant get medicated you can help your thyroid a lot by making sure your vitamins and minerals are the best they can be. You need B12 to be high and good iron levels (test ferritin and folate) D3 supplements are essential but must be taken with K2. I take a good B complex too.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

I have to stop taking vitamins till I get the tests done next Thursday

these are most recent results. I get vit d results tomorrow hopefully from endo.

Test Date 18th September 2017 (private test)

Total Protein


Vitamin B12 699Pg/ml197-771

Active B12 61Pmol/l25.1-165.0

Haemoglobin (g/l)128g/l115-155


Red Cell Count4.36X10 12/l3.95 – 5.15



Mchc (g/l) 316g/l 300-350


White cell count3.70X10 9/l3.0-10.0

Neutrophils 1.64 X10 9/l2.0 -7.5

Lymphocytes1.60X10 9/l1.2 – 3.65

Monocytes0.35X10 9/l0.2 – 1.0

Eosinophils0.06X10 9/l0.0-0.4

Basophils0.05 X10 9/l0.0-0.1

Platelet Count 239X10 9/l150-400


Gastric parietal cell AbNegative

Intrinsic factor antibodies0.6u/mlNormal <6u/ml

previous to this my ferritin was 71.4 in may 17 so think it dropped during the 3 weeks I went off everything for the h pylori treatment

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

You need thyroid antibodies checked. Most people are hypo because of Hashimotos disease. As an autoimmune disease its killing off the thyroid. You need to know if this is happening to you.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

August 17 results were

Thyrogloubin Antibody19.400Iu/ml0.00-115.00

Thyroid peroxidise antibodies43.6Iu/ml0.00-34.00

getting it re-checked in 5 weeks by endo he wanted to see what impact the hpylori treatment had. said we would know then if thyroid is malfunctioning

jezebel69 profile image
jezebel69 in reply to Jump1

You have much more does the idiot want?

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

the endo said no thyroid just slightly raised and thinks the eradication of the infection might lower it. because hair loss been around same time as the stomach pain.

the gp today said it was heading towards hashimotos but that no one would treat because all levels were within normal range. he said it would be wait and see. he agreed to see me to do nutritional test after I mentioned being anxious and depressed. he is psychiatry speciality but believes there are nutritional reasons and dealing with these help solve the problem. only spoke briefly to him so will tell him all my problems when he is doing the nutritional tests for me. he was recommended and has prescribed others T3 but I am worried that they wont prescribe me because I am not outside normal or big numbers.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

do you believe the stress and stomach infections and throat infection which caused the weight loss would be what would have set me off on this path? I desperately want my hair back it is so hard when your career revolves around meeting people constantly. if I just went to work met the same colleagues family and friends I would be fine with that. but I meet people that haven't seen me in months or years and the shock on their faces, is so visible and makes me feel so much worse and so more self conscious and so much more desperately sad

another question for you. will hair grow back once treatment starts for hashi? I read somewhere that it doesn't and isn't guaranteed with this kind of thyroid problem

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

Nutritional dr today picked up on the copper. He took blood sending them to usa will take 3 weeks to get results. Said being low on copper is very bad for your health. Didnt expand. Said he takes copper bloods alot and hasnt seen them that low before. Didnt put much weight in the hair analysis. Awaitinf the results. He also testig my antibodies tsh t4 and t3 ferritin b12 ans fbc. He might prescribe me t3. Waiting on all results. Said i have hashimotos my thyroid is struggling.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

vitamin d results came back they are 80 he said anything above 50 is good.

What is the range for vitamin D.

doesn't look like I have many nutritional deficiencies because of the infection.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to Jump1

I should say you need to start reading around.

There are a couple of posters - unfortunately names I can't remember - who have mentioned reading this site, realising what was wrong with them, getting private tests and self-medicating. They are now well and have come on here to say thanks for all the help and information. Their NHS GPs know SFA about their problems and don't even test their thyroid simply because as far at they are concerned they don't have a thyroid problem.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to bluebug

if you remember can you let me know, I am reading. I am trying to get reviewed by the best which is why I have avoided the gp, they don't care. the endo who was recommended paid a bit more attention, but similar to gp said I am fine because bloods within range. hope this man I see next week is better.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to jezebel69

The dr rang me today. My tsh 2.77 and my antibodies have gone up to 91. That is from tests taken 3 weeks ago. He is going to send me a prescription for t3 20 mg half a tablet a day to see how it goes. He spoke about trying ldn. I asked if i could get t3. My copper results were fine no issue. All results fine except antibodies and folate was high. Think all the floradix put it up higj above 20. My symptoms have not improved. Hair loss worse than ever from everywhere. I have noticed swelling in my fingers coming and going and toes. I was touching my neck today dont know what it is. But the area around the little hole like spot at the base of neck i can feel thickened skin beneath my skin. Would only ever feel skin and bone in that area before.b i just feel like i am falling apart.

Jump1 profile image

I have a family member a gp and they told me there was nothing wrong with me.! that had to be the biggest disappointment of all.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to Jump1


People close to you e.g. related or just in general are the last people who tend to recognise you are ill. I had people I worked with for a short time and neighbours who pointed out I had issues but close family and friends, close and not so close, plus acquaintances specifically those who were medically trained couldn't see anything wrong with me.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to bluebug

family member is medically trained, all my friends and colleagues in work can see that I am unwell. and notice the hair loss straight away. my family to do but are telling me its nothing.

the family member a gp I am bitterly disappointed in that as a medically trained person refused to tell the full truth or are they that brainwashed

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to Jump1

Nope the family member GP simply doesn't see that you are ill so can't acknowledge it.

Similar happened to me with family members, close friends and acquaintances who should have know better. Incidentally the only acquaintance who is a GP who was ever helpful had emigrated to Australia by then. However she was treated like sh*t by the establishment due to her immigrant background.

BTW it is a waste of time telling GPs stuff you have found out. Tell the specialists and nurses instead as they are more likely to listen especially those who realise there are other scientists who know about diseases/conditions of the human body.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to bluebug

they said I would know if I was unwell if I had cancer. my response was at least I would know what was wrong and could get treated or not and would not have to live with it for years with no help or end result.

so how do I get t3 if I have to go down that route and have all vitamins and any other issues sorted out?

I had an endo who read my results and symptoms say he wouldn't treat unless I was higher than 5 with raised antibodies and he made an interesting statement that he wouldn't treat with t3 only t4. so I assumed from that one email that if I were to get treatment t3 is what I need, but he wouldn't treat with it.

Gcart profile image

The saddest thing is that having cancer is no better spotted.

Gp left me with tumour

in caecum (causing bowel blockages) when I ate anything with significant pain for 2 yrs.

oh yes and I also was sent to Pyschologist?!!?

another dietician got my weight reported back wrong saying 60kilod instead of 50kilos that I had weighed.,i had lost 15kilos at that point

Blue lighted to hospitl in the end where ithe was tumour was found. Strangly enough it was surgery that got rid of it , 😤

I ha ve never worked out what their (gps) purpose is ??

And it our fault if we end up in A &E 😙💀

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to Gcart

Oh that is absolutely terrible. Wish there was a dislike button. Feel for u. Overpaid they are with egos. Assume people are stupid

Gcart profile image

Thank you jump 1 x

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