I have been reading your posts about T3 with interest. I have now decided to start my own post on this. I had previously added it as a reply to someone else. I have had so much conflicting information on T3.
My husband was diabetic, and he also had hypothyroidism. Unfortunately he also had cancer. He was already on 20mg a day hydrocortisone and 125 mg levothyroxine. A few months before he died he started to go down hill with more severe hypothyroid symptoms.
Everyone said his hypothyroid symptoms were due to the cancer not his thyroid. I begged them to test his TSH levels and look beyond the cancer. His T3 came back very very low. The endo prescribed him over the phone 20mg liothyronine once a day with an increase of 25mg of levothyroxine
He took them on the Tuesday and Wednesday and died on the Thursday morning. He died from low blood pressure and Hypoglycemia.
I understand now that as a diabetic his meds should have been adjusted. Also I think the dose was to high for his body to take in one go. I am upset that he was not assessed first before prescribing liothyronine and it was just prescribed over the phone with no other details than take 20mg once a day. Surely someone should have monitored or at least advised us on these meds???
Any comments welcome please