Hello everyone,
I was diagnosed with mild to moderate Graves 2 months ago. I’ve been treated for 2 months with 10-15 mg of Methimazole and 25mg atenenol. My tests are in range now and I have no Graves symptoms except rough, dry patches on my cheeks, and chin. Also some muscle aches.
Isn’t dry skin a symptom of being hypo, not hyper? Have any of you experienced this and what did you use on your face for it. My endo doesn’t want to reduce the meds yet. Could I go hypo if I stay on the MethimIzole? I started taking L-carnitine about a month ago and my TSH jumped from 0.02 to 3.66. I
I just typed all my test info into what I thought was my profile and it disappeared. I will try again tomorrow!