I wrote this document to support followers of the ITT Campaign but I’d like to offer it up as support for the Thyroid UK T3 Campaign too!
All that matters here is that we speak out together and submit more surveys in order to save T3!
The Consultation organisers told us this week that only 1200 patients have completed the survey. This isn’t enough to save T3. More is needed and QUICK!
The below is a copy of the post I did for ITT (hope it’s allowed) but in short - the link at the bottom will open a document that translates the questions into plain English and gives useful hints and tips on how to fill it in (you really only need look at the text in red).
I hope it helps people!
ITT Campaign has produced a document that is a guideline or an aid to help people when completing the NHS England Consultation Survey:
Items which should not be routinely prescribed in primary care: A Consultation on guidance for CCGs
The survey is due to end on 21st October 2017 so only a few days left to have your say! DON'T MISS OUT!
Here is the link to the survey:
We hope you find this guide useful.
Have a great weekend everyone! 😊
Disclaimer: ITT Campaign does not wish to influence or instruct any persons survey responses therefore individuals who complete the survey should ensure that responses, comments and opinions submitted are entirely their own.