Hi all ...Im hipo and hashi and about 4 month ago I did post my totals here and thankfully they were close to normal ..I am new Naturetroid for 5 months now ...at that same time I quit smoking it's been 3 months smoke free and feel very proud so far ..I will never smoke again..my concern is that I've been gaining to much weight almost 8kilos and very rapidly ..I am also at beginning of menopause ,it's been a difficult time and I have to admit im eating some extra calories a day after quitting is not easy as you can imagine ..but I think 16 lbs it's a lot ..any comments on this? Does quitting afect weight so much ?? I know quitting slows metabolism a lot ... It's my metabolism affected more because I'm hipo ? My belly specially is very bloated ..thanks
Gaining weight : Hi all ...Im hipo and hashi and... - Thyroid UK
Gaining weight
Congratulations on quitting! That's great 😊 I gained about 10 pounds when I quit myself. I would say about three months later I started going back down to the weight I was before. (This was about eleven years ago). I allowed myself to eat lots of chocolate while quitting. After the first three weeks of hell were over, I stopped allowing myself to eat chocolate all day. (Peanut M&Ms mostly).
Smaller portions at meals, refraining from sweets, and moderate exercise has always worked well for me.
Yes the will of Jill ...this week is going to be 3 months And defenetly I have to quit sugar ..I'm already staring small meals as you say . Thanks for sharing story and for great advise !!

Well done! Takes some will power to give up
Hashimoto's can be affected by giving up smoking. See your GP and ask for full Thyroid and vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tests.
You may well need dose increase
Are you strictly gluten free?
Thanks I will have those test done
Great article dragon !!!! Thanks so much !!!
It's very much a learning curve but you will soon start to get a grip on things. Well done for giving up smoking. Put the money you save from that in a fund to buy supplements or extra testing and both may become necessary over time.
Yes silverfox I hope soon my metabolism normalizes ..And yes I'm saving th money for test .thanks