Me4 days ago
Hello , new to your site !! Thank you !!
I'm prescribed T3 and would like to know where I can buy it from please.
Thank you JD
Me4 days ago
Hello , new to your site !! Thank you !!
I'm prescribed T3 and would like to know where I can buy it from please.
Thank you JD
Welcome to our forum,
Can you please provide some of your thyroid history as it is not permitted to post information on the Open Forum of where to source prescription medications without a prescription.
Hello again, apologies.. long history of multiple chronic conditions hypothyroid ME adrenal fatigue vestibular migraine FM etc etc and multiple spinal injuries.
Recent endocrinologist prescribed T3 Liothyronine.
Please can you let me know where I could source it. Also nutritionist suggested Armour.. could you advise if this is available somewhere too please.
Thank you JD
Which do you want?
Hello.. thank you
Been back to endo today .. I'm allergic to the chemicals in the meds .. so the plan now is to source either of the Dessicated products please .. Armour or erfa ?? The latter apparently is a Canadian product. Thx for help. JD
Natural Dessicated Thyroid Hormones are the very original thyroid hormone replacements and contain all of the hormones our healthy gland would have produced. In use in various forms since 1892 up until the BTA made false statements about it and it was withdrawn from prescribing now it, now their focus is onT3 which is a lifeline for whom levothyroxine doesn't work or NDT.
Thankfully, some Endocrinologists will still prescribe NDT.
When you have blood tests, it should be the very earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water) and allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose and test and take afterwards.
If we have a clinical need for T3, they should still provide it. If you read the pinned post on the right/hand column #T3 Campaign if you sign the Petition.
Also make an appointment with your MP and say that you are being forced to try to source your own thyroid hormones replacement as yours has been withdrawn. Excerpt from pinned post:-
"In the management of primary hypothyroidism) showing exactly how much liothyronine is costing the NHS, Clinical Commissioning Groups have been stopping patients from being prescribed T3 and doctors and endocrinologists have been withdrawing patients' prescriptions of T3. Thyroid UK believes this to be outrageous and unethical."
I don't having information but I hope members will have sent you a private message if they have knowledge.