Please help?: Taking vitamins, trying, failing... - Thyroid UK

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Please help?

T2017 profile image
19 Replies

Taking vitamins, trying, failing, feeling like I want to give up.

Doctors trying to give me antidepressants.

Seems like Im just useless and should just give up.

I just want to feel good. How do people do it? How. Just living. The pain.

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T2017 profile image
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19 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

T2017 Four months ago all your vitamins and minerals were dire and you were advised what to do about them.

Are they now optimal? Have you been supplementing and had them retested? No thyroid hormone can work unless levels are optimal

You were considering NDT, did you do anything about that?

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to SeasideSusie

The doctors dont care about vitamins and I have to travel a bit to get them tested and with panic anxiety making me throw up and feel like giving up. I just dont know what to do...

I just felt crap so long.

Im thankful for answers on how other people make it but I just want to be one of them.

I didnt try ndt again since last time.

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to T2017

You haven't said where you live, but if it's in the UK you can get home fingerprick tests, and if you don't want to do a fingerprick there is a home phlebotomy service where a nurse makes an appointment and visits you at home to take the blood.

greygoose profile image

By being b****y obstinate and refusing to give up! :)

Of course you're not useless, you are sick. And, the first step to getting better is getting the results of all your blood tests to find out exactly what is going on. Don't just rely on doctors, they don't have the knowledge, nor the interest. You taking antidepressants will be another feather in their cap, and that's all they care about. It's your body, your health and your life. You've got to look after it. So, get your results, and post them on here - with the ranges - and let's see where things are going wrong. Without them, you're just groping in the dark.

It's not all doom and gloom, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Let the people on here show you the light, and give us all the information you can. All details are important! So, don't hold back. Do it for yourself, because you deserve it. :)

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to greygoose

I wish I could find strength

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to T2017

Details of tests you can do at home. Look at the finger-prick tests. You just need someone to pop it into the post for you the same day.

I understand you aren't very strong, but we all have to make an effort. Attitude is 50% of the battle. Instead of telling yourself you can't, you're useless, tell yourself you can do this. It's worth the fight.

Of course doctors don't care about vitamins, they didn't 'do' them at med school. But, you've got to care. Stop saying 'doctor, heal me', and start saying 'patient, heal thyself'! Because the doctors sure as hell aren't going to heal you, it's down to you. And, you can do it, if you put your mind to it.

Get a home-testing kit, and sit down quietly in the privacy and comfort of your own home, and take your own blood. Once you get the results, post them on here, and we can help you. What else are you going to do? You must, deep down, be interested in getting better, or you wouldn't have joined this forum, and posted. We're telling you how you can accomplish that. :)

silverfox7 profile image

It can sometimes feel a long journey getting things tested and then getting readings optimal. It it's well worth it but be aware it takes time so patience is needed. You did r get sick over night so you can't bounce back overnight

I would t go down the NDT route yet either. Once on any form of T3 you can't tell whether you have e a conversion problem so best to look at that whilst on Levo only. I hope you have started supplementing, many of us have to do that but increasing minerals and vitamins takes time it took me around 5-6 months but I haven't looked back and am pretty stable. I know 6 months sounds forever but it's not 6 months of nothing and then feeling great but a gradual improvement but slower at first.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to silverfox7

I dont know how to when seconds feels like hours. You all are so strong.

activelazy profile image
activelazy in reply to T2017


I am surprised greygoose could not motivate you enough to gather information and post it here.

Do you realise that if you won't, pain will get worse only.


Come on, get up!!!

I have been unwell for 2 years now (including a lot of pain) but I refused things like anti depressants and CBT straight away. I actually wrote a letter to my surgery telling the doctors off for offering me such things before making enough effort to investigate the problems.

It's no longer a case of 'trying my best' but of 'It can't not be done'

Come on.💪

silverfox7 profile image

There is light T the end of the tunnel so one step at a time but you can do it! You may stumble in the dark. but we are all here to help you get up and further towards the bright light at the end.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life so make it count!

If it helps please give us weekly updates.

T2017 profile image

Thanks for taking the time to write.

Im at the hospital right now in suicideprevention.

I hope I will get up again and follow your tips.

Hate feeling like this. If I could then I would feel better? Ive tried so hard.

silverfox7 profile image

Keep talking to us or someone else you know. You aren't on your own.

activelazy profile image

As far as I understand I have also felt like 'i don't want to live any more' many times. I have. And I am sure many on here would have.

LilJacks profile image
LilJacks in reply to activelazy

Me also,have been referred to the mental health team only to be given more antidepressants,I'm now left with absolutely no motivation.Been like this for 10 years now.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to LilJacks

Whats the point in going to school for a long time and then not use it? The doctors, I just want to slap them hard.

hope you feel better soon.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to activelazy

What do you do to keep going? Keep fighting?

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to T2017

Yes, like Activelazy says you do because you don't really have any option.

Get yourself a Thyroid 11 (or read up and decide what you want checked) home finger prick blood test from Blue Horizons, read the instructions carefully then do that, post it off and the following day you will have your results back.

What did you used to enjoy before you became ill or as a child? Have a think about that then do something that used to give you pleasure.

Do you have a pet? Walking a dog would get you out to meet other people. You could volunteer somewhere that you could make a difference, I've done that in the past and I've worked with people who have had enormous difficulties in their lives yet dragged themselves out.

Life isn't easy for anyone, lots of people find it hard - me included - and you can't tell just by looking at them either. I think you've just got to try and find something to look forward to or even just give up doing things that you don't enjoy. I give an elderly man a lift to my art class, he has a huge family history of depression and says he would have given up if I hadn't offered to take him. None of us are brilliant artists but we're happy and we are learning something new and everyone encourages each other and it's good. We're not 'best friends' but we're a group and we like each other.

Find out about your vitamins and thyroid levels and work on that, take it slowly and steadily, be kind to yourself and decide you ARE going to get better even if it's just to spite your doctors and you have to fix yourself.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to activelazy

That reply was for you

LilJacks profile image
LilJacks in reply to T2017

I've been battling with the docs for years and they finally upped my dose of thyroxine to 125 only for me to feel worse.I just can't function no more,don't want to socialise,can't think straight and cry most days! I have no idea what to do next,I just want my old self back.Maybe self medicate.

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