Hi! I'm almost 51 come September and I have struggled with migraines since I was 16. For the past 2 week my right side of neck hurts and there is a lump. Very sore & it's triggering migraines. I feel awful! Just had blood work done and sonogram of neck and head ct. I have all the symptoms of hypothyroid I am feeling so horrible right now.
I feel desperate!: Hi! I'm almost 51 come... - Thyroid UK
I feel desperate!

When you have your results with ranges post them in a new post for people to comment 😊
These are the Thyroid tests : TSH - FT4 - FT3 - ANTI-TPO & Tg. Also B12 - Folate - Ferritin - VitD.
Low Iron can cause migraine due to lowered oxygen. Gluten ?
Thank you for your response! Didn't know about iron. Should get all results by Tuesday!
Oxygen clings to iron in the red blood cells to be transported around the body. Low iron = low oxygen. I am not a medic nor an expert on Iron - it happened to one of my daughters - headaches return when Iron drops. Ferritin is stored iron - if low then have a Full Iron Profile done ....
Have they taken blood work to test your thyroid? You can post results on here and members will advise. (Include ranges) hope you feel better soon. Welcome to the forum. I've learned so much from members on here.
Thank you!!! This is great to communicate with women going thru similar things! It does feel comforting! Thanks again!!
Yes same as Marz says especially iron. My son had awful migraines he was low in ferritin and folate for the 6 months he was on iron he didn't have a single migraine. Back now but the docs won't listen about the iron connection. Even if they say it's in range ask for copy and ranges as ferritin should be around 90 to be optimal. Hope you get it sorted.
Ranges may differ in the US - so best to suggest a result that is mid range
I have suffered with migraine since I was a teenager so I really feel your pain , I have a under active thyroid which is under control thank goodness ! I'm very often anemic which makes my headaches worse so I always keep that in check plus I go to the chiropractor every 4 weeks as I have neck problems caused by my job . I was put on propanol 2 years ago and I'm pretty much migraine free . I hope you find a solution quickly x
I've also been on propranalol for about 2 years but it seems to stop my NDT working as well and I'm desperate to get off it as I really suffered through last winter. However, after ten days of reducing my dose I've had another bad migraine this week. I'll look into my ferritin levels though.
Have you also considered that it might be an injury of some sort? I treat whiplash and people always think that one only gets whiplash from a car incident whereas the truth is that it can be caused by any fall.
Are your migraine hormonal?
I am Hypo and only recently discovered I had low out of range Ferritin. I have suffered from migraines since my mid-20s and always put it down to hormonal changes as they seemed to be roughly monthly or dehydration.
However when I started taking iron (ferrous sulphate 200mgx3 a day) the headaches disappeared as did many other horrid PMT related symptoms and my very heavy periods. However when I stop the iron they come back so i am still working out if I have to take it all the time and see if I can address absorption issues.
Have they tested your ferritin? I was aways having my iron levels checked because people always thought I was anaemic those always came out in range but apparently they never checked my ferritin!! I now always ask for a copy of my test results rather tahn just relying on a doctor saying they are 'normal'.