When I had an over active thyroid I was given oral iodine and I had a bad reaction to it, I was told I was allergic to it and told to not take it again and to avoid it on skin also.. many years have gone by and now on Levoroxine and have never even thought about if Levoroxine could have some in it , thinking about the dr who prescribed it was not a brilliant Dr. I have never felt right on Levoroxine but only really just thought about it as after two changes in brands I am feeling so much worse,but been feeling not good since I 1st ever took Levo but just thought that is how you feel underactive thyroid with aches and pains, etc freezing cold and still feel hypo and worse than I ever did before taking the Levoroxine.. anyway if it has Iodene in it would explain it, I've tried to look to see if it has iodine in but nothing is clear, I've seen few somewhere about Providone maybe in it but nothing clear cut.
I searched allergy to Iodene and they say you can't be allergic to it, I can assure them I was definitely allergic as they stopped the treatment and I was made to have part thyroidectomy and put on carbimizole and propranolol till I had settled down for them to operate . All I can find on allergy to iodine is quite unhelpful it says shell fish isn't iodine ? So I am a bit miffed and also wondering if I have been taking something that is making me feel worse I do itch quite a bit and since being on Levoroxine I have also become very sensitive and allergic to many things, asthma, tablets foods all that I was fine before taking Levoroxine. So if someone could clarify if it has got any Iodene in Levoroxine or Providone I would appreciate it..
Thank you