Feel like death might be an option: I dont know... - Thyroid UK

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Feel like death might be an option

T2017 profile image
71 Replies

I dont know what to do.

I hate this.

I cant.

How do people do this??

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T2017 profile image
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71 Replies
OldC profile image

Chin up, smile, read or watch something funny and on occasion when it was bad I raised the thyroid dose. If nothing else vote with your feet and find people who will help, there are people out there.

I would sing Men of Harlech, there is a better life and resolution ahead.

So whats hit you today?

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to OldC

Anxiety and my whole body just feels like crap and the doctor is just crap but thank you anyway I will try..

cjrsquared profile image

It is hard. It sounds as though you are drowning. You need to divide the whole into parts, it impossible to solve everything at once. What is your history? Are you on medication and/or any supplements? Do you have recent blood results you could share. What is the most debilitating symptom you would like to improve. If you start a new thread with some of this information, hopefully some of the other members who have suffered from the same problems will be able to offer advice.

Only you can to choose to move forward, if you have any support network ask them for help. I hope you choose life and to get better. Goodluck.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to cjrsquared

Got hypo since my childhood, but the doctors ignored til I found out on my own. And since then I been on levo and my bloodtest has been up and down and my health just been and is crap. No doctor will listen they just look and tsh and say well its ok you should be ok.

My bloodtest (some I paid for)is in my other thread. If you have any advice just write. I will read and consider everything that can help.

My b12 folate and iron is low. Ive been on iron bt it hasnt helped so Ive begged my doc for injections and they will think about it while I suffer.

My whole body hurts,panic attacs and anxiety from hell, I forget everything, just a feeling that I might aswell give up forever.

When you read sucsess stories I feel hope and hopeless, that will never be me.

Thank you for writing! It helps!

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

Your body hurting could well be because of the low vits and minerals and yours are really low, it's no wonder you feel crap. I had vit D deficiency and rock bottom ferritin (aswell as low ft3) and I felt dreadful. There were times when I slurred my words, my legs felt like lead, everything was an effort and I was depressed. I'm not completely 'fixed' as my T3 has dropped again recently sso I'm working to raise it again but I am nowhere near where I was 2 years ago. I had a year on levo, got my deficiencies sorted and then switched t NDT, which I have been on for about a year now.( When I first started on NDT I increased to quickly a couple of times and suffered awful (but temporary) anxiety)

Another point..make sure the supplements you take are good quality and of a high enough dose. Just ask if you have any queries about them :-)

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to NatChap

Ive started ndt 2 days ago.

I just want to feel good. I have felt bad for so long. I hoped a change would be my hope.

Ndt half a grain at night and half in the afternoon.

I dont know what to do.

I hate my body, I would rather be in a wheelchair then this. If it was a choice.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

You will get better I promise but you will need to be patient. If I were you (but it's your decision) I would go back to levo and address the deficiencies. Give it a couple of months on some good quality supplements and see how you feel and then start thinking about moving over to NDT.

Try not to think of it as your body failing you but as something that needs to be nurtured back to health. Be kind to yourself, get plenty of rest, don't try dieting and just do some gentle exercise if you feel up to it.

Something else you could try that may make a difference (it did for me), is to try taking your levo before bed if you don't already. It made an immediate difference to me and meant I didn't have to worry about eating, drinking and taking supplements first thing in the morning.

Try and stay positive, I do know how hard it is and how crappy and desperate you are feeling right now but it won't last, you will start to feel better. I am back to being able to go for long walks with my dogs, I don't feel the need to nap in the day, my brain fog is gone and I'm no longer depressed. I still have the odd blip and occasionally (like recently as my levels had dropped) have a week or so of feeling tired but not like before. I never get that 'walking through treacle', dragging my limbs around exhaustion that I used to get or feeling like I want to cry all the time and I no longer take days to recover from exercise.

If ever you feel down just post on here and we'll do what we can to help xxxx

Quasarlis profile image
Quasarlis in reply to T2017

We feel for you we really do!! Get your vits and mins up to a good level, get your NDT dose to a good level and I'm sure it will start to turn around. I was the same, being ignored by drs, endos talking absolute rubbish so I had a private blood test, found I had Hashi's, Vit D deficiency, low convertion and high range RT3 ... Been on liothyronine now for about a month, just tweaking it now but I'm really starting to feel the benefits at last .. have my off days but they are getting fewer and far between .... You will get there and we will help you ok.

Tiredmum75 profile image
Tiredmum75 in reply to T2017

Hi have you read Izabella Wentz book Hashimoto's thyroiditis lifestyle interventions for finding and treating the root cause

Sarahpk profile image
Sarahpk in reply to T2017

A year ago I was fully functioning. Now virtually housebound and often bed ridden- it is aweful and the help I have got here is awesome. One step at a time! Read the introductory info slowly, get a friend to read and help you process the info. Its a roller coaster yes but step by step try the things that have worked for others. Post all your questions! We r here for u and know what you ar going thru. . You are not alone

lc1973 profile image

Just read your previous posts T2017. I get where you are coming from...i've got low vits too which is all to common with this condition and realise i need to get these sorted to give my thyroid medication a chance of working but like you i'm fed up of feeling bad and want something to work to feel better quickly. All i can tell you is that a lesson i have learnt is that it probably took you a long time to get this poorly and equally it is going to be a bit of a journey to get you better again too...you will come to crossroads not knowing which way to go next, take a few wrong turns etc but you must keep going in order to help others find their way too. I had a bad day yesterday but today is a bit better, dont get me wring i still feel like cr*p but i'm feeling more positive after some fellow nice folk on here responded to one of my posts...so my action plan is continue with the current dose of levo and keep taking the vitamins, give it time and hope that i start to feel better...i need to have more patience and not flit too quickly from one thing to another to give things chance to work...i havent found a magic pill yet...i though T3 (liothyronine) would be but for me it wasnt the answer because my nutrient levels are too low for any amount of thyroid medication to work. I do think from your previous posts you need to find a doctor to investigate your low folate and B12 levels before supplementing though, all of these low vitamins will make you feel very rubbish on top of the low thyroid condition, some symptoms overlap infact. Take each day at a time T2017...

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to lc1973

Thank you for writing. Its just hard to feel bad for many years and just wait wait and wait.

How did you feel on t3?

And what made you decide to wait?

Maybe I have to switch doctor, Just talked about my health and the doc said well it could be many reasons to your bad health you should just stop thinking so much about your thyroid and let it be. :-/

Will it go away and solve it if I stop thinking about it? No.

thanks for your support!

lc1973 profile image
lc1973 in reply to T2017

Ive been feeling bad for years too, but i do know that when i was taking vitamin supplements i did feel better than i do know...dont get me wrong i'm not saying you will only feel well if you do the same...thats just my experience. I cant really say whether you should stop the NDT and carry on with levo only but i do wonder whether your anxiety may be made worse by the NDT but thats me thinking aloud. I did take T3 and was pleased to try it but my FT3 did not improve much on it, at the time i was taking 125mcg levo and 35mcg T3 daily and only managed to get my FT3 up to about where it is now on 250mcg levo only which was around 4.7 or 4.9 which is still pretty low in the scheme of things, however, that was taking no supplements at all, it has been higher taking supplements but only around 5 or 5.2 but i was experimenting and didnt take the supplements for long enough so my advice is you need to give things long enough. Natchap has given some good advice to you too....

NatChap profile image

I agree, you have had some good advice in previous posts. It is overwhelming but you must remember that this isn't permanent, you feel so bad because many of your levels are very low..ferritin, folate, vit D, B12 etc.. Once you start supplementing and getting these levels where they need to be you will feel much better. Also, if you have switched to NDT it can take a while to feel the benefit and even longer to get your dose right..it's not a quick fix but ultimately you should find it more effective than levo. You can run into problems trying to raise your NDT dose though if your vitamin and mineral levels are low so I would address those first. Frustrating I know but you will get there xx

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to NatChap

Is it better to go back to levo and get my levels up?

This anxiety and crap feeling is just overwhelming.

reading others feeling better just like magic is good, I Just want to be one of them.

I got other autoimmune so it was weird that the antibodies came back low. But I think it is hashi but the levels change so the test was taken at the "wrong time"

Anyways thanks. Im so glad I found this site. Hope it will get better, because my life right now is crap and more crap.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

How long ago did you switch? I would be tempted to do that to be honest, just because it's easier not having to deal with too many things at once. If you stick with levo then you will notice if it is the supplements making you fee better. Once all of your vitamin and mineral levels are where they should be then you could consider switching to NDT if you still feel you need to. It might help make you feel more in control if you have a plan, write it down, tick things off as you get them sorted and keep a diary of when you start which supplements and how your symptoms are. I really think that once you get your B12, vit D and ferritin up you will feel better able to cope with your thyroid issue. Taking a good selenium supplement is thought to help with your thyroid function too.

I don't think any of us have felt magically better though, it is a marathon not a sprint unfortunately but with the help of this site we help each other get through it xx

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to T2017

Sorry to hear your struggling. Have you looked into adrenal testing? It sounds like they are suffering especially if you have gotten worse introducing t3 via ndt. I would if I were you drop back to where you felt better if that was on levothyroxine, and sort adrenals out first. Do you feel worse in a morning?, get dizzy or have low blood pressure? These symptoms point to poor adrenal function. Hope it improves for you x

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to pinkjess17

I dont know what to do.

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to T2017

Try to rest and not stress yourself too much if possible, get an early night and drop back on thyroid meds to see if you feel less panicked tomorrow. There is hope, this will pass, hang in there X

pinkjess17 profile image
pinkjess17 in reply to T2017

Also try something sweet and something salty to see if this helps. I had that reaction to antidepressants as they lower cortisol and blood sugar hence panicked feeling.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to pinkjess17

I didnt take early morningdose of ndt. Half a grain.

What to do next.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

Have you taken your levo? You must take that if you are holding off on the NDT.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

Just deal with one thing at a time T2017. Start with vitamins and minerals, then your thyroid meds and then if you think you have a problem with adrenals you can get tested for that later. It's too overwhelming to think about everything at once and you'll also not know what is affecting your symptoms and what's not if you try too many things at once x

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to NatChap

Ive just been reading for months about people going over to t3 or ndt and stopped feeling bad. Ive been writing with people who say just try and you will thank yourself for the rest of your life.

Its hard to be in this feeling. Just want things to be better.


NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

And it's true but no meds will make you feel better if you are deficient in the crucial vitamins and minerals.

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to NatChap

NatChap hi sorry to butt in but is lowb12, folate and vit d common in thyroid disorders then? I have all three yet my doctor just thinks they happened out the blue and through stress/ diet but I haven't changed my diet over the years

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Button11

Yes, it's due to low stomach acid usually x Doctors don't know diddly about thyroid or vitamin problems it seems 🙁

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Button11

My doctor said the same, you must be eating bad and not go outside so much. I said might be because my thyroid, and the doctor didnt really see that as an option.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

When you have hypothyroidism your whole system slows down including metabolism therefore it makes sense that your digestive system will be affected. If you can't digest your food properly then you won't be getting the nutrients from that food no matter how healthy it is.

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to NatChap

NatChap what if you are losing weight and not putting it on though?

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to Button11

Button11 I'm not sure to be honest..maybe best to post that question as a new thread x

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to T2017

T2017 I know I've always been pale since forever and that automatically means I avoid the sun ( which I don't ) I just don't tan at all

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Button11

Same. Pale skin doesnt mean you are dracula. :-o

Button11 profile image
Button11 in reply to T2017

T2017 well I do have pretty big fangs too lol

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Button11

Does garlic make you uncomfortable? Just kidding

But I always got comments on that I need more sun. And the truth can be that I get more sun than the ppl saying it.

MiniMum97 profile image

I am so sorry you are feeling like this. It's so hard feeling ill all the time, I am still trying to get a diagnosis and struggle through every week so can empathise. Some weeks are better than others but I do have times like you when I am not sure how I can go on. The hope of finding the answer and my son are sometimes the only things that keep me holding on.

What is your GP doing about how you are feeling emotionally? Have they offered you any emotional support? Have you considered trying some anti depressants to support you until you get your health sorted? I know some people are resistant to these and feel fobbed off but they have literally been a life saver for me. When my health problems are sorted I hope that I will be able to come off them. In the meantime they are keeping me going.

From a GP perspective, they can't blame the physical symptoms on anxiety or depression if these are being managed.

If you are feeling like you can't cope any more please phone the Samaritans on 116123. In some areas Mind also provide an advocacy service to help people get the support they need from their GP. You can see if they offer this service by checking your local Mind's website.

Keep going. You can get back to good health. Use this forum for the great advice and don't give up. 💐💐💐

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to MiniMum97

Antidepressants is given at first visit, and they offer 50+ pills. But I dont know. Ive started one but it hasnt helped much. Thank you for writing.

I hate this. I just want to feel good.

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to T2017

Antidepressants don't start working until at least 2/3 weeks after you've started taking them. And you may need to try a few until you find the ones that work for you. And play around with the dose.

I resisted them for years, and then tried after I ran out of options and felt I had nothing left to lose. And I did feel worded before feeling better but it was worth it.

Has your GP asked you to go back and see how you are getting on? I hope so.

What ones have you been given and how many have you taken?

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to MiniMum97

Hope you are OK OP. You are not on your own. 💐

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to MiniMum97

Im having a panicattack.

Feel like crap.

I will reply .

I hate this

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to T2017

Anxiety is so awful and pervades everything. Try not to fight it. Just let it sit there. If feeling is overwhelming try to lay in bed with cover over head to reduce external sensations. If you don't fight it, it might start to lessen. Anxiety is fed by fighting it. Just let it be.

Don't worry about replying. Do so in your own time.

You will get past this.

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

You do know that a vit D and B12 deficiency will cause depression. Give your supplements time to work before you resort to anti depressants.

T2017 profile image

Anyone who has been in this situation? What did you do. It seems so far away.

MiniMum97 profile image
MiniMum97 in reply to T2017

You seem to be doing and trying all the right things. You need to keep this in mind when having these dark and difficult times. Bringing up your vitamin levels and getting your medication right takes time but you are on the road to recovery.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to MiniMum97

Feels like the road to hell, like all my life.


Thank you for writing. I hope I can read this when my mind is more clear and not all dark.

Magill69 profile image

Hi T2017, I am in New Zealand. I switched from Goldshield synthetic thyroid to porcine natural thyroid, which has become very expensive. I am looking around for cheaper porcine or bovine thyroid which I can import into NZ. The NZ Customs restriction may prevail and I may have to revert to the synthetic thyroid. I don't know what country you are in, but if you have to use synthetic thyroid at least you will avoid the horrible symptoms of extreme hypothyroidism. Please consider this option. I am very concerned that you feel there is no hope. Kind Regards, Magill69

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Magill69

Ive been on t4 since I found out. And it has almost not got rid of any symtons. :-(

And I said to my doctor how sick it is that they have years of school, a patinent infront of them and they wont help. And patients have to seek support on the internet and other contries who have got further in their ways of treating.

The doc just said "maybe its the internet who is making people sick because others convince them its the wrong treatment that they are on"

Magill69 profile image
Magill69 in reply to T2017

That is an arrogant response from your doctor. If possible, find a doctor who specializes in endocrinology. Many general practitioners only rely on TSH and T4 testing. Good Luck

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Magill69

Its just so cold and wrong. Its hard to switch doc but maybe it is what has to be done. Thanks for your support.

cassie51 profile image

I know how you feel. It's like living half a life. Hope getting all your meds and bits help you x

Mintychristine profile image

Chin up t3 If you plough thru the bad days keep reading here and something will catch your eye and give you a tiny lift I'm as fed up as you! Burning up every couple of hours read about Evening Primrose started taken it been about a week....slight improvement Something will suit you but don't let it pull you down There's some clever people here Honest xx

T2017 profile image

Thanks to everyone for help. Ppl here are really amazing. I still feel like crap but I hope it changes soon.

Ask3 profile image

I'm new to this thyroid stuff but I've had anxiety as long as I can remember. I've had panic attacks since I was a little girl. In June of this last year, under severe emotional and physical stress, I broke. Deep depression and anxiety. But I've pulled back. I now know that it was also from my thyroid. I'm off my thyroid meds because of side effects but I did up my anti-depressants. Many days over the last few months, I've felt hopeless at times. But I've learned that while my body is not under my control, my mind is. My mind is a bully and I have to work hard sometimes to make it behave. Sometimes just when I think the depression and anxiety are leaving, I get a form of OCD called pure-O. I still feel yuck most days. I have a new appreciation for others with chronic illness. I wish I could offer something other than moral support.

Stay in the present as much as possible. When panic hits, go to your senses. What do you see, smell, hear, feel? Stay with your breath. Focus on your breath. This too shall pass. Be kind to your self. Think about the things that you love about yourself.

I'm on my third doctor and he's not much better. I go back in a week. Maybe my labs will be more to his liking, the dufus. I have half a thyroid and I want it to work. Since NDT is not for supplementing a thyroid, I'm sort of stuck. You are important to this world. There is no one else like you. Hang in there.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Ask3

I had anxiety since childhood, it gets worse in periods and sometimes panic attacs that last for hours.

Im really sorry to hear that you also feel crap.

Feel free to wtrite me, maybe we can support eachother if you want..

What do you mean ndt is not supplementing your thyroid?

Whats ocd pure o?

Thanks for support!

Ask3 profile image
Ask3 in reply to T2017

Pure-O is a form of OCD where you get horrible thoughts but no compulsions. The thoughts are like nightmares: usually about sex, religion, violence to one's self or others.

I think NDT will not supplement my thyroid as it is will suppress it. I would like my thyroid to work better on its own. I still have half. I'm trying to get it to work. I'm not sure. It's hard to get a straight answer on that.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Ask3

Ive never heard of pure o.

I heard ppl say well everybody has "a little ocd"

What have you done to help with this?

Ive always had the feeling of being the most evil human on earth, but ppl around me often describe me as the most kind person ever and that I always try to help others. But still I feel like everything I do is wrong and hurt others.

Kitten1978 profile image


Are you taking levothyroxine again? How much are you taking? I agree with NatChap that it may better to wait with ndt until you get your vitamin and iron levels sorted. Ndt contains T3 and taking T3 when iron is very low can cause anxiety.

What iron supplement did you take in the past and why you think it wasn't helping?

Your B12 is also very low. Is it being investigated by your GP?

serum iron ? It should be over 90 μg/dl, ideally close to 100-110 μg/dl

serum ferritin 16. (5-150) Should be at least in the 70-90 ng/ml range

B12 150. (140-730) Should be near the top of the reference range.

folate 4. (6-40) Should be at least in the middle of the reference range.

D3 24. (60-200) Should be 50-70 nh/ml

B12 supplement: amazon.co.uk/Jarrow-Methylc...

You need to increase your B12 before you start taking folate supplement.

Iron: amazon.co.uk/Solgar-Gentle-...

info on supplementing iron: rt3-adrenals.org/iron.html

Iron needs to be taken with vit C: amazon.co.uk/FSC-Vitamin-10...

D3: 10,000 IU for 2-3 months, then retest and reduce the dose: pl.iherb.com/pr/Doctor-s-Be...

D3 has to be taken with vit K2: pl.iherb.com/pr/Healthy-Ori...

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Kitten1978

Im on 100mcg levo (my dose is 125 but since ndt and everything I took a little bit less)

Im not sure what to do next.

hope my doc will give me injections. Thanks for advice.

Why do I need to get my b12 up before folate?

NatChap profile image
NatChap in reply to T2017

Go back to the 125mcg until you get sorted x

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to T2017

As Natchap and Kitten have already written, your B12 is very low and can cause many symptoms, including severe depression and anxiety. Here is a very helpful site with list of B12 def. symptoms and templates for writing to your GP:


Latest BMJ research document on PA/B12def. with useful summary if GP won't read the whole document. A good idea to take someon close for support at your next appointment:


Sending lots of best wishes for better treatment T2017.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Polaris

I had b12 injections before so it seems that I need help with that. So I hope my doc takes it serious.

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to T2017

I hope so too! I'm not sure why injections were stopped as, if you were found to have a problem absorbing B12 (meaning you have PA ), injections should be for life.

Any neurological symptoms should also have been treated every other day until no further improvement, as per BNF guidelines.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Polaris

I fell asleep sitting up at the doctor and thats why they took the test.

They gave me a couple of injections and nothing else. No talk of coming back to check it.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Polaris

They blamed me, eating bad. Eat better and it will be fine. But my diet wasnt that bad. And they didnt even ask about what I ate.

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to T2017

I'm shocked that the surgery have been so negligent in attempting to find the cause of your deficiencies!

Be persistent and polite but don't give up - you deserve much better treatment.

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Polaris

Thank you!

Im going to switch if they dont take action next week.

Kitten1978 profile image
Kitten1978 in reply to T2017

T2017 ,

I agree with NatChap that it would be wise to go back to 125mcg of levothyroxine. I don't have much experience with levo as I cannot use mylself but looking at your TSH, FT3 and FT4 on 125mcg of T4, there might be actually a potential for a small increase in dose, not decrease. Perhaps other HU members, who have more experience with using levo will advise.

Your results from previous post:

TSH: 1,9. (0,3-4,0)

Free t4: 22. (10-22)

Free t3: 3,6. (3,3-6,0)

Folate and B12 work together. Apparently adding folate when your B12 is very low can lower it even further and cause neurological symptoms.

Is your doctor investigating the cause of low B12? It would be good to start supplementing B12 but if you start supplementing and your doc is still investigating it will affect the results.

Having low iron, low B12 and low D3 is making you feel very unwell. Never mind the thyroid hormones.

I was very unwell last year. I'm better now, although still have problems with adrenals. You will get better but it takes time xx

T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Kitten1978

Thank you for support. Im back on 125levo.

I hope the gp will take me serious or I will switch so I can get help.

What did you do to get better?

Kitten1978 profile image
Kitten1978 in reply to T2017

T2017 ,

The answer what makes us better is different for different people.

I don't tolerate T4 at all so I have to be on T3-only.

I also had severe D3 deficiency, much lower than yours. Supplementation really helped.

My B12 was low: I supplemented with the B12 product I gave you the link to. Now, since my B12 level is o.k. I take B complex with B12 and folate: pl.iherb.com/pr/Jarrow-Form...

I'm still working on healing my adrenals - they are my biggest concern at the moment.

My iron levels were very good so I don't know much about iron supplementation. I think that improving your iron, B12 and D3, especially iron, is what you need to focus on first.

If you are really stuck and your GP isn't helpful there is a good yahoo group: rt3-adrenals.org/ The link to the group is in the top right corner. I think they will be able to advise you on how to improve your iron. Are you a vegetarian? Eating liver, e.g. chicken liver is very good for improving your iron levels.

Getting better for us, hypos, is a slow process. It takes time and it can be very frustrating. You will get there. You are already on the right track.

Take care xxx


T2017 profile image
T2017 in reply to Kitten1978

I know, but its always good to hear how ppl move forward. Maybe something can help.

Did you find out why you had low b12?

Thanks for that site, alot of info, I will read more :-)

Im not a vegetarian but I dont eat liver much but I will see if I can get it into my diet. :-)

Its a really slow, I wish the doctors would have helped me as a child, maybe things would be different.

Kitten1978 profile image
Kitten1978 in reply to T2017

I don't know why my B12 was low, but it wasn't as low as yours. Mine was slightly over 300. It could have been genetic as I got my dad tested and he had low B12 as well. I responded very well to B12 supplementation with Jarrow B12 (methyl-cobalamin - the most bioabsorable form of B12). My dad is taking it now as well.

Eating liver is a great way of increasing your iron. Remember to take vit C with it. 15 min before your liver meal. It increases absorption of iron.

You'll get there. It just takes time. Do explore the adrenals website - you will find lots of useful info there.

Take care xxx

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