Hi everyone, does anyone on here go to the gym with there thyroid problem, if so how do you find it?
Gym and thyroid : Hi everyone, does anyone on... - Thyroid UK
Gym and thyroid
Just starting back after a along while off. I am taking it very easy. Once sure I am on the right dose I will do more , but for now , building up walking distances and using those rubber resistance band things you can buy rather than weights so as not to do more than my muscles can handle . good luck.
Thanks for replying? What kind of symptoms did you have in the gym before being diagnosed with thyroid problem? I find it hard to contract muscles, get a pump, always flat afterwards etc
I used to do running and a weights a couple of times a week, flat but plenty of stamina , until I got really bad . I went from running 8 miles as standard , to in about 2 weeks only being able to do about 3 and having to stop and walk to keep going . Third week I couldn't run 100 meters in one go. Then , came on the pain down my neck and into my arms, went to the docs TSH was 49 and that explained everything.
There are other ways to get exercise rather than going to a gym. I help out as a volunteer at the local park where the majority of the employees have been made redundant for cost savings. I was there this morning sweeping the paths. Very enjoyable, speak to the visitors, give treats to the dogs, do work for the benefit of all, paint a few benches and dredge leaves out of the lake.
Why on earth would I want to go to a gym, pay out money to do so, no benefit to anybody, nobody with whom to have a pleasant chat, no dogs to stroke, absolute and pure hell!
Actually I started a lovely gym as part of a medical referral group, that was several years ago. I have to say I never thought I was the type of person who would ever have joined a gym.The people who go are all lovely, concerned for each other and I now consider them to be my friends. When my referral sessions finished I signed up as a member and I've made some really good friends there.
I also go to a very friendly and supportive Pilates class run by a physiotherapist, an art class where I also take an elderly gentleman who needs the company. I also cycle, do the garden and walk long distances so you are correct there are other ways to get exercise but I do enjoy myself at the gym.
I'm afraid I wouldn't even consider volunteering somewhere where the majority of employees (who no doubt really needed their wage ) had been paid off. Same reason I wouldn't volunteer when they cut staff in my local library.
I started going to my local gym as part of a medical referral scheme and was still going along on those days when I developed Graves Disease so everyone knew I was ill and that basically I was just 'ticking over'.
I didn't want to give up because I enjoyed going and I liked the people who went.
I kept going and cut right back with everything, basically I was just ticking over but being able to keep doing something I enjoyed made me feel human.
I also kept giong to my Pilates class for the same reason but my Pilates instructor is a qualified physiotherapist and adapted all of the floor exercises to suit my needs and is generally very careful with all her clients so I never did 'too much'.
I'd say go if it's what you want to do but definitely don't push yourself until you make yourself feel ill, my main reason for going was to see people and feel human again.