Are there any Graves/Hyper patients out there who can relate to how I feel ?
In short, diagnosed with Hyperactive thyroid and Graves 4 years ago. Presented with many symptoms at diagnosis - rapid, thumping heart rate, racing thoughts, extreme weight loss, trembles, heat intolerance, anxiety, palpitations, fatigue, breathlessness, cravings, a strange double vision, drying skin and bad hair !
I was put on Block & Replace, didn't work for various reasons a) left on it for far too long with no changes in doses of Levo or Carbimazole b) Felt that Levo didn't quite agree with me. Endo pushed me towards RAI but refused and am now on Carbimazole Titration and down from 40 mgs daily to 5 mgs daily.
My main concern is that I have little or no strength to do what used to be so easy to do i.e. make a bed, shake the duvet, lift the ironing board or lift my shopping from the trolley into the car, lift my 2 year old grandson onto my knee without feeling winded/breathless !? On some days even taking a shower leaves me exhausted.
On rare occasions I seem to have a burst of energy when I CAN actually manage to do some housework (nothing like I used to do in a day before Graves) and then the following day I'm exhausted again.
Graves has certainly taken its toll and has given me high anxiety for which I have had 2 x 6 weekly CBT sessions one last year and one this year and I have just recently been prescribed medication to help with anxiety.
I lost a lot of weight and muscle prior to diagnosis and haven't yet managed to gain much - I lost 1.5 stone and have only gained around 2 lbs. I was very slim before the weight loss (but strong) so couldn't really afford to lose anymore - I guess a stranger would think I am anorexic (yes I'm that thin) and also look older than I am.
Can any Graves patients relate to any of this at all ? I just want to feel "normal" and don't know why some others feel as though they are back to their normal selves.
Thank you in anticipation