Dry skin and other skins conditions are common in thyroid disorders. I'd imagine a significant number of people here use various creams and similar to help their skin symptoms.
Was somewhat surprised that this issue has popped up today, but it is obviously potentially concerning.
Specific products mentioned are E45 and Cetraben but you'll obviously have to read the labelling to find out which whether the products you use (whatever make or brand) contain paraffin.
Skin creams containing paraffin linked to fire deaths
By Adrian Goldberg & Ben Robinson 5 live Investigates
Skin creams containing paraffin have been linked to dozens of fire deaths across England, the BBC has learned.
The products for conditions like eczema and psoriasis can leave people at risk of setting themselves ablaze.
If people use the creams regularly but do not often change clothes or bedding, paraffin residue can soak into the fabric, making it flammable.
The medicines regulator has updated its guidance and says all creams containing paraffin should carry a warning.
Despite warnings going back more than 10 years, BBC Radio 5 live Investigates has discovered there have been 37 deaths in England since 2010 linked to the creams.
Rest of BBC report here:
MHRA 2016 link (though from the main story, it appears that they are changing this advice):
[ Added: Be wary of making any assumptions that non-paraffin waxes and oils are entirely safe. Maybe we'll see some sort of ranking? Maybe paraffin will be at the top? But seems likely that these other substances will at best be less dangerous rather than without any potential danger. ]