Big pinch of salt needed here!
Lowered Risk For Thyroid Cancer Linked To Chamomile Tea Consumption: Greek Study
By Wendy Lemeric on April 22 2015 8:30 PM
A Greek study has linked chamomile tea consumption to a lowered risk for developing thyroid cancer. The study found Athens residents who drank chamomile tea were less likely to develop the disease.
In a study involving 113 patients with thyroid cancers, researchers examined the dietary habits of these patients between 1990 and 1993 and made a comparison with 138 people who don’t have the cancer and 286 people who had a benign case of thyroid disease. Researchers also asked these patients about their diet, medical history, lifestyle and consumption of beverages like alcohol, coffee and tea.
The team then drew out an estimation of the odds of getting thyroid cancer based on how much a patient consumes tea. They also projected results of drinking tea daily and weekly and tried to study whether or not there is a difference if tea consumption continues on for years.
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I wish I liked chamomile tea more - but more than one mouthful is never very appealing.