Despite my GP's scepticism, I have managed to persuade her to give me a referral to an endocrinologist because I have so many symptoms of hypothyroidism, although my TSH test came back mid-range. I am not sure how the endocrinologist will be towards me as I don't know what my GP has written (she thinks further tests are pointless) but I am so unwell now I feel I have to make a stand! What further tests should I ask to be done?
what tests for hypothyroid should I ask for? - Thyroid UK
what tests for hypothyroid should I ask for?

Yorks_Lass You should ask for
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Vit D
And you could also take a list of signs and symptoms from Thyroid UK and tick off all those that apply
If there are any questions about who Thyroid UK are, tell the endo that Thyroid UK is NHS Choices recommended source of information for thyroid disorders.
Hi Seaside Susie and Marz, I've just managed to see an endocrinologist today! He was so good that I almost danced with joy when I left the hospital - this despite a somewhat unsupportive letter from my GP he received (I explained to him I'd had to really push for the referral because she thought my symptoms were simply low vit D). I mentioned the tests you suggested but he was already on it! Getting the full thyroid panel plus several others; even a referral to a sleep clinic because he thinks I may have sleep apnoea!
No idea what the outcome will be, but I've been trying for years to get help, so just want to say to anyone else, keep pushing because it is your right! What made me feel hopeful also is that this doctor understands how difficult it is for people to be taken seriously when they have a lot of varied symptoms, and that a basic thyroid function test is just not enough.
Wow sounds like a result 😊 I have read there is a connection between sleep apnoea and thyroid ....
Your experience will give others hope.
Sounds good Yorks_Lass hopefully you'll get somewhere. Ask for the results of the tests, post them on the forum with their reference ranges. Chances are if any are in range they'll be 'fine' as far as the endo is concerned, but that's not necessarily optimal.
PS - you might want to pass on this endo's name to and tell her what you think of him. She may want to add him to the 'thyroid friendly endo list'.
You may have a long wait to see an NHS Endo - and you could also be disappointed when you do. Many are.
Are you able to have the tests mentioned by SeasideSusie done privately ? Details on the main website of Thyroid UK .... Medichecks currently have offers.
You can then return here with your results and many will be happy to share their knowledge and experiences .... It could save you hassle and frustration.
Thanks very much Marz: This is what I have just written to Seaside Susie in case you don't see it.
I've just managed to see an endocrinologist today! He was so good that I almost danced with joy when I left the hospital - this despite a somewhat unsupportive letter from my GP he received (I explained to him I'd had to really push for the referral because she thought my symptoms were simply low vit D). I mentioned the tests you suggested but he was already on it! Getting the full thyroid panel plus several others; even a referral to a sleep clinic because he thinks I may have sleep apnoea!
No idea what the outcome will be, but I've been trying for years to get help, so just want to say to anyone else, keep pushing because it is your right! What made me feel hopeful also is that this doctor understands how difficult it is for people to be taken seriously when they have a lot of varied symptoms, and that a basic thyroid function test is just not enough.