Hi all, I've just found this website and hope someone can help me understand reading my results better. I'm undiagnosed and not on any medication. I asked for a print out of my results and have an appointment for this Wednesday with Doctor. I'm feeling absolutely exhausted all the time, should I be concerned with these results?
Should I be concerned with these results? - Thyroid UK
Should I be concerned with these results?
It looks as if your Thyroid is struggling. Your TSH is almost at the top of the range (and high suggests underactive thyroid) and your Free T4 is right at the bottom of the range, ie you aren't producing . There is another broader range of tests that can be done, but quite honestly, given your symptoms there isn't really any need at this stage to ask for more.
Unfortunately doctors sometimes take 'within range' as 'fine' even though clearly you aren't because you have these symptoms. And truth be told, although some people with your readings will still feel fine, those figures are the sort that show that almost certainly before long you will be out of range.
Be VERY insistent that you cannot go on like this. The most likely concession you will get is an agreement to test again in three months or so. If this is all that is offered make sure your next test is taken first thing in the morning, when TSH is at its highest in the day. And despite the fact doctors don't seem to think there is any difference, you should fast until your test.
Your doctor may just agree to a trial of medication to see how you go. If they won't then you need a referral to an endocrinologist. Don't let them fob you off with anti-depressants! You are fatigued, not depressed. The same goes for a diagnosis of CFS - which is just a cop-out and not acceptable when your thyroid readings are so bad.
tilley76 They're not good but not likely to get you a diagnosis. You have a very high in range TSH and a very low in range FT4. You would very likely get a diagnosis of hypothyroidism in another country where the TSH reference range has a lower top value. However, have you been tested previously and is your TSH climbing?
Was your blood drawn at the very earliest appointment of the morning? Did you fast overnight (water only)? Those would give the highest possible TSH which is what is needed for diagnosis.
You could take along a list of hypothyroid signs and symptoms - print off this from ThyroidUK's main website and tick off all those that apply thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_... then along with your high TSH and low FT4 you can make your case with your GP.
Also see thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/diagno...
Also, ask for thyroid antibodies to be tested, along with
Vit D
I am also in the same boat as you an undiagnosed but feeling fatigue along with a whole host of other symptoms. My first blood test was TSH 5.9 and T4 12.8. So the T4 was at the bottom of the range like yours and TSH over.
I just wanted to let you know that my doctor was completly disinterested and said there was no issue (I have since changed gps) but I wanted to warn you ahead of your appointment so you are prepared and plan what you will say. Many people seem to have stories of being dismissed if their scores are in range. Annoyingly I got a bit emotional in my appointment when telling her how much these symptoms are affecting me and she said it may be a psychological (!) or they could investigate chronic fatigue syndrome. From what I've read on the forum that seems like a standard response.
I am going to the next appointment with a checklist of all my symptoms and evidence I have from other consultants I've seen (it may be a whole file) and I would urge you to do the same. You may have a more understanding doctor but just in case!...
Lots of people on here recommend using Blue Horizon to pay for your own blood test which I did. When done first thing my TSH when up to 8.48. If you don't get anywhere with your doctor it might be worth considering.
Good luck!
Thank you 👍
Considering that in other countries, if TSH reaches 3+ they are prescribed. In the UK the BTA's insistence that TSH has to reach 10 before getting a prescription. I know they have updated their site but believe you now have to 'join' whereas before it was an open website.
Thank you 👍
Why was your fee T3 not measured? That's your active thyroid hormone, the most critical piece of info on that test.
Also need to find out:
Reverse T3
Thyroid antibodies (TPO, antithyro globulin)
Together, these will tell you if you're iffy, or if you have a more serious problem. Good to know iodine and selenium status, too.
They don't test T3 on the NHS unless a doctor asks, normally a minimum of twice, for it to be tested. For some reason they have decided TSH and FT4 is enough to make a diagnosis on.
It was listed on the lab slip...
The NHS doesn't test it because they don't want to find out someone needs T3 and they'd have to prescribe it, which they don't want to do because they have a lousy contract with a profiteering pharmaceutical company who jacked the price up to 20x what it costs in every other first world country.
In this case, ignorance is not bliss...getting correct info is how you get well.
I'm in the US, where I have to pay for my lab tests and pay for my prescriptions. My T3 is $25 for a 90 day supply, from one of several manufacturers.
First, get the lab work you need, from Blue Horizon, etc.
Then, organize and go after your MPs to fire the idiot bureaucrat who botched the T3 contract, and get a decent contract for cheap T3. Then your NHS can return to competently doing thyroid labs and treating thyroid properly.
You can't get privately tested and get accurate info to manage your health?
That's not what I see from the other empowered patients on this site. Where there's a will, there's a way.
The dangers of untreated/undertreated thyroid are many... worth getting out of one's comfort zone.
Best wishes...
Hi all, thanks so much for taking the time to reply. So, I went back to my Doctor today armed with the checklist of symptoms and she has agreed to have my thyroid antibodies checked tomorrow. My appointment is at 11am, should I fast beforehand? Can anyone tell me what I should be looking for with the results? Thanks again 😀