An Intimate Relationship between Thyroid Hormon... - Thyroid UK

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An Intimate Relationship between Thyroid Hormone and Skin: Regulation of Gene Expression

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK
25 Replies

Not new - from 21013.

The title says it all, really. Full paper readily available from link at end.

One thing that seems to leap out is the vital importance of in-cell conversion.

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2013; 4: 104.

Published online 2013 Aug 22. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2013.00104

PMCID: PMC3749490

An Intimate Relationship between Thyroid Hormone and Skin: Regulation of Gene Expression

Dario Antonini,1 Annarita Sibilio,2 Monica Dentice,2 and Caterina Missero1,3,*

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Skin is the largest organ of the human body and plays a key role in protecting the individual from external insults. The barrier function of the skin is performed primarily by the epidermis, a self-renewing stratified squamous epithelium composed of cells that undergo a well-characterized and finely tuned process of terminal differentiation. By binding to their receptors thyroid hormones (TH) regulate epidermal cell proliferation, differentiation, and homeostasis. Thyroid dysfunction has multiple classical manifestations at skin level. Several TH-responsive genes, as well as genes critical for TH metabolism and action, are expressed at epidermal level. The role of TH in skin is still controversial, although it is generally recognized that TH signaling is central for skin physiology and homeostasis. Here we review the data on the epidermis and its function in relation to TH metabolism and regulation of gene expression. An understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of TH action in epidermal cells may lead to the identification of putative therapeutical targets for treatment of skin disorders.

Keywords: thyroid hormones, skin, deiodinase, regulation of gene expression, epidermal development

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helvella profile image
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25 Replies
fibrolinda profile image

Saved to read properly when less foggy, thanks helvella :)

BadHare profile image

There is a sonic hedgehog pathway!?! :D

suecom profile image
suecom in reply to BadHare

Yes, 🐒 I've just read to that bit and started laughing...and scrolling down to see if anyone had commented, can t concentrate now ....another proper read tomorrow I think !

Rapunzel profile image

Just another day in thyroid paradise; my skin was lovely before Hashi's. Now my face looks like it's been artex'd and the plaster's falling off if I don't slather face cream every blessed night

Teeny blisters on my hands when I was first diagnosed, soo painful. Little dry patches in random places that never go away, to this day.

Don't want to think about the doubtless additional effects, had I stayed on levo...

Thanks x

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Rapunzel

You would never know from looking at your pic ! :-) x

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to Marz

Ah, that's my 'before' portrait Marz :D

I couldn't show you an 'after' as the artist ran away screaming LMAO xx

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Rapunzel

You got Edvard Munch to do it?

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to helvella

No - he made a smashing portrait of the artist, running across the Dartford bridge, tho :D

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Rapunzel


I have found Cetraban really good for my flaky pie crust skin and everything else I tried added a few fetching boils to the mix 😬 I even put it in my bath, it has sorted out the shin skin - was like peeling bark on an ornamental birch tree. It is worth a try - if doc prescribes it that would save you a few bob if you are in uk and have medical exemption card

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to TSH110

Thanks for taking the time and sharing. We have two silver birches in the garden so I know exactly what you mean...what a bummer ! I'll get some Cetraben next time I'm in town and give it a whirl; Won't be pleading with my GP despite my exemption card. The less I see of him the better :)

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Rapunzel


You should brazen him out and ask for it at £12 a big bottle (I use c 4 or more a year) It soon adds up, and it is a therapeutic treatment we need due to the direct consequences of hypothyroidism ruining our skin we should get it on prescription. I don't see why I should have a peeling face all the time if this gunk can stop it. I didn't ask for this nightmare condition that has finished off a few family members.

Could you submit a written request for a prescription saying why you want it and mention a friend who has hypothyrodism has a GP who recommended it to her and prescribes it for her (this is true the GP suggested it to me) to great result and see if they just provide one it is hardly a hazardous substance if you can buy it over the counter and really does not need a consultation. You do not need to mention it can be got over the counter of course.

Rapunzel profile image
Rapunzel in reply to TSH110

Ah me.

My GP is a tool of the highest order. If I ask for anything, he will have me in his consulting room, curl his lip at my clear weight problem, ask me to get on the scales to which my reply is No thank you, I weigh x kilos and then take my blood pressure. He is a perfect sh*t, I have moved once already and will stay with this buffoon to p*ss him orf.

That's just the kind of warped b*tch I am and I can live with it. Thankful to be able to lay down my own money, of course - I hear you but with my dunderhead GP, who must be near retirement age ( my big hope ) I may as well talk to the invisible hand in front of his face. One fine day, you misogynist simpleton... :X

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Rapunzel


Blimey makes mine look like a saint but I still avoid the surgery like the plague!! You should swap to someone else good for you to refuse the weigh in - darn cheek!

Furface profile image
Furface in reply to Rapunzel

Seems like this is the experience of many of our Drs now. They always want to take blood pressure, can't help wondering if they get paid for doing it or if they are looking for the perfect excuse to put everyone on blood pressure pills. I would rather get to the bottom of why blood pressure is high or low personally but hey, that doesn't seem to happen eh. We are on our own if we want answers and solutions for sure.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to Furface

statins that’s deffo why

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to TSH110

The recommended emollient in these cost-cutting times is now Epimax, which is quite a bit cheaper. My GP said that my usual Diprobase was no longer prescribable, so I plucked the name of another product out of the air, but found it unsuitable. I later phoned the surgery's prescriptions office and was told they usually prescribe Zerobase, which is in the same price range as Diprobase!

As for hazardous: best to keep away from open fires and naked flames.

Once you're greased up and looking like a Channel swimmer, there's also the problem of ruined bedding and clothes :-(

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to SmallBlueThing


The cetraban vanishes right into my skin in a nano second and leaves no greasy residue nor does it cause any ruination of clothes, bedding etc. It sounds much better than your stuff (a synthetic version of goose grease? Also sounds like you need the brown paper with it my dad told me about from when he was a boy!) give It a whirl it goes a long way if you are not like Cleopatra here, lobbing it in the bath 🛀🏽 like asses milk 😂😂😂

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to TSH110

The Channel swimmer bit was an exaggeration (more appropriate to the ointment version), but over time it does stain clothes and bedding. I've just read a discussion about toddlers with eczema leaving greasy marks on carpets, walls and windows.

Cetraben contains white soft paraffin 13.2%, light liquid paraffin 10.5%; while Diprobase has white soft paraffin 15% and liquid paraffin 6% so I suppose the liquid paraffin makes Cetraben more easily absorbed, while Diprobase is formulated to remain on the surface of the skin for longer.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to SmallBlueThing

I certainly get no skin reactionsfrom it like other stuff I have tried but not the two you mention.Odd that these minerals should work so well

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to TSH110

Yes, I've read patients expressing extreme caution about using emollients, as their oils aren't "natural" but, along with many others, I'm forbidden from using products containing lanolin, which is.

TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to SmallBlueThing

my doc said the reason why they are tolerated is exactly because they have no organic things in them, natural products are far more likely to cause reactions .

Ellie-Louise profile image

21013 - Time travelled over night and it's STILL winter! Lol 😉

DippyDame profile image

I can't comment much about skin, mine has been ok, but my finger nails (strangely, only on my right hand) were separating from their nail beds, flaking and generally disintegrating....vile!

Skin and nails ....the protein keratin!

GP had no answers....nothing new there!

After almost 18 months on T3- only they are very slowly recovering - one now normal, two almost and one a bit to go. The thumb is still at the separating stage!

I'm convinced T3 is the key

I'm Dio2/homozygous and have I guess my cellular level T3 had reached rock bottom and the reason I could barely function.....and have disgusting nails!

I showed my nails to the endo I saw briefly, told him about improvement on (self medicating) T3....he grunted and said "interesting". I think he considered me as mad as a box of frogs and about to drop dead because I wasn't interested in his advice that T4 was the way forward.

Sorry I'm ranting again.....but I'm seeing an ever increasing flood of posts from patients who are being neglected, dismissed and patronised by these "specialists".....

time they listened to the experiences of the "specialists" here!

Thank you


TSH110 profile image
TSH110 in reply to DippyDame

rant on!! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to TSH110

3 years later....and I'm still ranting ( mainly) about T3!!

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