I have hashimoto's on T3 only.
I have been through all the endos in Cornwall, the last insisted I add T4 to my prescription, I managed to fight her off for a year then got called into gp. to "discuss" the matter. Having tried once to oblige and known the consequences, I was reluctant to gps "just give it a go." but did agree to try again. My blood pressure went sky high and I almost fell in the shower due to vertigo. Gp. is baffled by my symptoms and has referred my To Devon for a second opinion.
I had an appointment for Feb 7 and had bloods done ready for the new endo. only to have the appointment changed to the end of March.
Today I had reflexology as I do one a month. Adrenals are suffering, heart pounding and hot when she touched that area on my left foot.
I have made an appointment with my gp for later in the week (about an other matter.) Should I mention adrenal problem, remembering my "condition" baffles him or wait until I see the endo.
Why is this happening? do I need to add the dreaded T4?
Bloods at 26/1/17
T4. 0.3
TSH 0.028
They didn't test T3 ??
Thanks for listening.