I've just been diagnosed by a private holistic doctor (after GPs wouldn't listen) with Type 2 Hypothyroidism (or ISTH - Impaired Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone).
I have a long list of symptoms but there's one that remains a mystery: The skin on my face, previously totally normal has become ultra sensitive in the last year. There are almost no face creams, washes or foundations on the market that I can put on my skin (I've tested around 150 products!). Almost all products (ones with 100% natural ingredients as well as conventional products) produce a burning sensation on the skin on my face and, where my pores are largest, (either side of my nose) becomes red and inflamed. Always the same style of reaction; it always looks the same regardless of the product.
Sounds trivial, but it would be nice to be able to choose make-up that looks nice and not just wear the only stuff I can find that I don't react to! I'm sure there's women here who can relate to wanting to look nice!
Anyone else had this problem and did it get better with treatment?
Many thanks.