Itchy skin in neck area - thyroid?: Hi I have... - Thyroid UK

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Itchy skin in neck area - thyroid?

19 Replies

Hi I have hypothyroidism/Hashi's (newly diagnosed in May) and over the past few days the skin at the front of my neck, seemingly over my thyroid's right lobe, has been very itchy. There's no redness and I don't wear any necklaces, scarves or jewellery that would come into contact with that area. Also I've been using shower gels and shampoos that are for sensitive skin and are hypo-allergenic so I don't know what more to rule out.

Is this typical of hypo/Hashi's?

Thanks xx

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19 Replies
spring13 profile image

No, probably a coincidence

Bogie profile image
Bogie in reply to spring13

I have hashimoto as well and automune disease thyroid and I get an itchy throat and neck all the time ) worst is the exhaustion !

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Bogie

Welcome to the forum, Bogie.

The original poster has left the forum so you won't get a reply. If you want advice please Write a post and include your recent thyroid results and ranges (the figures in brackets after results) and members will advise whether you are optimally medicated and how you might improve symptoms.

Jackie profile image

Hi probably a coincidence or you are more alert to your body. However, to be sure, I would ask for an ultra scan, useful any way with hashi.

Best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, thanks for your answer.

I had an ultrasound done last year when Hashi's/thyroid disease was first suspected and the radiologist at the time casually said the thyroid gland itself looked bulky. She sent the report back to my GP (who I've since left) saying it was normal. Can I ask for a repeat test/second opinion or have I got to really "push" for it second time round?


Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi Yes you can always do that. I would, anyway ask for another scan, show the new GP the report. It could have changed in a year. If that is totally OK , then find a good Endo, do your own research, NHS or privately and ask for a referral, ie not GP`s choice but yours. If you feel something is wrong, follow your feelings.If it is OK well fine, at least you know.It maybe worth having a blood test for the pituitary gland too, that must be AM and done together, vit D, calcium and PTH, if 2 high over range and D high for you Then you also need a nuclear scan of the PTH and CT, only done at a large hospital with a nuclear dept. Very simple, non invasive etc.I would first having the ultra sound and see what it shows.

Best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, thanks for your answer.

I see the GP today about problems with my period. I've been developing fizzy feelings in my leg and foot so when I go on to say I'm taking thyroxine and I'm still experiencing a whole range of problems I'll see what they say. With regards to the pituitary I had an MRI done at the same time which showed the pituitary as normal.

With my previous GP I enquired about about a nuclear scan but they told me that they didn't let patients with borderline blood test results to have that done. Not sure why, but now my new GP has said I've got clear-cut hypoT surely they'd look at other options. If not yes, I could ask for a referral but I don't want to push them around.

Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi Jo, The thing that springs to mine is that "Borderline" can easily become out of range. In an ideal situation borderline tests should always be repeated , say, annually. If Calcium is above range, more likely that you have a problem.You certainly , in my opinion , need a repeat Ultra sound. Are you sure you are not diabetic,? The foot problems may be that, mine started like that, having been borderline for years, with regular tests, then suddenly terrible and "they " tried to send me into hospital.With autoimmune thyroid disease it is important to have B12 + Foliates ( need to be high in range,) ferritin , well in range, vit D, corrected calcium if low,before a script, and Diabetes, Caeliac disease too is quite common but the blood test not definitive for that. If you are seeing a good Endo, they automatically test for those. Try and get the treatment right with the GP ,but if you feel the need , do ask for a referral , after careful research like everyone they vary and I would never rely on my GP to chose one! Let me know how you get on. You can always send me a PM, click on my name.

Best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, thanks for your response.

So far as I know I'm not diabetic. A urine test ruled out "ketones" in the dipstick test and my plasma glucose came back at 4.6. Diabetes does run in the family history. My mum, grandmother and uncle have it but they had it much later on down the line so I guess I'll always have a risk of developing it at some stage.

I spoke to the GP yesterday about problems with my leg (tingling, pins and needles) and he said that he's not very sure about what could be causing it although it could be down to me sitting cross-legged - although that doesn't seem to make much difference as it happened when I had my legs on the sofa at one point! I actually found out exactly how low my iron levels were and they're down quite a lot at 15 when they should be around 30. I'm thinking about seeing an Endo through the NHS but is that quite hard to do? I feel like I'm hitting a brick wall with these GPs like I did with my previous ones.


Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi Jo, Glucose fine but for the future have a Hb1ac test, better, or even both Annually good idea with history.iron/ferritin not bad but would be safe to take some. Gp`s normally only treat below 10, then after retests. Spatone best, Endo`s prefer it too, sachet, Amazon or dearer Holland and Barratt Is your B12 + foliates high in range? Important. When I had tingling etc in feet especially, no ne of my top consultants knew what it was and I forgot to ask Endo. Turned out very severe diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy. Endo a good idea and if good they do all the important tests. However, pick your own, in theory even NHS any where. You have to do careful research, WEB etc and even phone secs and ask what treatment they like etc etc only then ask GP for a referral.

Best wishes,


in reply to Jackie

Hi Jackie, thanks for getting back to me.

GP has put me onto iron tablets but I don't like taking them. They taste disgusting as if you're eating a bowl full of pennies!

Not sure about B12 or foliates as they didn't test for those.

When I next go to the GP do I just ask to be tested for B12, foliates and Hb1ac? I don't want to walk in and ask for things that a patient wouldn't ask for! I guess I don't want to sound like I'm doing their job for them!

When you mentioned it turned out that you had Peripheral Neuropathy I do actually suffer from Raynaud's Syndrome, very badly lately despite it being still quite warm. I was feeling cold when I went out one evening and I saw people walking around with shorts on but I was frozen!! On some occasions my toes have gone white/numb and the Raynaud's got quite bad last year, so much so that my toes went red, swollen and hard. It was only when I went away to Tenerife at the start of this year that a couple of days in the sun helped it go away.


Best wishes

Jo xxx

Jackie profile image
Jackie in reply to

Hi The GP can prescribe Spatone, dearer, say the iron "upsets "your tummy, common! B12 and Foliates common test and could cause some of your problems, especially as hormonal , so strong relationship to thyroid. Also vit D is hormonal Yes I have Raynaulds, Sjogrens and lots of other things!I cannot take drugs for them but do have anaethetic patches when I can get them from the GP, very expensive, to put on the feet, marvellous.Funny about the cold, I always thought, my heart failure, v. bad, thyroid, kidney disease, Raynaulds etc as all cause extreme cold but actually the Diabetes is much worse. Always know when mine is very bad because so cold, my tests always confirm it. Your Glucose is good so I would leave the Hb1ac test until a year from that. Then ask fro it because of familyHave you had a FBC ( blood count done)? That would show infection markers which may be useful. However, I still think the scan the most important

Best wishes,


EffieW11 profile image

Hi Jo,

I'm not informed enough to tell you about any associations between itchy skin and thyroid issues, but I get an itchy neck when my allergies flare up. Always the neck and chin area, it's very odd. Do you have a dust allergy, or live in a rural area? Often hayfever, pet allergies and dust raised by harvesting/moving things around in the house can cause these oddly localised symptoms. This has certainly been the case for me. You'd expect allergic reactions to cause a more widespread response on your skin, but from my experience a dog or a dust mite has always made my neck itch - and only my neck.

I hope you work out what's really causing your itchy skin and feel better soon!

Best wishes,


in reply to EffieW11

Hi Steph, thanks for your answer.

I don't seem to have many allergies. The only one I know that I have got is nickel but I had a strange reaction going back a few years when I stayed at a rural place outside of Bristol where I drank unpasteurised cow's milk and within a few hours my face came out in bumps. Is that an allergy? I'm fine with cow's milk in general but that was always something that confused me.

I can be hypersensitive to artificial fabrics like polyester but even when I do switch to just cotton I can get itchy. I try and limit the itchiness in other areas when I can such as using paraben free shampoos, shower gels for sensitive skin and so on but I get itches in places where nothing is touching me.

Also our flat is prone to damp and we're getting the damp issue sorted. I'm wondering if damp might have something to do with it.The itching hasn't been too bad, in fact it's gone away for now, but it can occur on my arms with nothing touching them -mainly my right one. Very strange!

Thanks and best wishes

Jo xxx

freespirit44 profile image

Hello - I have hypothyroidism and ever since I have had it I have had an itching neck. There was a period of time when it ceased when I started taking iodine. My neck itches only in the front and from the thyroid area up to the chin area. I don't have a rash and nothing is visibly red even after I scratch it. I have always thought my thyroid issues caused this. I read on Dr. Rind's website about it. I hope this helps because it is a strange symptom that no doctor has acknowledged as being connected to thyroid.

JayTon profile image

Thought you may like to see this, I am having same symptoms and googled it, your question came up and this. I have just been diagnosed and waiting to see an endo

marie5111 profile image

I also have the same itching neck.....driving me crazy! I have thyroid nodules.....have had all the tests, including the biopsy and it was "inconclusive" removal of the thyroid has been recommended and is scheduled next month. The itching just started about a month ago.....could it have to do with the nuclear tests?

If anyone has info on what to expect after removal.....I would like to hear about it.....thanks

HaileyMichelle profile image

My husband had an area on his chin that itched continuously and several creams he tried did nothing. So I searched online and found foderma serum. It has worked for him....his skin no longer itches. If you don't have severe allergies, I would say "Give it a try"! this company has been wonderful to work with.

Clutter profile image

I am closing this thread to replies as Jo has left the forum.

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