This link was posted yesterday by Jazzw and I think it deserves a post of its own on the importance of vitamin/mineral deficiencies and signs in our bodies.
when vitamin and nutritional deficiencies cause... - Thyroid UK
when vitamin and nutritional deficiencies cause skin and nail changes

Hi shaws, I cannot retrieve the video and I wondered if you could summarise? I have skin rashes and feel sure I am vitamin deficient. I will access blue horizon for blood test but currently I am avidly researching around the topic of thyroid. I am also committed to out patient appointments concerning sjogrens syndrome (diagnosed last year). Additionally, I am due to visit a consultant with regard to being diagnosed gastric hernia 25 yr ago (- last year told had no hernia, this year told my notes have been lost - ). I plucked up courage to ask for a letter confirming have or have not got hernia after gaining confidence through this site! Apparently, consultant who diagnosed hernia then told me I do not one has now left NHS. New consultant was reluctant to get involved but my persistence has paid off and I will be examined again. Personally, I believe my ill health (18 months), is to do with hypothyroidism, my GP doesn't listen refused request endocrinologist I have never seen one in 27 yrs diagnosed. I managed well previously but since I was ill skin rashes and lots more my dermatologist persuaded me to get prescription checked. GP since reduced levothroxine from 125mcg to 75mcg. Has never sent for other than tsh I did manage to get her to test vit d. Result 49 very very reluctantly she prescribed vit d meds. I appreciate all the knowledge I am getting here. Think my doctor prefer me to be compliant. Lol.
I was able to open it so maybe it was our firewall or something.
For your levo to be reduced from 125mcg to 75 sound very drastic. I think you should deserve to get a private blood test from one of the recommended labs. At least then you know it will be thorough then the members will advise and try their best to get you on a good road to a healthy life. Sometimes what we think is the problem doesn't turn out to be so. In my own case, I had never known anyone with hypothyroidism and by the time I was, finally, diagnosed after being told I had this or that and given an op completely unnecessary as it was to remove something I never had in the first place. They still got paid as I was covered at that time privately. With another consultant who diagnosed, again, something I didn't have which medication made me feel much worse and I didn't need it whatsoever.
Thanks to TUK before the forum, I was helped and finally got well.
So, the hard way, I found out that doctors didn't know all, even though thyroid gland dysfunctions are very common - not rare in anyway which you might accept.
I shall copy and paste the info in a message to you,
I think you should start at very the basic, a private blood test. Get all your Vitamins/minerals checked you GP should do this and I'm not good with blood tests so others who are will respond.
The reason your GP hasn't referred you is that hypo is supposed to be easy to diagnose and treat so an Endocrinologist is a last resort - we, the patients, certainly know that's untrue unless you are fortunate that levothyroxine suits and doctor is a bit knowledgeable.
Thank you shaws I am on the road of regaining control of my health and treatment if and when necessary.
This site is giving me back the confidence I once took for granted. That of my own intuition and belief that I must be involved in decisions regarding my health.
After 18 months of frightening experiences within the NHS I rely on me and this site in challenging GP who follows a treatment regime of 'one treatment practice fits all' approach.
The NHS may borrow from the Sainsbury business model. But, patients are not tins of beans!!! We will not continue to be 'stacked high', getting lowest price (meds), without fighting to be heard and have our personal experience recognised.
Enough is enough!! Come on doctors, give patients a chance!!! Remember the oath - firstly, do no harm.....
I applaud your comments. You're right and I liked your:
But, patients are not tins of beans!!! We will not continue to be 'stacked high', getting lowest price (meds), without fighting to be heard and have our personal experience recognised.
I think they no longer take an oath but can you imagine if all illnesses were treated in the manner they are for thyroid. If you are fortunate to be diagnosed. I was tooing and froing here there and everywhere for several years and given many diagnosis and eventually was discharged from the A&E after an overnight stay (having gone there straight from the airport and so very unwell) and discharged next afternoon with 'probably viral with high cholesterol' . One week later I got my own blood test at 8 a.m. and GP phoned about 9.30 a.m. to say come immediately for a prescripition you have hypo and 'who requested your blood test form' I did I replied - obviously there was no record of a consultation. TSH 100.
Oh my goodness shawls, I bet you were very unwell tsh 100! Well done sorting it for you. We must continue fighting the good fight...
webar4780 if you can (or I'd insist) get your thyroid antibodies checked. You really need to know if you haveHashimotos or not. Tell your Dr that you will hold them responsible if it turns out you have an auto immune disease rather than just being hypothyroid(which is bad enough).
There's a whole lot of things you should/should not be doing if it's Hashis.
While your at it Vit D should be checked again to see if you're absorbing the medication they have you on, B12, feretin, Folate
I doubt they test T3, RT3, RT4 but they should!!
Bluehorizonmedicals have a thyroid plus 10 test for £79 which is a diy pinprick test. The one withvit D addedyou needbloods taken which my surgery won't do...
Anyway your surgery should retest your vit D as they are supplementing you.
Thank you shaws and katepots. My health is really low again. I had sinusitis for a week. Took Sudafed.
Typically, it had to be a Saturday (!), that I woke feeling unable to breathe. Every time I tried to inhale/exhale I had bad pain and wheezing beyond belief. I do not suffer respiratory problems normally. My temperature had been spiking through the night. I knew I now needed antibiotics. Husband phoned 111 (he can't deal with ill health so passed phone to me). I explained my need. Because I was also diagnosed, last year, with sjogrens, and obviously, she was aware struggling to talk and breathe, a paramedic was sent. Assessment revealed I have chest infection and required antibiotics, this I knew, I was told await a phone call from a Dr. Dr phoned an hour later made me appointment to attend out of hours Dr that evening. It took all day struggling, I finally got antibiotics and went to bed for few days.
Wheezing huge problem and so much mucus! By Tuesday morning, I woke 02.00am racing pulse BP 230/111 heart rate 108. I tried sit calmly for 20 minutes no let up obs the same. My husband reluctantly took me to A/E. Despite receptionist not listening or observing how ill I felt, (I went back to car to do own obs as she told me no one available to do them whilst I was waiting; I asked could I just get my obs checked or do myself as still racing heart), I was treated compassionately by Dr and a nurse in A/E. I explained I wanted to be reviewed in case I needed a different antibiotic and my obs were off the scale.
6 hrs later I was able to go home. Dr discussed he was happy keep me on amoxicillin after bloods came back and told me I definitely did the right thing getting checked out. He would write GP for review. BP 187/? Temp 37.2 no mention of heart rate when I asked nurse prior to leaving. But I knew my obs had settled, by the way I felt.
Since Tuesday, I feel very unwell, continue antibiotics. Mucous excessive (very odd experience for otherwise dry sjogrens patient!). Worse of all is wheezing/gurgling feels up from stomach to throat, coughing, especially at night. Today, I awoke very low in mood. But thinking 2more days of antibiotics, surely I will improve soon?
Eating a little toast, hospital phoned, need to let you know foods A/E showing low neutrophils... going to send you another blood form. Oh dear you sound unwell!!! I explain what happened over last couple days..... okay get your bloods done next week or week after when feeling better.... why didn't you phone us? Really!!! Told her I need see rheumatologist before my app in June. Okay love, I put form in post.
Anyone any idea what has caused all this now? I am missing my life. My husband is so annoyed with me being ill. Many days he threatens to leave. Today he is having the house valued. He said we got no support. I told him I'm not well can he please just support me with medical profession? He told me to go to bed.
Apologies to anyone who takes the time and trouble to read this. I am unwell, isolated and fear I'm heading for depression. I have requested a GP consultation over the phone tomorrow. I fear I will be told to take antidepressants. They are not for me. I want to know why I am ill and help myself on the correct medication for physical symptoms.
Sorry. And thank you. Health unlocked is a lifeline when ill and isolated.
I am so sorry that you are feeling really unwell: more than unwell really in that you are lacking the support we normally expect from relatives. Sometimes I think that our family are afraid in some way and they cannot cope with illness, especially if you've gone a long time being unwell before you are diagnosed.
I think you need to get your thyroid hormones checked. The appointment should be the earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water) and leave about 24 hours between your last dose of thyroxine and the blood test. You are looking to have a TSH 1 or lower and FT3 and FT4 towards the top of the range.
Sometimes when we are coping with one illness we don't want another appearing as well. If already feeling awful it's a bit too much to bear but we struggle on. What I would suggest, first, is that you open a new post as this wont be seen by others as it started six days ago. You will then get more responses and some might have had similar problems you are having at present. I will also respond if/when I find some info which might help.
Copy and paste the above into a new post.
Thank you Shaws. I am not computer literate so can't cut and paste. I will ask my son if he can do that over the weekend. He is a lovely young man but moving house tomorrow/Saturday so won't burden him tonight.
This afternoon, BP went off the scale again and I was having trouble walking. Reluctantly, my husband phoned the surgery as I wasn't sure if I needed additional antihypertensive today. I have no confidence anymore. He gave me the phone, receptionist said you sound very unwell come straight to surgery. I had just sat in a bath for five minutes to see if I would feel better and had put on pyjamas. Feeling so ill, I went to the surgery in pyjamas and coat. I sobbed whilst waiting for Dr.
A nurse did my obs before seeing Dr. She told me all satisfactory now. She doesn't think chest infection. Diagnosed sinusitis and chest infection Saturday and again Tuesday. Doesn't know why wheezing, she an asthma nurse, said I can see a Dr on duty 3.30 but then wait, he see when can, as I not a medical emergency. It was 2pm. Or, she said see your own Dr tomorrow, don't wait till your booked appointment on 14th February.....
I left the surgery, tried to talk to my husband about blue horizon blood tests. He says just take more levothroxine. The Dr said your in range!!!!
I do not think I can or want to go to the Dr again. I am exhausted. I have attended so many appointments there and other. I have lost half a stone this week. I only get support on this site.
I started taking vitamin c yesterday. I will go and get bloods done when the form arrives from rheumatology. They phoned earlier as neutrophils problems found on Tuesday blood. Not sure why if to do with any or which diagnosis or what my overall diagnosis is anymore. I'm tired.
Thank you for caring.
I think it is exhausting, in mind and body, when we we are so unwell and doctors not understanding that we expect them to know the answers and make us well. It comes as quite a shock to realise we have to 'do it ourselves'.
Re blood test - you do know it has to be at the earliest, fasting and leave about 24 hours between last dose of levo and test?
Thanks shaws. Yes I do my bloods as the site says.
I decided not to go to surgery yesterday. GP phoned me at home to say a new prescription ready to be collected for antibiotics as need to get neutrophils up and my sodium levels down too.
GP said she will chase up immunology refer she made (2nd refer -no response), in October. Thinks perhaps wheezing to do with allergic reaction. Asked if I wanted an inhaler. We agreed give antibiotics and rest a chance.
Dare I say, I had two episodes of sleep last night, total 6.5hrs. Coughing didn't disturb me as much nor wheezing. Dare I hope this is a sign infection clearing, wherever it may be?
Sleep definitely helps. As does, knowing we are not alone, that others care.
Thank you.