I've been using a SAD light for the last few weeks (I have a Beurer TL60) and it really doesn't seem to be helping much, which is deeply annoying as I so loathe using it. I realised I'd been keeping it too far from my face (helpful tip: read the directions) so I sat it much closer and must be now getting the benefit of it but still no results.
I don't know that I'm depressed as such, more that it is like my body doesn't know which way is up and I'm going to bed/waking later and later because *if it's always dark how would you know when it's day and when it's night*?? So I stumble through the days like a zombie. My energy levels are on. the. floor. (Lol, I've been saying that for months now but it's like a trap door opened and revealed a whole new floor to be on.)
I'm going to do a blood test soon just to make sure I'm not underdosed (I have Hashi's) but I did increase my meds a month or so ago when I started feeling down in the dumps. I don't expect to be far off the right dose.
Any thoughts?