The results below are after going off of NDT 3 grain for 6 weeks. The previous results in meds are pictured on the far right in red. Trying to figure out why only TSH really changed off of meds? Thanks
The results below are after going off of NDT 3 grain for 6 weeks. The previous results in meds are pictured on the far right in red. Trying to figure out why only TSH really changed off of meds? Thanks
FT3 responds more slowly than FT4 which responds less quickly than TSH to dose adjustments. FT4 is often low in range when taking NDT or T3. Most people taking NDT would probably have required FT3 higher in range than 3.4.
TSH 4.47 will have flogged your thyroid to produce T4 which is why your FT4 has risen. It isn't sustainable to stimulate your thyroid so much and FT4 will drop which is why your GP has prescribed 25mcg Levothyroxine.
Ok-I think I'm starting to understand. Btw-I'm in Germany and seeing different drs so sorry for all the obvious questions. Do you think it would be better to raise the NDT or just add the ft4? Adding t4 isn't going to make the ft3 any higher? One of my drs seems to think the NDT is too much for my size? Thanks
"NDT is too much for my size" is gibberish. It probably means your doctor is not in favour of NDT and wants you to take Levothyroxine.
Levothyroxine raises T4 which converts to T3. I doubt 25mcg will be sufficient if FT3 was only 3.4 on 3 grains NDT which is equivalent to approximately 200mcg Levothyroxine
Hmm...what if I add over the counter l-tyrosine 750mg to my NDT? After some research I have found out that the compounding pharmacy making the meds are making them so they don't absorb well or as others are saying online. So maybe 3 grain is more like 2-2.5? It's a mixture of levothyroxine 114mcg and liothyronin 27mcg
I don't know what benefits there may be in supplementing L-tyrosine but I doubt very much it can substitute for adequate amounts of thyroid replacement. If the compounding pharmacy is making NDT with ingredients which aren't absorbed well why not use a different pharmacy or buy one of the branded NDTs.