Any advice please regarding whether Levothyroxine in the UK is gluten free would be appreciated. As I have Hashimoto's I decided to go gluten and soy free but now I'm wondering if the ingredients in Actavis and Wockhardt brands are GF?
Is Levothyroxine Gluten Free?: Any advice please... - Thyroid UK
Is Levothyroxine Gluten Free?

All UK Levothyroxine is gluten-free.
Thanks for replying Clutter and what a relief since, I've been gf and soy free since May, hoping to reduce TPO antibodies.
Hi Gill-56
If you dont mind me asking what are TPO antibodies and have you had them checked again to see if they are reduced?
The reason I ask is because the doctors were concerned because my ALT was slightly raised and on further investigations have come to the conclusion that I am at the start of autoimmune liver disease (I am already hypo) I cut gluten out last July and when I had my blood test in January my ALT had gone down from 41 to 29. Cutting gluten out is the only change I had made so I was curious to see if yours had gone down as well.
Hi Teyris. Apologies I have just found your reply. TPO stands for thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Unfortunately following a recent retest they are >1300 so no improvements although members here say it's unusual for that to happen. What is ALT?
ALT is alanine aminotransferase, a liver enzyme that goes up when liver cells get damaged. For example, an alcoholic person would have elevated liver enzymes from liver damage, but also coeliac disease (gluten intolerance) and several medications may elevate ALT numbers.
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