Gluten sensitivity immune effects heal after si... - Thyroid UK

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Gluten sensitivity immune effects heal after six months g free

5 Replies

This study on gluten sensitivity, not celiac, supports earlier work which found an adverse impact on the immune system, which calms after going g free, and this may help explain why many Hashis sufferers find going g free helps.

5 Replies
Polaris profile image

Thank you so much for posting this Aspama 😊

I'd also recommend the book 'Why do I Still have Thyroid Symptoms when my Lab Tests are Normal?' by Dr Datis Kharrizian, which confirms that you don't necessarily have to test positive for coeliac or have obvious gastric symptoms to be sensitive to gluten.

Foods high in gluten can damage the microvilli (little hairs) that line our intestinal system and make it harder to absorb vital nutrients like vitamin B12, D3, selenium, magnesium, etc. leading to other problems.

Doctors generally only treat the thyroid, they don't treat our autoimmune condition. I've been gluten free for over a year now and, like many of us with Hashimoto's, or who suffer from other autoimmune problems, have found this has alleviated so many symptoms.

in reply to Polaris

Yes, absolutely - Alessio Fasano showed that gluten sensitivity, short of celiac, is a separate and real condition, triggering an immune, rather than an auto immune response, as in celiac.

That immune response is clearly reducing the absorption of nutrients for those who suffer from it, and so making it harder for our thyroids to function, but it may also in future be found somehow to be worsening our thyroid autoimmune resonse.

Josiesmum profile image

Very interesting, thanks for posting. May help convince the sceptics that non-celiac gluten sensitivity exists.

Josiesmum profile image

Really important that this is in the BMJ too, so doctors may also now take this seriously. I always think it's sad that only the select group of proactive patients get the advice to go gluten free, most doctors don't have a clue about it and consequently most patients are left to suffer, with no idea that gluten could be involved in their illness. Everyone needs to know about this.

Learner1 profile image

Try a Paleo Diet. There are many cookbooks radar days.

Eat protein, like organic meat, wild fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds, healthy fats, like avocados, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.

There's lots to eat! I've been doing this for 6 years and gluten containing foods don't even register as food in my brain any more...

Not what you're looking for?

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