T3 strength : Sorry me again, I'm looking online... - Thyroid UK

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T3 strength

Miki80 profile image
20 Replies

Sorry me again, I'm looking online to buy T3 but there different strengths- which do I get?

Thanks Kindly

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20 Replies
Clutter profile image


Tiromel and Uni-Pharma are probably the most affordable T3 and are 25mcg. You can cut a 25mcg tablet into quarters (6.25mcg) with a pill cutter available at high street pharmacies.

Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to Clutter

Thanks just some were 100mcg so I wasn't sure which you start with if you have low FT3

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Miki80


Start with 6.25mcg which is a quarter of a 25mcg tablet.

Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to Clutter

Thanks and can I just ask why T3 is preferential to T4? It just bothers me that it's synthetic as Levo made me the mess I am now I can't afford to get worse- 2 kids to care for.

Also shall I take in place of NDT?

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Miki80


T3 isn't preferential to T4 for the majority of patients. It can be helpful to add T3 to T4 for those with low FT3 and T3 only is helpful for people who have adverse reactions to T4.

NDT has T4+T3. Why do you want to switch to T3 only?

Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to Clutter

I was advised to try T3 as mines low- but previously very high. Trouble raising over 1 grain in a year due to adrenals. So I don't think it's doing much at all still very hypo and possibly pooling so not sure what I need

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to Miki80


There is 38mcg of T4 in 1 grain NDT. It is a very low dose and highly unlikely it is 'pooling'. You appear to be under medicated. If your adrenals are preventing you tolerating more than 1 grain NDT you might have problems tolerating T3 too.

Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to Clutter

So what can I do? I can't continueto live this hell, I'm literally a shadow of my former self. I can't cope like this

radd profile image
radd in reply to Miki80


Sorry to hear of your problems ...especially with youngsters to take care of.

You shouldn't stop medicating thyroid hormone just because your endo wishes to determine if the problem is with the pituitary or the thyroid as it doesn't matter.

Missing thyroid hormone need replacing and primary or secondary hypothyroidism is treated with the same replacement meds. Stopping all thyroid hormone replacement will further stress your adrenals and recovery may take longer.

I found NDT to be less sympathetic than synthetic T4 & T3. Reasons for being unable to raise NDT are usually because;

- the patient has nutritional deficiencies, partially iron, also elevated or insufficient hormone cortisol.

- the patient hasn't medicated T3 before and their bodies rate of acceptance is slower that the rate of increased NDT required to function well or keep TSH suppressed. Depending on the immune state and if there are thyroid antibodies present, suppression may be required to discourage thyroid activity and a possible Hashi attack. In this situation switching to T3 only would not remedy this issue.

- if a patient has hugely elevated thyroid antibodies putting their immune system into a high state of response, the NDT dose required to suppress the Hashi attacks may exceed that of the hormone amount actually required for replacement to function well.,

Medicating the synthetic T4 & T3 for a year allowed me to address nutrient deficiencies and reduce high thyroid antibody levels. I then made the switch to NDT without any problems.

In this present moment, you may find T4 works better in your body with the addition of T3, than unsuccessfully trying to raise NDT and further stressing the adrenal glands. Your previous results show you under medicated and probably why you feel so unwell and unable to cope.

Also, be aware that men medicating T3 alone may be susceptible to negative changes in their testosterone and estradiol levels, if T3 levels go too high or is unable to be utilised in the body. Having too much free thyroid hormone un-utilised sloshing around in the blood stream will upset many other hormone balances.

However, if you wish to continue with your T3 only plan, reading Paul Robinsons " The CT3M" book may be beneficial to you as he explains how this method utilises the adrenal glands natural circadian action and the pitfalls to look out for.

I hope you feel better soon.

Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to radd

Thankyou Radd, I know it's hormonal as it comes and goes. But I can't get any Endo to take me seriousl they want me to see a neuro or Cardio dr- done that all fine. If it was something that sinister I'm pretty sure it wouldn't keep fluctuating. It's so hard with the kids as I feel drunk half the time so drowsy and detached don't know if this is bad fatigue or what but it's frightening. I feel my body isn't getting the meds and I'm sufferingall this because of it

radd profile image
radd in reply to Miki80


Some people have a genetic disposition that means they can not convert Levo to T3 hormone.

T4 (Levo) is the readily available storage hormone and T3 is the active hormone. Therefore, medicating only Levo will never give them well-being. There is a test you can perform (link below) but I don't think it really necessary as you know how you feel since medicating Levo.

I also have methylation issues (hormone metabolism and excretion problems) which meant not only was I unable to utilise the T4 thyroid hormone replacement meds but wasn't getting rid of the build up either.

I medicated T4 alone for over four years. During this time I too felt drunk at times and actually staggered when walking. My heart jumped about and my head suffered strange head whooshes with effervescent bubbles and complete brain fog.

At times I felt afraid as couldn't recall simple facts or accomplish routines I had practiced daily for years. I eventually suffered 3 days of psychosis after supplementing thyroid and adrenal glandulars in feb 2015, and sort private help and the addition of T3.

Nearly everything disappeared after adding a little bit of T3. I was medicating 125mcg Levo so reduced to 100 as my T4 was never high and introduced T3 very very slowly to give my body time to acclimatise.

Long term undiagnosed hypothyroidism and medicating Levo T4 alone had shot my adrenals. I have had nearly two years off work and now feeling better, have just returned. Last july I decided to self medicate NDT.

Getting well is not always a simple or easy journey but the forum is a life saver as we all help each other and other peoples experiences can be very informative.



Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to radd

Thanks radd that's how I feel ATM was told to aggressively treat high cortisol but been worse since doing so and they're only herbal so don't know why. The only improvement is the anxiety everything else is back with vengeance. My head is heavy and neck aches like it can't support the weight, I get so drowsy I could sleep standing up, and worst I'm so detached from everything like I'm living in a bubble. I don't know what I'm doing or what to take as professionals are useless and feel like I'm going mad. I'm scared to try T3 incase I get even worse

radd profile image
radd in reply to Miki80


Sorry for thinking you were a man ....can't imagine why ! ..

Judging from your latest bloods you may be under medicated as T3 is just half way under range . I function well with low thyroid hormone but most need T3 above half way through range.

How many grains of NDT are you medicating ? ? Are you multi dosing NDT ? ? ..Inadequate long term NDT will cause a normal suppression of the feedback loop between the hypothalamus, pituitary and thyroid gland so you produce even less thyroid hormone.

TPOAb aren't greatly elevated but have you had TGAb tested ? ? .. Vit B12 is high but so is folate so as long as they are balanced it should be fine.

High cortisol could be the reason for your not being able to raise NDT as it can inhibit T4 conversion, thus shunting towards production of reverse T3. What supplements are you taking for high cortisol ? ? .. Some adaptogens can be very powerful.

Elevated cortisol can result in low DHEA which is a precursor to all of your major sex hormones: oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. This will stress and work your poor adrenal glands further.

Hypoparathyroidism is decreased function of the parathyroid glands, with underproduction of parathyroid hormone and low PTH. This can lead to low levels of calcium in the blood but secondary hypoparathyroidism can produce a low PTH levels with an elevated calcium concentration. Ask your endo why your PTH should be low.



Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to radd

Lol nope I'm definitelya female!

Thanks for you're input. I'm only 1 grain NDT not sure if I add T3 or just take that I spent 15 unhapp unhealthy years on Levo so keen to avoid at all costs.

I'm taking holy basil and Relora but found each time I raise I feel worse.

And I have lots of things that don't add up; high IGF1 levels yet no pituitary prob on MRI. Low PTH yet high calcium and TPO antibodies yet Endo disputes Hashimotos and in regards to the PTH he said it's odd it's low- and that was all!!

Wants me off all meds inc Adaptogens for 6 weeks to see if pituitary or thyroid secretionproblem

radd profile image
radd in reply to Miki80


Above I suggested it would be pointless to come off meds as primary & secondary hypothyroidism are treated the same...( with thyroid hormone replacement) and it would would only serve to stress the adrenal glands further.

However, in view of your unusual PTH levels, it may be worth stopping adaptogens to achieve more accurate results to the tests I assume your endo will be performing on the HPA axis.

But, I wouldn't stop my thyroid hormone meds for anything or anyone ! ! ..

Miki80 profile image
Miki80 in reply to radd

Thing is this was a private Endo who I won't be seeing again and won't be seeing NHS one til Feb. So in the meantime I'll carry on treating adrenals but guess not raise and purchasesome T3 and hope for the best!

Thanks for you're advice

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Miki80

Miki80 If you've seen some 100mcg strength T3 tablets then I believe they won't be from the usual member recommended suppliers. As Clutter says, UniPharma and Tiromel are the usual ones from Greece and Turkey, they come in 25mcg strengths, and are the ones from trusted suppliers. PM me if you need a source for these.

Hi where can you buy T3? Are you able to post a link pls? 😬 Mine is low, GP doesn't care (they don't measure it in fact) and I have to beg for a referral to the private consultant to get a full blood test. So I'll get it myself if I can.

Thank you

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to


Sources where to obtain T3 can't be posted on the forum. Write a post asking for sources to be sent to you via private message. If you post your recent thyroid results and ranges members can help you with dosing. You can order private blood tests from Blue Horizon and Genova via thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/testin...

in reply to Clutter

Thank you very much for the info on blood tests

I've already received some helpful messages. Thanks again

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