Have tried 2 different makes of B12 now, 5000MCG, but my bowel is objecting! Have had the most awful pains and flatulence, to the extent I have had to stop taking them as have been unable to sleep for stabbing pains down left side of my abdomen. The soles of my feet have felt hot and tender, and I have had a few "hot flushes". Should I try a lower dose? I started on them as my test results showed 278 ng/L (range 145 - 910). Advice, please? :/
Vit B12 side effects...?: Have tried 2 different... - Thyroid UK
Vit B12 side effects...?

Are you taking methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin?

Probably need to also take Vit B complex - it is apparently low B5 that causes "burning" feet - peripheral neuropathy.
See this link for lots more on this and cause
Apparently all the B's need to be "kept together " so use Vit B complex
I had terrible burning feet too, about month after starting high Vit D supplements. I started with good Vit B complex and a week later, after then getting bad pins & needles, added B12.
First day I tried B12 I took whole daily dose all at once (4 sprays) I was using Better You oral b12 mouth spray. Almost immediately had truely awful gut ache.
Next day I spread the four doses right across the day, gut ache still there but much much less and bearable. After that no further tummy issues at all 😃
Now changed to taking 5 x 1000mcg Jarrows lozenges, as less sweet than mouth spray and possibly more effective for me too. I don't think I personally would risk take 5000mcg in one go .....yet.
I have found with all supplements I have to start very slow and build up
Hope that helps
There is a possibility for some people that high doses of B12 will deplete their potassium levels. I have this problem (I get muscle spasms in my legs) and I take a small dose of potassium to deal with it when necessary. I can't do without the B12, so I have to deal with the effects.
During early intensive B12 treatment potassium levels may fall, causing hypokaelimia, so please increase your intake of potassium rich foods.
End Quote
Source : b12deficiency.info/what-to-...
As long as you dose potassium cautiously you should be okay.
I googled "low potassium symptoms" and this was the first list to come up :
Weakness, tiredness, or cramping in arm or leg muscles, sometimes severe enough to cause inability to move arms or legs due to weakness (much like a paralysis)
Tingling or numbness.
Nausea or vomiting.
Abdominal cramping, bloating.
Palpitations (feeling your heart beat irregularly)
If you live in the UK, go to a Holland & Barrett and buy some potassium supplements today. You can take up to 4, but I would start with 1 or 2 and see what happens.
Note that the Recommended Dietary Allowance for potassium is 4700mg according to this page :
and potassium supplements usually come in 99mg doses (I don't know why).
Edit : I'm only suggesting H&B potassium because it is easy to get hold of. When you have more time you can decide on better supplements or better ways of dealing with the issue via food.
I just wanted to say that taking potassium supplements really is a last resort. By far the safest way of improving potassium levels is by eating more potassium-rich foods.
Always, always, always do some research before taking potassium, in case you have a condition in which potassium would be dangerous.
I agree....after my husband had heart surgery some years ago I was asked to take bananas into him in hospital to build up his potassium.

That's very interesting about low potassium, could well apply to me, definitely got the tingling and "tight" leg muscles
Umm I shall consider that. Thanks
I got terrible headaches when I tried the sublingual methylcobalamin 5000mcg. I only had two then started self injecting. Had only good effects from b12 injections which made me wonder if the headaches were caused by something in the sublingual lozenges