Last night at work my ear rings were itchy (i wear these ear rings all the time) but when I got home I took them out and went to bed. They kept itching last night and kept waking me up, but this morning I woke up and my ear lobe is swollen, itchy, hot and has these little bumps on the bottom of my lobe.
Ear Lobe swelling : Last night at work my ear... - Thyroid UK
Ear Lobe swelling

If the earrings are non-gold or non-silver you've probably got a metal allergy. Wash the lobes with warm salty water for a few days and wear gold or silver earrings.
You may have developed an allergy to the metal your earrings are made of. It happened to me, and the symptoms you describe are what I got.
So, just not wear them anymore? It's only in my right earlobe.
That's a nickel allergy. I started getting itching and so on after several years of happily wearing earrings. I've had to give up wearing them. You can try not wearing them until the inflammation subsides, then either try post type earrings that are made of stainless steel and see if you have better luck.

Thank you!
I have heard that it is possible to buy earrings which are guaranteed to be nickel-free. Perhaps worth considering?