Just had a call back from the Dr and was told my blood test for T3 is 4.7 and my T4 is 20 ... said it was normal .Wish I felt it .
My levels : Just had a call back from the Dr and... - Thyroid UK
My levels

Did you not ask him for the ranges? The numbers mean nothing without the ranges.
Didn't know about the range was just told my last test was normal for T3 and T4 .....wish I had known but got a blood test due so will check then .
Ranges vary from lab to lab, because they use different machines to do the tests. There is no standard range. But, when your doctor says 'normal', what he actually means is 'in range' - there's no such thing as 'normal' because we're all so different. However, being 'in range' is not the same as optimal, and it's optimal we want!
Just taking a guess, without the ranges, I would say your FT4 is up near the top of the range, and the FT3 just below the middle of the range, which would not be 'normal', because it would mean you have a conversion problem, and that would not make you feel good. But, I could be very wrong. lol
Greygoose.. How do I get a diagnoses if they are "within their ranges"mine will run the lowest of the range then in 3 months be near the top (highest)
Have you had your antibodies tested? That sounds like Hashi's.
What was the TSH?
My TSH IS .62 range .32-5.00
OK, well, you'd never get diagnosed with a TSH like that. It's too low for them to even consider there's a problem, because they only really look at the TSH.
So, if you've never had your antibodies tested, I would think that would be the next thing to do. Unfortunately, the NHS will only do one of the tests for antibodies, so it might be a good idea to see about getting them done privately.
If your antibodies come back negative, the next thing to consider would be secondary hypo, where the problem is with the pituitary or the hypothalamus, not the thyroid gland. But, you would have to really read up on that, to know what your talking about, if you want the doctor to take it seriously. But, try the antibodies, first.
What is the test for antibodies?
There are two : TPOab and TgAB. But the NHS only does the TPO.
I have been test for the anti Tpo ab my result 11.4 range <35
OK, but that doesn't automatically mean you don't have Hashi's. Antibodies fluctuate, you could just have caught them on a low day.
Also, your TgAb could be high, which would also mean you had Hashi's. But, as I said, the NHS doesn't test for that. You have to have it done privately.
U mention early about ft3 and ft4
My ft3 is 3.2 range 2.0-4.4
Ft4 is 1.2 range is 0.7-1.7
Well, they are both dead on mid-range. Which means that you're converting ok, but you haven't got much to convert. So, an increase would probably help you feel better.
What do u mean by that? Sorry I'm asking so many questions.
Ummm... I mean what I say. lol I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain it any better.
Both FT4 and FT3 are mid-range. Which means that you're converting ok - if you weren't, the FT3 would be much lower.
But, mid-range isn't high enough for either of them. They both need to be higher, so there's plenty of room for an increase in dose.

What's the ranges for those? If FT3 is low in range and FT4 is high in range you could have poor conversion. Impossible to say though without ranges.
I understand how you feel!! It's so frustrating that Doctors focus more on some lab test results rather than looking at the patient in front of them and listening to their symptoms! If only it was the other way around! Keep trying different doctors if possible with the hope that you will find one that will listen - good luck!
Have you had your folate, ferritin, vitamin D and vitamin B12 levels tested?
Especially your vitamin B12 as you have type 2 diabetes and metformin depletes B12 levels?
If not get them tested. You are likely to have to do this privately as doctors tend to be in denial initially about B12 issues.
Hi never had them tested I do take 1 vit B12 1000 high strength each day
Well since your supplementing B12 the test result will be skewed however you do need to test the rest of them.
You can ask your GP but they may not be willing to do it. If they refuse then do it privately -
Blue Horizon do finger prick tests that test folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D aynd ferritin
City Assays do vitamin D testing.
You will need to calculate yourself the cheapest way of getting them all tested.
Once you have got the test results start a new thread with the results and ranges.
That's great advice thank you .is it best to stop B12 until test so it's more accurate
You need both antibody tests. I had both done on the NHS. But if you are taking a thyroid support it will also skew your results.