Hi, can anyone give me some advice. I have had symptoms of freezing feet, palpitations, aches & pains, hair loss and have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. My GP insists my thyroid levels are fine. Now I can feel pea sized lumps at front of neck on thyroid, what should I do. I live in Wales.
Do I have thyroid problems?: Hi, can anyone give... - Thyroid UK
Do I have thyroid problems?

You should ask your doctor for a copy of your blood tests, so that you can see for yourself exactly what was tested and exactly what the results were - doctors aren't always right. But, don't tell him that's why you want them! lol Just say for your personal records.
It is your legal right to have a copy of your results, under the 1998 Data Protection Act. If they refuse, they are breaking the law.
When you get them, post them on here - with the ranges - and we will be better able to advise you.

NicoleJan What you need to do is pop along to your surgery and ask for a print out of your thyroid test results. You are legally entitled to them under the Data Protection Act 1998, they can't refuse but may make a small charge printing. You don't need to tell them why you want them but could say for your own records.
Make sure the reference ranges are included, very important as ranges differ from lab to lab. Then make a new thread including your results and members can comment.
If possible, ask your GP to test B12, Vit D, ferritin and folate. If he won't you can get these done privately so we can pass that information on to you if you need it. If he is willing to repeat your thyroid tests then ask for TSH, FT4, FT3 (unlikely to be done), Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies and Thyroglobulin antibodies (TG antibodies are unlikely to be done).
All my GP would test was my TSH and he said it was in the healthy range. He refused vit d & b12. He did say I had low iron stores so would benefit from an iron supplement. I was thinking private testing would be quite expensive.
If £99 is within your budget then you can get everything tested that is needed here bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk/T... That is an easy, fingerprick test you can do at home. Many of us use Blue Horizon for our tests, they are very good.
Did he offer you an iron supplement? Or did you get your iron results?
Whenever you do a test for thyroid, do it first thing in the morning and fasting (water only). Your TSH is highest then and helps to get a diagnosis.
Thank you. I will get this test done.
Sorry, forgot to say that Yes he has given me an iron supplement.
Ok . I doubt whether he told you to take 1000mg of Vit C with each iron tablet to aid absorption and help prevent constipation. Also, if you take any supplements then keep the iron away from them by two hours as it will affect absorption.
When you have the results of the Blue Horizon test, make a new thread and post the results, with reference ranges, and members can comment and make suggestions
I was advised by a medical professor at UCH that regardless of what the blood test results were saying I had thyrotoxicosis. I went to my GP with this and asked for a referral to an endocrinologist which is what you must do, however my GP refused as policy seems to state ignore symptoms and rely on blood work only. I've asked for a second opinion and you must keep pushing for a referral too. Good luck.