Where can i obtain, either a food list or recipe's and also a list of foods not to eat
Correct foods to eat with hypothyroidism - Thyroid UK
Correct foods to eat with hypothyroidism

Eat whatever you like, I do. Once you are settled on the optimum dose of thyroid hormone if you still have noticeable symptoms then perhaps look into food intolerances etc. but don't restrict yourself unless you have to. Of the hypothyroid patients I've met at work etc. none have any dietary problems.
I do sometimes hear suggestions to go gluten or dairy free - I go and have a pizza! Seriously, I appreciate some patients do have problems but the vast majority of hypothyroid patients never receive dietary advice and are fine when adequately treated.
I had IBS until I was diagnosed hypothyroid in 2000. Earlier this year I went to the 25 anniversary meeting of the IBS Network. There was a lot of interest in FODMAP with cookery demonstrations and a low FODMAP lunch. As I had spent a lot of time in the car and it was such a lovely day I went for a walk around Sheffield and to Pizza Express for lunch! My IBS was caused by hypothyroidism, but if you have digestive problems it's worth considering low FODMAP andjoining the
IBS Network as it is an excellent charity.
my dietary system changed instantly when with my hypothyroidism . But, l would take baby steps before changing your diet . Within the diet you are eating, listen to your body to see what is not agreeing with you if anything. That is how you will find out whether or not you need to leave wheat or milk or anything else out of it .
Thank you Jeaner, really appreciate your answer x