Hi everyone! I wondered if you could give me some advice. I've been hypothyroid for the last 8 years but progressively getting worse in my symptoms for the past 2 years to the point where I am where I am now. I'm usually in bed by 8:30 every night, have little desire to go out and socialise and a night on the town is my worst nightmare! By the way I'm 29!!!
I've finally managed to see an Endo and she is wanting to test a few things before assuming it's thyroid related. I know my cortisol Levels are high but the test for cushings disease came back normal. She's checked all my vitamins etc and all came back normal. The next thing she wants to test is sleep apnoea so I have an overnight test next week for that. Assuming that comes back normal too is there anything else that she should be testing? I've read about reverse t3 dominance so going to ask her about that. But any other things to rule out that you can think of. I basically suffer from all the hypothyroid symptoms including excessive weight gain despite being adequately treated and levels in range.
Any advice would be appreciated. I understand why the Endo is doing this because I guess the last thing she wants to do is put me on T3/NDT but I want to make sure I get tested for everything whilst I have the opportunity.
Thank you in advance xxx