Time between meds: Taking Thyroxine, have been... - Thyroid UK

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17 Replies

Taking Thyroxine, have been put on lansoprazole, how long after should I take it.Thanks

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At least 2 hours, preferably longer. My Endocrinologist is happy with 2 hours. At first he said take Levothyroxine well away from Lansoprazole, take at night. But Levo wasn't working out at night after I had to start back on Gaviscon Advance at night following further acid damage to my throat and top of oesophagus.

I usually take Levothyroxine around 3 - 4am now so usually a lot longer than 2 hours before Lansoprazole.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Mary-intussuception

Mary,there is much made on this site of hypo and low acid and how ppi is the wrong remedy.Like you I have an acid problem.The low acid solutions did not work.Just had gastroscopy that found oesophagitis,gastritis,,hiatus hernia ,multiple ulcers andBarretts mucosa ( whatever that is).

I presume that like me the problem is high acid and I think there is misleading information on the site leading to thinking that all hypo folk have low acid and are being wrongly treated .

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Treepie

Hi Treepie

Yes, it seems as though you've suffered a lot of acid damage too. Actually more to your Oesophagus than I have. I understand that Barretts is a significant diagnosis and is monitored with 3 yearly OGDscopes (gastroscopes) or is it annual?

I don't know about 'low 'acid and 'high' acid (hadn't heard of this before joining this forum ). I believe it's a case of stomach acid getting into the wrong place (ie oesophagus & throat) where it's not supposed to - and can't be tolerated - hence damage caused.

I have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux which is also known as 'silent' Reflux. This is because the stomach acid pools in the throat at night and does the damage while we sleep. Also have Posterior Prominence on Cricopharyngeus and Arytenoid Oedema ( caused by stomach acid) I have also been diagnosed with GORD (Gastro- Oesophageal Reflux disease).

I can't tolerate the OGDscopes because my throat is so narrow and Osteophytes on my C5 vertebrae are protruding into the Oesophagus also. There is stricture at top of Oesophagus also causing narrowing and additional difficulty with swallowing. Sometimes my throat closes while I sleep and I wake gasping for breath and exhausted.

I have had 2 Barium Swallow xray examinations.

If you check on the Levothyroxine patient information leaflet you'll find that PPI can affect Levo. This is because it reduces our stomach acid production to (hopefully) protect the throat and Oesophagus from further damage.

But Levothyroxine needs stomach acid to work. This is why , those who need a PPI, need to take it at a different time from Levo. Seems to me you have got that right? Levo on an empty stomach with water only and no g6ood or drink for an hour and PPI many hours away from it.

PPI doesn't neutralise ALL stomach acid - reduces it.

Sorry to hear of all these conditions you have. This must be why your Gastroenterologist has got you on a PPI twice daily? I'm on 30mg Zoton Fastab orodispersible lansoprazole. Had to fight to keep it. When first diagnosed I was on 60mg (twice maximum dose) for about 8 weeks or so. That was given by ENT Consultant after he found acid damage to the Arytenoids. Reduced you 15mg capsule , symptoms returned. So the fight commenced . . . . .

Unresolved rising stomach acid can cause Oesophageal and throat cancers.

Thankfully all my conditions /damages are benign - though very troublesome.

It helps to sleep with the upper body raised using lots of pillows. Problem for me is, that I also have a severe C - spine condition and for this it's best to sleep flat on one or max 2 pillows! Can't win!

I hope your ulcers heal over and your gastritis and Oesophagitis settle down. Perhaps then you will be reduced to one 30mg tablet each day ? If you're not on Fastab I would ask about it. If you are on it, make sure you stay on it when feeling better.

A staff nurse on a ward once told us my husband has Barretts Oesophagus but when we mentioned it year's later (as he is not being monitored) they couldn't find it in his notes. Just 'substantial hernia'. But he's on same PPI as I am. I think it's the best. We are all individual, and have to do what's best for us.

I have mentioned this on forum before.

Also on OPA forum when someone posted suggesting that everyone came off PPIs! You can imagine she did have a few replies on there!

Pm me anytime if you are going through it.

I felt as though someone was stabbing me in the throat with a hot needle. Not to mention all the other pains!

x ♡

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hello Mary,

Seems you have and are going through much more than me. I have another gastroscopy due next month to see if the ulcer is shrinking ,not sure why h.pylori has not been tested.Told yesterday that no current signs of cancer which is a great relief. Even so the planned gastroscopy means my insurer will not cover me for anything , not even a broken leg,and I am flying off on Friday.Spent most of morning being rejected for the same reasons by insurers who claim to cover medical issues.Finally got cover online. Still need care as the cheapest were one of a bunch of companies whose underwriters are being investigated by the FCA and its doctors by the GMC!

Not heard of Fasttab.Only noticed Barratts mentioned on a form I printed off GPs site so no nothing about it ,will ask at next procedure.

Thanks for the pm offer .

Best Wishes


Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Treepie

What PPI are you on? Is it working for you.

I'm OK. Thanks.

You could join OPA forum when you're back from your trip. Hope your symptoms settle down in time. Now you're on a PPI should help.

It's crazy that insurers are panicking because you have been diagnosed and now on treatment. The ulcers , gastritis and Oesophagitis should improve, resolve surely? And your Barretts is bring treated and monitored. Do you need to mention Barretts if no one told you? You have a hiatus hernia - lots of people do. Doesn't stop them flying / travelling.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Mary-intussuception

On Lansoprazole ,not entirely successful .Feel light chest pressure after some meals . But before I started them I could only sleep in a reclining chair. Now with two pillows and sleep not a problem. GP offered 30mg one a day ,but hospital doc mentioned 15mg not lasting all day and I asked GP if 30mg would just last as long but be stronger and she seemed non plussed so I stayed twice a day

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Treepie

Is that twice a day 15mg or 30mg?

You could try Gaviscon Advance after your main meal. Ask GP for prescription before you go away. My ENT Consultants swear by it. I have problem swallowing it as quite thick. But am supposed to take it at night. Which is why I switched Levothyroxine back to early morning.

Maybe you should take the Gaviscon Advance after a daytime meal because you take your Levothyroxine at night or early hours?

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Mary-intussuception

A bit late now to get from GP ,off to overnight at hotel tomorrow.

Will try when get back .Thanks for tip .Is it available over the counter.

2x 15 mg

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Treepie

Yes available over counter. I think some supermarkets sell it too.

I didn't like the Anisend flavour prefer Peppermint. Make sure to get Gaviscon Advance. (There are others).

Are you happy taking 2 x 15mg? Didn't feel ok taking 30mg in the morning? Maybe best to stick to routine for hol and see GP when back?

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thanks.Was not sure whether 30mg would just be stronger effect for same length of time as 15mg. Might try when I get back ,I thought I would stick with twice a day .

Credo profile image
Credo in reply to Mary-intussuception

Does gaviscon advance work well ? I was put on Lansoprazole just a few days ago , I started suffering with indigestion after my gallblader removal five weeks ago. Was previously on Lanzo two years ago , but I didn’t know then what I know now, since I joined health unlocked. I would take lanzo 30 mins before breakfast , then take my Thyroxine along with my other meds. But things

All changed this year after Thyroiditis. Even before I was on lanzo two years ago , I always took all my meds together with no problem. I never knew after 26 years on Thyroxine , that I had to take an hour before food.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Credo

The Gaviscon Advance has helped me in the past. ENT Consultant said it stops the pepsin vapours rising up the Oesophagus from the stomach as well as the acid. The TV advert shows the 'seal' it forms across. Worth trying? I'm supposed to take 10ml twice a day - after a meal and before bed. I Don't take it all the time. I was sleeping upright until pain & symptoms from neck condition got too severe. So started lying on fewer pillows and Reflux symptoms came back ! So needed Gaviscon. Trying to balance sleeping position now!

I have recently told two people I know how to take their Levothyroxine. One was taking it with a couple of painkillers then having a coffee first thing in the morning. The other was taking all her meds (including a PPI and others that conflict with Levo ) together with Levo after getting up in the morning and is also feeling very unwell, has been for a while.

I think my Levothyroxine leaflet actually says 30 minutes before breakfast. But my Endocrinologist, this forum & Thyroid UK say an hour.

I've got numerous Gallstones but still have my Gallbladder.

I think smaller meals helps. Drinking water before and after meal. Staying upright after meal. Walking after meal when possible and keeping bowel movements regular.


My late mum also took all her meds together including her Thyroxine. Her blood tests results were way out of range. Her Thyroid was not working at all.

Credo profile image
Credo in reply to Mary-intussuception

I am suffering from neck and shoulder pain for last three months, don’t know if connected to thyroiditis.My head has been spinning and hands trembling since September.Seeing endo for the first time on Friday.Think I have spent a fortune on every type of pillow you can imagine, but you always think the next pillow will be perfect.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Credo

Have you ever had an xray or MRI scan of your Cervical spine? Could you have some arthritis in the neck - disc degenegation? What did GP think is causing neck & shoulder pain? Did he offer Physio?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Credo

You're seeing an Endocrinologist on Friday - if you've still not had Vitamin D, B12 & Folate also Ferritin blood tests then ask for these.

You most probably have deficiencies, especially as you have Crohn's.

You could also post your most recent Thyroid blood tests for comments & make reference to your earlier posts.

All text best for Friday - may I suggest writing a list of all these symptoms and 3 months of pain to show Endocrinologist.

Credo profile image
Credo in reply to Mary-intussuception

All these neck symptoms seem to appear since Thyroid attack and over medication. Doc said she would send me to physio. Have been doing neck stretches , but still really sore. Got my new contour pillow to try tonight, hoping for some relief. Just maybe !

Treepie profile image

Not realised this was an issue but i take it 30 Mins before breakfast and 30-60 mins before evening meal .Levo I take at bed time or middle of night.

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