Earlier this year, I managed to wean off Medrol which I had been on since late 2011, after being diagnosed with adrenal fatigue in November 2011. Since then, I had been on either 6 or 4 mg of Medrol daily alternatively.
After stopping Medrol, my periods came back, after being absent for almost 18 months (only recently did I learn that Medrol can cause cessation of menstruation)...I'm 47, so my periods are not back for more than a limited period of time anyway...
After weaning off Medrol, I went on several supplements, one being Adrenal Booster containing licorice root...and God, did I do well on that...until I measured my blood pressure and realised the following:
Before boing on Adrenal Booster, but on blood pressure medication and beta-blockers: BP 120/80, resting pulse +/- 80 bpm.
On Adrenal Booster, on the same dosage of blood pressure meds and beta-blockers:
BP 140/99, resting pulse +/-113 bpm.
Before any treatment: BP 170/120, resting pulse 120 bpm.
I know licorice root can increase BP, but can it also increase resting pulse..?!
I have also switched from Armour/Erfa to Thai NDT, which I find much more effective than previously mentioned brands, and also might mean my adrenal glands are under more pressure...?
What I have noticed lately is that my salt and sugar cravings have increased significantly...
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'd personally hate to go back on prescription drugs (be it HC or Medrol), but I also realise that the effectiveness of Thai NDT might be putting my adrenal glands under more pressure...which is why I'd really appreciate any advice and input on this.