My GP referred me to an endocrinologist and within two days I received the choose and book details. I made my appointment which was confirmed but today I have received a letter telling me that my appointment has been cancelled and that I should contact my GP to find out why.
Hospital cancelled my appointment with an endoc... - Thyroid UK
Hospital cancelled my appointment with an endocrinologist

Remake the apointment.
Have you contacted your GP to find out the reason?
My appointment 18 months ago was cancelled. I saw the endo 6 months later and he pretty much said that they were short staffed.
I think this is happening in all areas of treatment. I have a friend with two painful hernias, she has been waiting since December to see her consultant. Her appointments have been made, and then cancelled three times so far. Her GP suggested she make an official complaint. My orthopaedic appointment has been moved from early July to late August. See what your GP says, and perhaps he will try to get you another appointment,
Perhaps we should start a petition: that all doctors, specialist or GP, who treat thyroid patients (and those who have thyroid disease symptoms), should have some kind of thyroid disease themselves.
If this doesn't provide enough suitably qualified doctors, then a bunch of doctors should have their thyroid glands removed so that they can make up the numbers - after all, that's not a big deal, is it?
Then we might get some better treatment!!!
On the other hand...
Doctors basically are managing risk all the time. If the majority of goitres are unthreatening, and the risk of cancer is minute, then the risks (and costs) associated with testing are probably not worth taking. Just because something is possible does not mean it is necessarily beneficial.
We cannot, and should not, expect every single abnormality to be investigated. There is over, as well as under diagnosis going on all the time. What I really want is a doctor who explains the risks and benefits, and tells me when I should come back asking for more examination. They don't want to kill us, no matter how it feels. But the doctors are under pressure of limited resources, and have to make difficult decisions about where to put their energies all the time.
I am not suggesting that all is rosy - far from it. And I have been a victim of under- and mis- treatment myself. But Mouse probably wouldn't have had anything meaningful from the endo anyway!
I have not been referred for a goitre. I have had hypothyroidism for 13 years and I was being referred for some expert advice on how to make me feel well as I don't seem to be able to get my medication right.
No I realise that, Mouse. That was another poster. But its still the fact that the majority of endos know little beyond the test results, and aren't that good at interpreting those!
I've just read back through your posts and you haven't shared your recent blood results, have you? They might shed some light on the situation, and you might well find that someone like Clutter can give you the advice you need.
I totally disagree with you Ruthi, I think it is shocking that Doctors play God instead of sending patients for tests that could save or improve their lives.
I was supposed to have a re referral after a very dismissive endo originally blamed my mental health for symptoms- but the gp received a letter refusing to see me saying my levels were fine once again & his colleague agreed with him so that was that . I am now waiting to see an endo privately as cannot function with the fatigue symptoms etc ! Hope you manage to sort an appt .
Ive waited over 2 months to see an endo which was supposedly for a biopsy but just resulted in a chat that didnt tell me any more than my GP (which is that I need a biopsy) so was quite frankly a waste of here I am waiting again for a biopsy & stressing about my lumps
I hope you get things sorted soon.
The same has happened to me twice. Have been suffering for 6 years now and am so fed up. saw another consultant today in different department, and was told they are now allowed to refuse to see you.
I am now seeking a private doctor as I have had enough of the NHS.
Hope you get your problems sorted.