ok following up from my previous post i asked about thyroid-s how to get it etc. but what i wanna know is if there is any side effects to this even on a low dose. i remember coming off 50mcg of levo for about a month then took 50mcg of levo and had really bad heart palpitations and weakness and ever since that i stopped levo. so im a bit scared to try this for the first time. i havent been on a thyroid drug in 2 years but i have to get back on one cuz my hair is almost gone and my anxiety is getting worse. anyone ever had any side effects? and what thyroid drug worked in relieving your symptoms like hairloss anxiety(if thyroid related anxiety) depression energy etc im dead serious about buying this thyroid-s drug so let me know mefore i waste any more money.
trying thyroid-s for the first time, dose and s... - Thyroid UK
trying thyroid-s for the first time, dose and side effects.

I was on Synthroid (T4 only) for a year and kept getting more depressed, confused with muscle aches and profound exhaustion. Changing to the old, original Armour cured it all. Armour worked great until it changed formulation and became difficult to source. Discovered 'old' Erfa and did fabulously on that until they changed manufacturing facilities last year/year before last and I had to go searching for another brand of NDT. When I tried Thyroid S as well as Thiroyd, they both made me light-headed and a little nauseous after a few days. Tried Naturethroid and NP by Acella and WP. Finally decided on the WP and am quite happy with it so far.
NOTE: There are some folks who have fantastic results using Thyroid S and Thiroyd with little or no negative reactions to them.
Point being, no one can tell you or guarantee you with any certainty how you will react to any of the NDT brands or even levo. Often times, what we are reacting to is some other health challenge that taking thyroid meds has revealed... not created, like adrenal exhaustion, low iron, low B 12 or low D 3, any of which can make it difficult to optimize dosage of NDT or levo.
And some folks have a real, legitimate, negative reaction to some of the fillers in the various medications. It is unfortunate that we have to be our own lab rats but... we do and that can mean extra expense until we discover which brands are compatible with us individually. At least the Thyroid S and Thiroyd are two of the most affordable brands of NDT 'out there' so your pocketbook won't take too big a hit if neither suits you.
I've been on Thyroid S for over 2 weeks now. I started with 1/2 of 1 grain tablet. I experienced increased heart rate and heart palpitations after my first dose only. I haven't experienced any other side effects. Thyroid S has helped with depression and anxiety. Unfortunately I'm still struggling with insomnia, but I probably haven't been medicated long enough. Good luck
Ive been on thyroid S a month now and all going well. I have also started treating the Adrenals from yesterday so hoping that all goes well too. I am up the 2 grains Thyroid S now and going to hold it there till some more symptoms come back or I have a blood test which ever comes first. I never had any palpatations only felt better with it. Levo just does not agree with me
Yes!! I have horrid side effects on 50 MC.g\day but am OK on 25 (but still have hypothyroid symptoms). My working theories as I tried to resolve this was maybe the higher dose brand had something I was allergic to but the lower dose brand was ok. I just tried to increase my dose using the brand I'm ok on but immediately got side effects. So I crossed that off the list. My working theory now is that my ferritin is to blame (was 8.8 and should be about 75). However when I try to discuss with my gp she just tells me my haemoglobin level is ok. Sigh. I'm taking iron tablets and have been for about 6 weeks but I understand ferritin levels rise very slowly. Have you had your ferritin level checked? Blue horizon do ferritin only tests if you can afford to do it privately. Is about £135 for ferritin only test compared to about 350 for the more extensive thyroid tests. Good luck x
I've been on thyroid-s for about 2 years, 4 and a half grains a day, started low and worked up. Sleep is good, energy is good, thyroid anxiety has disappeared, I haven't been this good for over 30 years. As has been said, everyone is different.
I stumbled on your post and see it is a few months old. Not sure if you managed to get your thyroid sorted out. What I do want to mention is that hairloss is symptomatic of BOTH hypo- and hyperthyroid. Anxiety is a symptom of hyperthyroid. In your case it seems that your thyroud is overactive and that you need to either reduce the dosage or stop taking thyroid meds. Another way to test is to check heart rate and basal body temperature - fast heart rate and high basal body temperature is associated with hyperthyroidism; whilst slow heart rate and low basal body temperature is associated with hypothyroidism. Also, hairloss can be the result of low testosterone and/or estrogen and can also be the result of low ferritin levels and even stress can cause it.