Hello again,
I started 100mcg of levo for 3 weeks and was struggling with horrible side effects, (dose to high for me to start off) gp reduced to 50mcg which I've been taking for 2 weeks now and feeling slightly more human again!
I've now introduced vit B12 methylcobalamin 1mg and 5- MTHF 1mg taking 2 hours after levo...2 days ago. For the first time I never slept last night, restless, hot and racing heart so got up and wondered about for a bit, felt a bit hyper. I've always slept well prior to taking levo and it takes me most of the morning to get through the haze and fog of this condition. When's the best time to take levo?
I don't know if introducing the vits has disrupted my sleep last night. I don't want to panic about it.
I think the vits may help with my lethargy and give me the energy I've lost as well as digestion issues so would at least like to stick with it a bit longer (as long as im not doing myself more harm!)
Do you think the vits are causing this ( high dose too soon as with levo)?
Many Thanks