Are these okay? Someone please explain
ferritin levels can someone explain? - Thyroid UK
ferritin levels can someone explain?

You don't have any ranges which makes it hard to tell if the results are okay or not.
It should look something like this (I'm making the ranges up btw)
Ferratin: 16 ng/ml (5-26 ng/mg)
The range is brackets and shows the minimum it should be to the maximum it should be.
Ferritin at 16 is too low...they are your iron stores and should be around 90. I take it yr in uk.
Im in u.s... My doctor refuses to treat my low ferritin
Providing your low in the range and if mine were that low ID treat myself. I hate doctors for this, just cos your in range they think your find. Find a good iron supplement with a decent amount of elemental iron in it and take with vit c. That's what I did when mine was 10.
Yup, ferritin way low, you should be feeling v v tired and maybe also anxious and perhaps even having panic attacks with it so low.

Yes my number one symptom is anxiety!! Im also very tired
Take ferrous fumerate or bisglycinate, not ferrous sulphate, don't be surprised if it takes a long time to rise. Do you have any idea why it is so low, eg, heavy periods, vegan... anything obvious?
I see you prob have Hashi's and Gerd and you mention depression in your interests. Has your vit d level been checked, or b12?

Yes my vd was tested too and at a 24 or so everything under health interests is what i have going on.. Also my periods arent terrible i only have them every few months due to pcos

I posted my vd results if you wanna look at them
Ok, well focus on getting the d and ferritin up, as you perhaps know hashis goes hand in hand with many gut problems. Some find taking betaine helps restore some of the ability of the stomach to digest. But you should also test to exclude celiac, h pylori, and consider testing for antibodies to intrinsic factor and serum gastrin if you think you might have B12 def symptoms.

Thank you for all the info! Its extremely hard to get my doctor to be more understanding and want to take action.. Hes a 3rd year resident