Do anyone has an overactive thyroid : I have an... - Thyroid UK

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Do anyone has an overactive thyroid

Lovely85 profile image
26 Replies

I have an overactive thyroid and it has me feeling terrible

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Lovely85 profile image
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26 Replies
marram profile image

Are you having treatment, such as Carbimazole or PTU?  

Lovely85 profile image
Lovely85 in reply to marram

No my Dr took me completely off for three weeks now bc Imy getting the RAI next week, which I pray it will work. 

eeng profile image
eeng in reply to Lovely85

One you have had RAI you will almost certainly become hypothyroid and will need to take Levothyroxine for the rest of your life. Many people are happy being treated on Levothyroxine but if you are not prescribed enough, or it doesn't work for you, come back to this forum and people can advise ways of you feeling better. You will need to read up on the symptoms of hypothyroidism so that you know what to look out for (weight gain, hair loss, constipation .....there are hundreds of possible minor and not-so-minor symptoms). 

Lovely85 profile image
Lovely85 in reply to eeng

Yes I have had the rai done 3 years ago which I became hypo from it. But now I'm back hyper again and it's taking a toll on my body. I feel terrible everyday. 

Chris1961 profile image
Chris1961 in reply to Lovely85

I had it in 2012, am same .... So so sorry I know how you feel .. I have just took some more levo tonight am freezing !!! ... Fed up of doctors telling me my body !!! ... I have hashis so prob will go high tomz !!! .... 

in reply to eeng

After 25 years of the rollercoaster of remission and relapse I happily received  RAI 5 weeks ago. I am now off PTU and the only side effect is that I feel so much better, I took a brisk mile and a half walk last week, and climbed 4 flights of stairs at work with no palpitations, breathlessness or fear, unthinkable 4 months ago. I never want to experience the effects of relapses again as I have a life to live! If I end up hypo I will very happily take thryoxin supplements forever if that is the price for feeling well. Good luck to my fellow travellers on this unpredictable and uncomfortable journey.

in reply to

thank you for this positive spin on Thyroid issues! It was actually really nice to read something uplifting. Thanks again Grandma-62

eeng profile image
eeng in reply to Lovely85

Having thyroid problems tends to deplete your body of vitamins and minerals, so get your doctor to test your Vitamin B12, D, Folate and Ferritin. You want healthy levels of all of these, not just creeping into the bottom of the range. I hope you feel better soon.

Lovely85 profile image
Lovely85 in reply to eeng

I will certainly do it on my next Dr visit thank you

marram profile image

I guessed you are in the USA as they seem to like RAI there, although it is becoming more and more common here now.  They used to prefer surgery here, which is what I had.  

Do you have Graves' disease?  How long is it since you were diagnosed?  

Lovely85 profile image
Lovely85 in reply to marram

I was diagnosed in 2009 after I gave birth to my son. I was hyper then I did the RAI then became hypo and now I'm back to being hyper again. So my thyroids are playing with me going back and forward. So I wanted to have the surgery which is next in line if the rai doesn't work for me the second time around. 

kinderen3 profile image

I had Graves' disease and my thyroid became normal after I stopped eating gluten.  Apparently the thyroid protein is very similar to the gluten protein and  Graves' patients are sensitive to gluten.  I am now on the Paleo diet and no longer have Graves.  Must be worth trying as Graves is such an awful illness!

machineman profile image

they used to prescribe fluoride for an overactive thyroid and found it worked extremely well so well in fact that it carried on working too well causing the thyroid to go hypo then killing the people this was back in 1935  

this is how we know that the governments are intentionally putting fluoride into the water in order to kill off the population,

 I'm amazed that all you hypo thyroid people have not taken out a class action against all the governments and toothpaste companies in your countries

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to machineman

Is that what you've done in your country?

marram profile image
marram in reply to machineman

And the governments want to kill off the population because........?

machineman profile image
machineman in reply to marram

Its not the governments its the people that control the governments here are some points Imean most people don't even know Hitler was kidnapped and brainwashed by the british military in 1912 when he came over to England with his sister. and most people just seem to ignore the fact that NATO the CIA and each of the european militaries were responsible for the terrorist groups set up in Europe since 1940 under the banner Operation Gladio.  Fluoride is just another way to depopulate as is the coming world war that we are about to enter

and the bernays book that gives you an outline of what's really going on that is mentioned,

95% of the worlds population suffered at least one illness in 2013 according to the WHO, a hundred years ago it was more like 5% of the population were ill and we used to live a lot longer back then but because the media tell us we only lived 42 years we all blindly believe what we are told

2 billion people do not get enough Iodine in there diet and are officially classified as mentally retarded and fluoride inhibits the uptake of iodine and most people do not even have the aptitude to do any kind of research and read the doctors and dentists who have been bothered to study it like Westendorf

and Sutton fluorideinformationaustrali...

humans are the only species on this planet not to live 8 times the age they mature at 

madge1979 profile image

I have overactive thyroid , in fact Graves Disease , only since August 2015 ... Although I knew I was becoming ill before that but didn't know what it was and my dr . Didn't take me seriously !   I have been taking carbimazole since then in high dose and now down to 10 mg per day .. Although Endocrinoligist  thinks I'm taking 5 mg  ... I know I'm a little hypo so decided to take 10 instead of 5 mg I'm keeping myself healthy as know my thyroid is healthy ... It's an auto immune disease I have !!! So I'm keeping my thyroid ! and I dont want to lose it and become hypo , as I see on here the misery that entails with many people ..  I wish you well and hope that you improve in health Take care 💐

marram profile image
marram in reply to madge1979

madge1979, surely if you are a bit hypo you would do well to reduce the Carbimazole, since it suppresses the thyroid, and will make you even more hypo.  Or did you mean you are a bit hyper?  It is not very advisable to deceive the endocrinologist as to the amount of medication you are taking, because if you had any kind of a crisis he would be working in the dark.  

I do agree with you that if you can keep your thyroid and still manage to function, it would be good.  Sometimes, though, it is not possible to do so, if as in my case, you were to go into uncontrolled thyroid storm, it is a life and death situation.  Wouldn't we all love to see the day when, instead of zapping the thyroid, they were to find the way to cure the underlying autoimmune condition!  What a happy day that would be.  

I do hope that you manage to stay well.  xxxxx

madge1979 profile image

I am sorry Marram ... I hadn't noticed I'd typed Hypo   ..

by the time my Endocrinologist reduced me to 5mg of Carbimazole I was still feeling Hyper !  even though He was happy with my blood results..  However happy He was I knew I was Hyper, I had heart thudding in my upper body , sweating , itching , anxiety

and a few more symptoms that I remember too well we're definitely symptoms of my Graves Disease

madge1979 profile image

sorry Marram.... didn't mean to end there ...

 was it wrong to take 10mg of Carbimazole instead of his prescribed 5mg, I won't see him for another five weeks...  but don't want to become Hypo .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to madge1979


You are, I think, confusing us.

If you are hypO from taking carbimazole, then you might reduce the dose of carbimazole.

If you are still hypER, then you might increase the dose of carbimazole.

Carbimazole prevents your thyroid from making thyroid hormone. The more you take, the less thyroid hormone you can make. (Until you are taking so much that your thyroid is effectively making no thyroid hormone at all.)

Changing from 5mg to 10mg because you think you are, or are afraid of, becoming hypO doesn't seem to make sense.

madge1979 profile image

Helvella...  sorry to confuse you..

I felt I was still Hyper... so instead of taking 5mg of Carb. as endo said... I started taking 10mg  .....  to come down a little towards Hypo...

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to madge1979


That was clear, thank you.

I cannot answer properly as I have no experience.

Do you take your carbimazole in two doses when on 10mg? I don't know much about carbimazole but it does have a short life. Taking it in two doses (e.g. morning and evening) can make quite a difference, apparently, to some.

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to helvella

No doctor told  me that 

before !! Thank you .. I'll try that tomorrow .. See what happens ... I didn't appreciate my excellent health when i had it !!  

Too late ! 🌻

elderflower2016 profile image
elderflower2016 in reply to madge1979

5 mg was low for me and made me hyperthyroid. I was switched to 10 mg, but found that my thyroid levels fell really quickly on that too (after 2 weeks, it was at the lower end of the range).  So now I've been moved to 7.5 mg; I do this by alternating 5 mg and 10 mg.   

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to elderflower2016

... And thank you very much Elderflower for your comments .. Every little bit helps .. For you 💐

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