Whats the highest dosage of Levothyroxine you c... - Thyroid UK

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Whats the highest dosage of Levothyroxine you can be prescribed

Shereebl profile image
18 Replies

Ive been on 100mcg of levothyroxine for almost 8 years now. Recently dr tested me for antibodies (see below). I have started to experience leg pain/tiredness, moody, etc. I know for a fact I will finally be diagnosed with Hashimotos! Whats the highest dose of levo you can take before you have to supplement it?

FT4 1.0 ng/dL (0.7 - 1.6 ng/dL)

TSH 3.870 uIU/mL (0.358 - 3.740 uIU/mL)

Anti-Thyroglobulin<20 IU/mL (<40 IU/mL)

Anti-TPO-Ab 335.0 IU/mL (<35 IU/mL)

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Shereebl profile image
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18 Replies
Clutter profile image

Shereebl, there's no limit to how much Levothyroxine can be prescribed.

100mcg is insufficient for you as TSH 3.87 is too high and FT4 is low in range. The goal of Levothyroxine is to restore the patient to euthyroid status and for most this will be when TSH is just above or below 1.0 with FT4 in the upper range. Read Treatment Options in thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_... Email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org.uk for a copy of the Pulse article if you would like to show it to your GP when you request a dose increase.

TPO antibodies are positive for autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's). There is no treatment for Hashimoto's but adopting 100% gluten-free diet can help reduce Hashi flares, symptoms and antibodies. Low/suppressed TSH means less stimulation of the thyroid gland which is also helpful in managing Hashi's.

Ask your GP to test ferritin, vitamin D, B12 and folate which are commonly low/deficient in hypothyroid patients which can cause musculoskeletal pain,fatigue and low mood similar to hypothyroid symptoms.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

CATLOWE30 profile image
CATLOWE30 in reply to Clutter

Not strictly true as 1mg would kill a person that's why it comes in mcg lol.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to CATLOWE30

A shame you did not read further responses before posting that.


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to helvella

Do bear in mind that it is usual to give 600 microgram doses to healthy volunteers when testing levothyroxine products.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to CATLOWE30


1,000mcg wouldn't kill anyone, Lol!

Beani2 profile image

I have been on 125 mg Thyroxine , now i take 100mg Mon-Fri and 125 mg Sat-Sun.

SeasideSusie profile image

One of my neighbours was on 300mcg daily and not 100% well. She moved away so no idea how she's doing now.

Aroraborielas profile image
Aroraborielas in reply to SeasideSusie

Im on 350 daily and worried its to much

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Aroraborielas

This is a very old thread and won't be seen by many people. If you make a new thread of your own and include your latest thyroid test results (with reference ranges) members can respond. We need to see results for TSH, FT4, FT3 and thyroid antibodies.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

The other day I posted about a specific genetic reason some people might require a higher than usual dose of levothyroxine. Not easy reading!


The highest I have read about was something like 3000 micrograms a day - the person showed no signs of being overdosed. You must realise that this is at the unbelievable level - but it is formally documented.

For you, an increase to, say 125 micrograms, or 100 micrograms one day and 125 micrograms the next would seem a sensible step.

Mycats3 profile image
Mycats3 in reply to helvella

Well i am just curious of particular conditions to consider why those dosages are so high..testicular cancer?...person may have had to have both testicles removed lets say assuming the 3000 or 3200 mcg was given to a male? Just curiosity. I have been fighting this issue myself and freaking out.

I was having apparent issues with always tired..lethargic...no motivation..my world just seemed dark..just very depressed...i knew though..it all stemmed from my chronic pain from injury which lead to a lot of weight gain... i wanted to correct it naturally...i knew obesitity is the root of the evil..so after a while if attempting the natural way and endless research i decided to go to the doctor to get blood work done and see where my levels are. ..i had figured my testosterone was one issue...i went..i was told oh it fine u are 325..u are still in normal range..well..that pissed me off because prior i was very athletic and it was my everyday thing i never felt this way so i knew i needed supplement...wasn't until i was low 200 that he gave in and gave me replacement ok...

I was also trying to get him to give me stuff that would help me loose weight. Surpresses my appetitite significantly especially at night. He refused to give what i asked..so i toughed it out...weight was coming off with severe workouts and excessive cardio..but not how it should...so i asked him for another test since he wont go higher than the 200ml.. i still felt off but better..wasnt falling asleep and escaping accidents anymore..

So then came back i had hypo.. when we did the other test to check that...i was resistant to take it he fist said 50mcg...i was freaking out because the whole deal was to get off of all meds once i get to my fit state...my mission was to loose all the weight and get fit and the issues will be resolved naturally because obesity causes a lot of issues..toxicities and chemical imbalanced

I refused and each time he tested me he keeps saying my values weren't budging and he would increase..now i am at prescribed 175.. i know it bad but i started taking the med out if desperation to loose weight and feel better because my work load was so severe 15 to 20 hr days for a couple months solid killed my fitness schedule and i was gaining weight again..i was feeling much better with the 70lbs loss in 8 months.

So all along at this point he had bumped me up to 150..i was trying to see if weight loss would bring my levels better or normal..i was 300 lbs and i got down ton221..at 5'9" i had a goal of 170

I felt if i reached that goal i won't need any..my chronic pain subsided greatly i was taking pain meds now maybe once a week and at times two weeks. And that was just over the counter and not norco..prior i was on twice a day of norco defending on work load and 6 to 9 pills of over the counter alieves or excedering taken with the norco..and some days i would leave out the norco and tough it out with just the over the counter cus was worried what the norco would do to my organs and i still had pain and discomfort..but not as severe..

I have severe osteo in both hips..labrum tear in right socket l4 l5 herniated discs in lumbar..close to bone on bone in my hips..

So any ways..

I gave in and started to take the 50mcg...he tested again and values improved a lot was 1.9 maybe less and he thought to bump it up a little to 175...and so i am just taking the 75..thos last test he wanted to bump a little more to 183...this means i would have to take the 100mcg and i freaked out because i dont feel once i get to 100 and i get to my fitness goal that it would be a low enough dosage to ween off of...75 i feel is high enough any higher i fear it will be life long.

He would not tell me which level was not ..budging...the natural levels or the prescription levels..

As i understand and maybe this is in correct..in testo..there is your natural read out and the replacement level

So i assumed as this is how they can tell if a patient is compliant...the prescription level read our versus the natural level read out of a hormonal issue.

So i feel i never knew if the work i was doing fitness wise was doing anything to better my thyroid health naturally

I also know that ethnicity plays a role in the actual dosage of most prescription that would be affective for that patient because of stronger of weaker naturally immune systems..stronger immune systems may require a higher base dose

Also blood type may aldo determine if certain medications may be affective or useless or hazardous.

I tried to get him to order the blood test that would streamline most affective solutions as far as meds and or sups..but was told those tests are waaay too expensive and wouldnt be worth it...

Example.. i was given cyclobenzaprine 5vs..did nothing..stoppped taking after one dose..then they gave me 7..did nothing again..i took two which is 14...finaly I started to feel something.. doesn't knock me on my butt..i sleep well but i get up thought the night the same..slightly dizzy yes..so at 14...i feel it but can still be up doing stuff if i chose..

Could that be because of my weight possibly...i will try again once i get to 180 lbs and see 🤣🤣

Is there any truth to those assumptions

I wrote all this so i can get corrected where need be by those of u who have the answers...

no i have not told the doctor that i am only on 75mcg while he is giving me now 183 he wants but i told him lets wait and keep it at 175..he actually prescribed 175 pills..thank goodness i still had a few of the 75 scipts and 100...

He says now i am i the normal range bug he wants wants to get it perfect ...

I just get tested again and now i am prediabetic.. i just came off off of a 20 to 30 plus hrs work day for a month..its been 5 months now of very bad eating..and holliday eating..i was doing a lot of energy drinks eating a lot of fast foods.. so while my thyroid improved..i gained at least 30 lbs back i was a 34 waist now a 38 loose..so the thyroid med did help tremendously in keeping the weight down..with sever fatigue and calories intake..without the levo i would have been in serious trouble..

I know its long so help me out 🤣🤣🤣

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Mycats3

Apologies - I'm afraid I missed your response.

Also, looks like you know far more about these issues than I do!

Yes, the 3000+ microgram patient was male.

shaws profile image

You've been prescribed a dose of levo which is far too low for you thus your TSH is too high.

Before the blood tests and levothyroxine were introduced we were given natural dessicated thyroid hormones and the dose was between 200mcg and 400mcg.

One doctor, now deceased unfortunately, fought with the Authorities saying that patients were put in parlous situations due to the authorities inability to discuss proper prescribing.

Thyroidmeg profile image

I'm on 200 Levo I think u need your dose increased your tsh too high

Pamela0106 profile image

Took this directly from the BTF website:

"Levothyroxine doses are dependent upon the person’s body weight. Most patients require between 100 and 150 micrograms a day, but the dose can be lower than 75 micrograms or up to 300 micrograms a day, depending on your needs."

It implies the max is 300mcg daily. That said, I know people on more than that and also I tend to not take the BTF advice as gospel.

Good question though! One I'll do some more research on now to better understand myself!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Pamela0106

Perfectly happy to believe it says that on the BTF website. But it simply isn't strictly dependent on weight. Yes, a heavy person is likely to need more than a light person. But that is only a bit of the story.

I have often quoted the extreme example of a man who was on something like 3200 micrograms day and had no signs of overdosing at all.

It is well known that absorption is an important variable. Some of us absorb levothyroxine far better than others.

Pamela0106 profile image
Pamela0106 in reply to helvella

I did say I also know people on more than that and its dependant on the individual x just incase you thought I was in agreement with BTF.

I also have Coeliac so know all too well that absorption is key

Joesmum profile image

I have two friends who take 200mcgs of levo.

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