TTC Hashimotos, no help :(: Hello All, I've just... - Thyroid UK

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TTC Hashimotos, no help :(

19 Replies

Hello All,

I've just joined. I'm so happy I've found this website. I really need some help and feel like the GPs are not listening to me. Well, I have had 5 very early miscarriages in 18 months. I had a thyroid blood test my TSH level is 2.84 miu/l. My serum t4 level is 16.4 pmo/l. My thyroid peroxidase antibodies are 109 ku/l (normal range is 0-50). Does this indicate hashimotos? Could this be the reason for my miscarraiges? Doctors say my tsh is in the normal range so they won't be doing anything. I really think from all my research that I should be prescribed levothyroxine to get my tsh down to 1. And antibodies down as this can be associated with my miscarriages so much information relating to this I've found . But Docs don't care about that. Where can I get levothyroxine and be monitored? Thank you so much for reading .

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19 Replies


I welcome you to our forum and am so sorry to hear of your miscarriages.

Elevated TPOAb (thyroid peroxidase antibodies) indicates Hashimotos which

is an autoimmune condition, when the body attacks and destroys its own thyroid gland. It is prevalent in Hypothyroidism and medicating thyroid hormone replacement will help mange symptoms and suppress Hashimotos attacks.

There is evidence of increased fetal loss, and psychomotor and IQ deficits, in infants born to mothers with undiagnosed or inadequately treated hypothyroidism (including subclinical hypothyroidism) [Casey et al, 2005].

Normal thyroid hormone level is critical to normal development of the baby’s brain and nervous system. During the first trimester, the fetus depends on the mother’s supply of thyroid hormone, which comes through the placenta. At around 12 weeks, the baby’s thyroid begins to function on its own.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) should be kept LOW in all woman who are pregnant whether already medicating on thyroid hormone replacement or newly diagnosed. Make your GP aware you are hoping to conceive and show him the NICE guidelines in link below.

Your GP should follow these guidelines which recommend different starting doses of Levothyroxine varying from 25 micrograms to 100 micrograms in order to keep your TSH in the low-normal range (0.4–2.0 mU/L) and an FT4 concentration in the upper reference range.

TSH & T4 levels should be monitored every four weeks and your Levo dose titrated during the first trimester, and then at 16 & 28 weeks of gestation.

These recommendations are based on information from a consensus guideline produced by the Association for Clinical Biochemistry, the British Thyroid Association, and the British Thyroid Foundation [BTA et al, 2006]; expert opinion in a guideline produced by the Endocrine Society [Abalovich et al, 2007]; expert opinion in a learning module [Edwards and Vanderpump, 2007]; and the opinion of CKS expert reviewers. Some of the evidence to support these recommendations is based on observational studies.The recommendations on monitoring of thyroid function (TSH and FT4 levels) are based on expert opinion in guidelines [BTA et al, 2006].

Ask your GP to test Vit B12, Vit D, folate and ferritin as people with low thyroid hormone are commonly deficient in these nutrients that are essential for good thyroid function and a healthy pregnancy.


NICE guidelines for pregnancy in Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Antibodies are an independent marker of "at-risk" pregnancy.

Getting a Diagnosis

Hashimotos & Pregnancy

This following link explains the importance of vitamins and where they may be obtained.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


in reply to

Wow what a lovely response. It made my day by just finding this website. I so want to have another baby and I really this is the problem. I feel like I just need a simple drug levothyroxine. I knew it, I have hashimotos! Doctors are just disregarding this making me so upset at their decision. In terms of the NICE guidlines, do they have to follow it? What happens if they don't , can I say something like you have to follow this because.....?

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to

Orangepie, if your GPs aren't prepared to follow the guidelines Flower007 linked above you should make a written complaint and consider changing GP practice.

in reply to Clutter

Ok , thank you for that information!

in reply to

The thing is I'm not considered hypothyroid but hashimotos instead so i hope them guidelines still apply to me...

Marz profile image

Hi Orangepie and welcome !

What a horrid and sad time you have had - you must be so exhausted. You are in the right place for advice. As I do not have the appropriate knowledge myself I am posting the link below which will take you to the many posts that have been discussed previously. I do hope there is something there to help you - even the first post looked very promising....

It does appear you have Hashimotos - auto-immune thyroid.

Wishing you well and a happy outcome....

in reply to Marz

Thank you so much!!! I will look at that. Love this website.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to

Hope you manage to take a peep ! We have to read and learn in order to sort out our health. We cannot rely on others ..... sadly :-(

Molliemoo1 profile image

Hi orangepie

I'm going through something very similar myself and have just posted my own post and request for advice.

I've taken the nice guidelines to my GP but they say it only applies to people who have already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. So they are not willing to treat me.

The advice here is useful and I will ask them again to consider the guidelines but in the meantime I feel like I have to look at seeing an endocrinologist privately.

Good luck and let me know how you get on

Mol xx

in reply to Molliemoo1

Oh no. Thought it sound like it was to

Good to

Be true. :( I'll have to say what my GP says about it. In America from

What I read they would treat this. But in the UK as long as the TSH is under 4.2 seems like they don't care even if we are ttc. If you and both have had mc recerrunt ones and we have high antibodies that shows a link. and in many other studies

Molliemoo1 profile image

Btw my post is here in case you would like to read it

how about selenium . I read this 'There is some evidence that the antibodies that may contribute to hypothyroidism can play a role in pregnancy. Data suggest that selenium supplementation may be of benefit in women with high antibody levels at the time of preconception. This should be reviewed with your doctor.' from

Hi, the specialist only checked my genetic karyitype testing through a blood test. I think it's unlikely to be this and something to do implantation process. But we will see not getting. Results until May! I am blessed with one healthy child already so I assume hormones went wiered after that like thyroid. We will see

I was refered to the recurrent miscaraaige clinic but they are only testing me and not interested in my husbands results at all as he has a good semen analysis and I get pregnant quite easily they were not interested in testing himfrther at all. I'm not sure u agree with that. As 50 percent of genes cine from father?

Oh ok, that sounds like a genetic case yes. ( I'm no doctor just my opinion). I don't know because thyroid runs in my mums side of the family. But most of us are totally fine with no autoimmune issues. However, I think it doesn't always work like that. Like fathers of type 1 kids there's still only a small chance of them developing it. But I am annoyed at the fact they are not bothering to test my husband for anything .....

That does sound genetic. But what can I do I feel powerless that they are not willing to test my husband even though they are happy to do all the tests on me

Are you based in the UK? Are they offering treatment for hashimotos??

Well it just sounds like you are just fed up. I understand what you are saying but you shouldn't put people of wanting a sibling for their child. I understand you are fed up and you have a point but they way you put it is upsetting. Women who really want a child having trouble then a comment like that makes it worse.I think you have just had it rough and I feel for you. There are many others with really bad illnesses but their children

Are totally fine I knows that. I know of a friend who has hearing difficulty but her baby is fine. If she thought how you are, then she wouldn't have her gorgeous baby. All

I wanted was an opinion on what to take etc .

Yes I know and can sympathize with you. I am frustrated at that too because I feel like they are not treating me when I should so I'm trying to find a way for myself.

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