Was just talking with my cousin and heard her story. Her mom has hypothyroidism and her sister has very difficult RA.
My cousin is 30 and she said her symptoms started many years ago with stomach pain and bloating , she started to avoid basic gluten and dairy. At some point she had ulcer, then some time after that she got severe pain on her neck and between shoulders. Especially right shoulder blade.
(oh dear exactly how my symptoms started but I do not have nerve pain like hers)
Now she is on very heavy medication for her nerve pain, she said that she cannot cope without it, otherwise she can just lay down.
No one has found anything wrong with her, tons of doctors. Was just thinking that if she has h.pylori, I know it can cause some sort of pain, but can it be that bad? I asked if she has been tested for it or treated for it, but in some cases h.pylori is hard to treat? Am I right or wrong?
I doubt she has tested for Hashimoto's, which should be automatic with her family history, as autoimmune diseases run in her dad's side of family too!