Does anyone get just pain in both arms from angina..? ... I also have ckd 3 leaking heart valve/ osteoporosis / anaemia
Don't mean to moan
Peggy ❤️
Does anyone get just pain in both arms from angina..? ... I also have ckd 3 leaking heart valve/ osteoporosis / anaemia
Don't mean to moan
Peggy ❤️
Hi Peggy76, asking questions isn't moaning I don't know that you'll get much help here as this forum is primarily for thyroid and adrenal problems. You may get answers if you post on an angina or heart forum.
If it makes you feel any better, I have Hypothyroidism (caused by treatment for Hepatitis C from contaminated blood), CKD stage 5 (caused by chemotherapy, among other things), two stents for Angina, a leaky heart valve and a pacemaker because of heart block. Also, I only have 1 kidney and no spleen.
I no longer have anaemia, because the Exeter Renal team monitor my ferritin and Hb every month (among other things).
I get iron infusions when the ferritin approaches the trigger level of 150 and synthetic EPO injections to maintain the Hb in the range 10-12 (or 100-120).
I'm not moaning either
in 1979 I was given a few months to live following chemotherapy and radiotherapy for an almost rugby ball sized Teratoma tumour that was not going away.
I'm still here with a lot of luck, will-power and support from Mrs yousurname.
On the subject of Angina, I was on a business trip in France in 2014 and experienced what felt like muscle ache in my left shoulder and arm when I was lying in bed at night.
This happened for two nights and I went to my GP when I returned home.
The GP had not heard my heard murmur before, so sent me to Yeovil A&E. They ran a blood test, among other things, and told me that I had had a recent heart attack (Troponin I was high).
Then sent off to Taunton Hospital by ambulance for an Angiogram.
Two stents fitted and kidney function dropped even lower (was previously eGFR of 18) as a reaction to the contrast used during the angioplasty.
Kidney gradually recovered a little in the following weeks, but no higher than eGFR or 15.
Kidney function went down again in 2015. This was due to blood loss following surgery (pacemaker, then more blood loss from two operations for a fistula).
eGFR was floating around 13 until I recently increased my T3 and it's back up to 15 again.
OMG I think you have Been very brave coping with all these problems you seem so positive , unfortunately I'm not & fell into deep depression but am being treated successfully now. Good luck for the future & thank you for replying .
Peggy 🙏🏻
Levothyroxine can lead to angina . I got it on the right part of chest and right arm wrong side . Was given a small dose of betablockers to control it.
One thought I had Peggy76, My Mum had Kidney failure, she was on statins (Kidney failure is a side effect of statins.) Do you take statins by any chance ?
28 years ago i was told I had mitralstenose. A doctor who listened to my lungs and heart with a stethoscope referred me to a heart specialist where I was told I had a mitralstenose. I was under observation for several years and was told I will have to undergo a heart surgery. But later after my hypothyroid was diagnosed and medicated with Thyroxine T4 the sound from my heart normalised and doctors couldn't find anything wrong with my heart. How relived I was to hear that. Guys somethings are cure by thyroid medication kkk.