Hey all. I'm new to the community, came here looking for help on my issue, as I can't see a decent doctor until I'm off of home detention. My issue is this: For several days now I've been experiencing sensations similar to jolts of electricity in my face, both hands, and both arms. They started off as only coming up occasionally, but starting this morning they've been constant and pulsating, meaning they lessen to a point but don't go away, then become more intense again, repeatedly without letting up. This has been coupled with occasional chest pains. Some have been somewhat intense, but not too bad. Most though have just been enough to notice they're happening, and none of them have lasted much more than a minute or two. Has anyone else had this issue and been given a professional, official diagnosis of any sort? Is it anything to be too terribly concerned with? And help or professional/experienced advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: I would also like to add that in the past on a few very very rare occasions I've had these electrical jolt sensations, but only a few times, and they stopped coming up within a half an hour of starting. The last time before a few days ago was a little over a year ago. It also wasn't coupled with any chest pains back then.