Vitamin D Article: - Thyroid UK
Vitamin D Article

I notice he mentioned vitamin E in the article. But there is vitamin E and there is vitamin E - not always the same thing at all.
This article is well worth reading :
I realise the author is trying to sell her supplements, but since I first read it I have come across the information she presents from several other sources.
So, it begs the question - the people who took vitamin E and increased their incidence of cancer in the process... Were they taking vitamin E only in the form of the synthetic alpha-tocopherol form? I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were.
Jefner, I can't argue with educating people to eat a nutritionally diverse diet and get adequate sunshine but many people either don't absorb sufficient nutrients or are unable to get adequate sunshine and they will need to supplement if vitD levels become low. Dark skinned people may not be able to absorb sufficient sunlight and those who cover their arms and legs and bodies all year round are also unlikely to absorb sufficient sunlight.
I had significant hip and knee pain when I was vitD deficient. The pain resolved after I was prescribed loading and maintenance doses and vitD rose to >100. When supplementing people should check levels every 6-12 months as toxicity is possible. I over supplemented in 2014 and endo recommended I supplement 5,000iu per week to maintain level around 100 as I have mild osteopenia. I increased dose in Nov when I had hip pain which has mostly resolved and will reduce dose soon. I don't supplement because I assume vitD is a magic health bullet but because it does relieve joint pain.
If I read correctly, he was noting that low vitamin D could be a result of the disease, not a cause for it. So certainly supplementing with vitamin D would help in your case, as it also has in mine. I think, from that article, that maybe a "normal" person would not need to take the supplement for funsies.
Think I will go with this guy I had Gut TB and have Crohns - Low D implicated in both.....
has anyone had increased anxiety due to low vitamin D? Still looking for the reasons for mine
I started taking viridian vegan D3 as soon as there wasn't much sun going on and within days I felt much more calm than usual. I had no knowledge of D3 having an antidepressant effect, but it seems it does, because I simply can't get so despondent about anything while I am taking it! It is quite subtle, for sure, but I will continue with it until summer rears its golden head and I can heft my skin on to the lawn...sorry getting rather poetic here, but basically I thoroughly recommend taking a few Ds and Cs if anxiety is getting you down. Your adrenals need that C and I dunno why D3 has a lightening effect on life but perhaps its because its the sunshine vitamin!
Hmm, were the elderly people taking that awful Adcal with no K2, I wonder? There seems to be plenty of evidence for the benefits of many vitamins and minerals, but drug companies would rather sell us biophosphonates and other meds, etc. Plus the vitamins your GP prescribes are usually not very good quality and full of nasty fillers (as are most supermarket-quality supplements).
Actually, I was wrong, it was even worse!