Confused : Thanks for the help. 6 wks on levo... - Thyroid UK

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scttpoff profile image
8 Replies

Thanks for the help. 6 wks on levo 100mg tsh dropped from 35 to 2.35, now feel weaker more headaches and dryer skin thought I would feel better not worse. Next appt. will have t4,t3,ferritin, follate b12 and d3 and maybe antibodies tested I hope! So any thoughts on feeling better after better results. Also working on a diet with less gutin and dairy not easy what in the world do you eat?- not much a figure

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shaws profile image

Unfortunately it takes a while to get to a level of levothyroxine for us to feel much better and with an increase every 6 weeks approx.

It takes years probably for our thyroid gland to begin to falter and before we eventually get diagnosed. Having the additional tests will help in case you are low on any of them which can also cause us problems.

Always get a print-out of your blood test results with the ranges for your own records and so you can post if you have a query.

Remember too to get the earliest possible appointment for a thyroid hormone blood test and fast (you can drink water) and leave approx 24 hours between your last dose of levo and the test.

Clutter profile image

Scttpoff, Symptoms can lag behind good biochemistry by a couple of months so you may feel better in a few weeks. TSH 2.35 is still high for someone on Levothyroxine and you'll probably feel better with a dose increase to bring TSH down to just above or below 1.0. Read Treatment Options in Email for a copy of the Pulse article if you would like to show it to your GP.

You can't be a little bit gluten-free. If you want to try the benefits you need to be 100% gluten-free. If you have gluten sensitivity even a small amount will be a problem. Give it 3 months and if you don't notice improvement in symptoms reintroduce gluten.


I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


I am sorry to hear you have still felt no improvement.

For some people nutrient and iron deficiencies need to be addressed before real benefits are felt. Some people find starting levothyroxine with a low ferritin level can actually increase anxiety and shakiness.

A high antibody count can stop thyroid meds working well, as can inflammation and gut issues.

Post iron, nutrient and thyroid antibody levels complete with ranges ( numbers in brackets) for members to comment.

I hope you feel better soon,



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Gwendoline1612 profile image
Gwendoline1612 in reply to

Hi Flower

Could you tell me how I go about finding out if I have a gut problem and immflamation I am assuming you mean immflamation of the gut?

Thank you


in reply to Gwendoline1612


There are many reasons for gut inflammation but if you have low thyroid hormone, this can cause a cortisol imbalance, which is required to modulate the immune system and especially in the gut where it lines the GI tract.

High or low cortisol can increase gut inflammation, prevent cell regeneration and cause low stomach acid. This will encourage bad bacteria growth and infections such as parasites, yeast and fungi which stress the adrenal glands further. This may also encourage gaps to open in the intestinal barrier (leaky gut, IBS) allowing undigested proteins and toxins to enter the bloodstream putting further stress on the body’s immune system and may be leading to an immune dysfunction, chronic fatigue and further thyroid hormone imbalance. ... it is a vicious circle.

If you have bad gut issues, you will know about them. The best way to identify infections is through a comprehensive private stool sample. My GP's inferior stool test missed parasites twice. I was also later (privately) diagnosed with candida and have been supplementing through a nutritionist since last June. Things are unbelievably better now but I still have a little way to go (especially after Christmas .. Lol. )

Low stomach acid accompanies low thyroid hormones and can be treated with Betaine HCI. I also have to supplement bilary support in the form of ox bile and digestive enzymes. I have an unusual saliva problem and our digestive enzymes start in the saliva (amylase) as we start to chew foods.

Further amylase, protease and lipase are released from the pancreous and bile is made in the liver but released by the gallbladder. My liver function is so much improved and I hope supplementing the ox bile will encourage my own to secrete, the same theory goes for gastric acid.


Low stomach acid and low thyroid hormone.

Thyroid-Gut connection


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Spareribs profile image
Spareribs in reply to

I'd not heard of ox bile before only Urso - the synthetic sort NOT associated with chinese medicine & those poor bears. :(

in reply to Spareribs


Bile isn't mentioned much on the forum which I find surprising as an adequate amount is needed to indirectly support thyroid hormone synthesis (much like stomach acid and digestive enzymes).

Inadequate amounts can jeopardise proper digestion of essential fatty acids, the absorption of improperly digested fat globules, disturbing cholesterol levels and leading to deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins (Vit A, E, K and the all important Vit D)

It is thought beets and beet juice (used in UK) are good for mild bile disruption but are not a substitute for bile acids and salts. (Beets are rich in betaine, which stimulates liver cell function and provides a protective effect for the liver and bile ducts.)

Besides its digestive function, bile also serves as the route of excretion for bilirubin. When diagnosed with Haemochromotosis earlier this year my liver enzymes and bilirubin were high. This gave me a permanent sun tanned look ( jaudice) which made me look very healthy (lol). I have yet to test my liver again but would consider it still too early.

Introduction of Ox Bile and Betaine HCL had to be introduced very slowly as I was so intolerant. Now I am on proper doses and the ox bile is taken in a cycle of 1 before each meal on day 1, 2 before each meal on day 2, 3 before each meal on day 3 and then repeating. This is to encourage my own bile secretion which still appears nonexistent atm.

I supplement Allergy Research Group Ox Bile but there are loads of others on the market. Nutri Advarnced does one. I also supplement Taurine that is a major constituent of bile.

I also supplement Curcumin which has an anti-inflammatory effect in gastric conditions. Reducing inflammation will calm immune responses and histamine levels. Histamine helps control stomach acid and too much will further disrupt gut issues. Everything is a vicious circle.

My info comes via my nutritionist but if you google Chris Kresser he is a big advocate of ox bile too. .. and sorry for long winded post .... this is such a huge subject.

I agree the treatment of the bile bears in places such as China and South Korea is despicably cruel and unnecessary.



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


Kel8 profile image

Sounds like you need another increase to me as your TSH is still too high. I always felt better initially on Levo and then felt worse again after a few weeks when it still wasn't enough. I would increase by another 25mcg and retest in six weeks.

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