Ive been on naturethroid for almost 4 weeks and still seeing no improvement just exhausted still and head hurts just all around don't feel good. I go back for a follow up this coming Monday should I maybe request to change to wp?
Should I request to change to wp thyroid vs nat... - Thyroid UK
Should I request to change to wp thyroid vs naturethroid?

You need blood tests! Switching will make far less difference than getting to optimal levels.
And have you had ferritin, Vitamin D and B12 tested?
Sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly.
I would get your bloods done. TSH, Ft4 &Ft 3 if poss plus iron folate, ferritin, D3 and B12. All of these can be low in hypothyroidism and either affect uptake of thyroid meds or make you feel very tired and achey.
It could also be you are under medicated -if so this will need to be slowly increased until it is optimal, 4-6 weeks is the norm between dose increases.. If and when you have got to your optimal dose you don't feel better - it might be worth switching. Both Natruethroid and WP Thyroid are hypoallergenic so designed for sensitivity.
Hi Your bloods may take a bit longer to improve or you may need more NT.See what the tests say especially FT3 which must not b e over range.
Hello Lindsey,
I would say no as it is not good to keep switching thyroid meds and you only switched from Tirosint less than a month ago.
Meds will only work with optimal nutrient/ iron levels & good adrenal health.
You say you are ...[.. fatigued, head & eyes hurt, fatigue,vitamin/mineral deficiencies, discomfort and nausea after eating, left side of my face turned numb ... ].. and much else.
You also state you have low iron/ferritin & HB levels. Also many who have become ill on T4 only thyroid meds will have compromised their adrenal gland health.
Thyroid meds indirectly rely on a good supply of cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands. High thyroid antibodies and high blood sugar levels will also impair thyroid hormone function.
Low thyroid hormone can dry up stomach acid and gut mucus so encouraging malabsorption issues and nutrient & iron deficiencies.
You need to address your gut issues to reclaim healthy flora. ( A small proportion of thyroid hormone conversion takes place in the gut).
You say you have ...[.. no appetite,lost weight,acid reflux,heartburn,ulcers..]..
Have you been tested for candida, parasites, bacterial infections, etc ? ...
You will not be able to regain good gut health until theses issues are dealt with. You will not be able to gain good nutrient & thyroid med absorbtion until your gut health is good.
You previously asked .. [.. is ndt always better than synthetic ..] ? ..
I would say no. We are all different and so require different doses and different meds. NDT is harder to medicate if there are iron or nutrient deficiencies and compromised adrenals. I think if you switched meds to raise T3 levels, you would have been better off just adding T3 to your T4.
Lastly remember it can take the body 6 -8 weeks to adjust and symptoms may lag behind good biochemistry as the body will only accept small dose changes at one time.
I hope you feel better soon
Supplements beneficial to good thyroid function
Low stomach acid
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

Hi Flower,
Can I just ask why you think NDT is harder to medicate if you have vitamin or iron define nenes then other thyroid meds? Not heard that before...
Apologies -predictive text!!!
Should read deficiencies not 'define nenes'! Lol....
Haha I deciphered waveylines.
This is only what I have read as haven't medicated NDT myself and wouldn't dare as have had many deficiencies and weird things going on in my body.
However I consider NDT the best thyroid med if one can tolerate it so maybe one day.....
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.

Thanks Flower. May I ask where you have read this as have never heard of it before?
Am on a NDT and have been for about ten years now -in the beginning I did have low B12 & iron in keeping with underactive thyroid but had no problems with NDT -I did need to address these issues of course as I did my adrenals & vit D but actually found my uptake better on a NDT then any other combination of synthetic thyroid meds despite this.
I know we are all different and therefore need variety of combinations/ types of meds but intrigued why NDT would be harder then other thyroid meds to absorb with vit/min deficiencies that occur?
I read this recently and can't remember where...lol... but will try to find it as it was interesting. The articles discusses what meds should be considered with adrenal problems, nutrient & iron deficiencies and everything else that long term undiagnosed hypothyroidism can cause.
It said that T4 was the most readily accepted by the body (by most but not all) and most flexible in accommodating other issues. If T4 was not utilised properly, then T3 should be added. If this combination didn't work then T3 alone or NDT should be looked at but not before addressing other issues as both meds would be intolerant.
It also said NDT would be the best thyroid hormone replacement long term but only if other issues were dealt with before starting.
I am pleased you have done so well on NDT.
Clutter (Admin) made a very good comment in another post which I think is excellent:-
"You're not supposed to *feel* anything when you take T3 or any other thyroid hormone, it's not a stimulant. The gradual replacement of low thyroid hormone over a period of weeks and months is what improves low thyroid symptoms."
So patience is necessary and gradually increasing is best till you get to an optimum for you. Optimum means a dose which makes you feel well and I hope you reach it soon.
I was on synthetic thyroid for a year, tried all three of them and not happy with any of them, changed to the Irish genuine thyroid and they made me very depressed/sad/anxious/fearful/irritable. Then tried the other natural one and they did the same. Whichever of the thyroxine I took - synthetic or real I still got problems such as mouth ulcers, urine infections etc, but also had raised blood pressure.
Sorry to hear that decembersignup. Was it the fillers causing the problem?
I would consider it. Flower's reply makes perfect sense...But Ill just copy part of what I wrote on another thread, if its ok. I think it may be relevant. NDT didn't work for me, probably for the reasons Flower stated:
I just read about people having adverse reactions to different brands, due to the types of filler used. I read that's why Armour was reformulated. Word is the new formulation sucks, people hate it. But some people love the new formula, thats the reason they made the change. Something about how the body react to different fillers
Hi, Lindsey. I had that jet-laggy, head and eyes achy, feeling for around 2 1/2 or 3 months--finally at around the 3rd month I started to feel normal. At 4 months, I still feel normal. My head and eyes, hair all normal, skin is better. I'm not cold, although my temperature is not much higher. I have normal energy. When I exercise, I actually sweat a little, which I never did. I simply did not feel the benefits for a few months. When I took too much my speech was racy. I had energy but still had a weird feeling in my head, and my pulse was fast. When I took too little, my head felt really groggy, and I was dragged out. I soon realized that I had symptoms either way, and I somehow waited them out. I think it all takes time and for everyone it's different. Best wishes!