Anyone out there gone private and got their own blood test carried out. There's a home kits out there that collects a finger prick sample of blood that can e.g. perform 10 different thyroid checks. Anyone tried them and what was the experience like. Two mentioned via Thyroid UK site and which seem the same organisation but different sites. Any other suggestions?
Pin-prick / Finger Prick Blood Tests: Anyone out... - Thyroid UK
Pin-prick / Finger Prick Blood Tests

I've used the Blue Horizons home finger prick tests for about three years. I find them very good.
I do the Thyroid10 from them and I use City Assays vitamin D fingerprick. Both are very reliable and although the BH one uses different lab ranges to my hospital I think it's all relative really.
My results are in the same area of the hospital and the BH lab ranges so I've always been really happy with them.
You order online for the BH tests and by phone for the vitamin D one, a kit with everything you need to take your blood arrives in a day or so, just follow the detailed and clear instructions, take your blood and post it off, the results are back with you in two days. I always make sure to do my tests early in the week so that my samples don't lie in a sorting office over the weekend.
I back up everything Fruitandnutcase says, Blue Horizon are very good, and reliable. You also get a comment from their doctor so long as you make sure to put your date of birth on the form they send. (I once forgot to include DOB and did not get the comments, so they told me to resubmit the form including DOB and they sent me an analysis of the results.)
Very good.
i have used blue horizon with no problems
I have used medichecks in Nottingham - good.

I've done two tests with Blue Horizon, the comprehensive test where I had blood drawn at a Spire hospital and the Thyroid Plus Ten finger prick test. For me personally I had a difficult job getting enough blood for the finger prick test as my blood was clotting in the little funnel before it could drop through into the collection tube. Also, I needed to prick four different areas because not enough blood was coming out. However, lots of people have great success with the finger prick blood collection and I just wish I was one of those as it's such a convenient way of doing the test if you can't get the blood drawn at your surgery or anywhere near your home. I'd certainly recommend Blue Horizon.
I am about to order tests from blue horizon. I have discussed this with my GP. He has agreed the tests for me to have and pay for. He has also agreed for me to have blood draw done at the surgery, at no cost to me.
This to be carried out as per blue horizon instructions.
We've just used Medichecks - worked really well. I think the actual sample got sent to London. It was lovely for my mum to find out her free T3 for the first time! She's been hypothyroid about 20 or more years and this is the first time that's been tested!
On top of the price they quote, add on the cost of next day delivery before 1 p.m. (which is about 6 pounds something). They do include a prepaid 1st class baggy but then advise you to do the before 1 p.m. delivery.
I'm in the process of using Blue Horizon, unfortunately there was not enough blood in the container I sent back so having to redo it again.
Did you get more blood the next time Colin?
Yes, make sure you are fully hydrated by taking on plenty of fluids the day before, you can also warm your hand up by running under a warm tap. I dont use the rubber band and I tend to prick just off to the side of the finger rather than head on.