my latest crack at trying to improve some of my symptoms ie brain fog etc, is to try & give up my kick of coffee, first thing in the morning and through the day.i am trying TickTock, Tetleys red bush.not to bad. i just hope with what I believe are some strange effects i will benefit in the long run. just wonder if anyone as had any benefit. thanks Dave.
caffeine.: my latest crack at trying to improve... - Thyroid UK

Yay .! ! ....
See link below for disruptive effects that coffee brings about.
Flower,do you know if the same apply for tea?
If it contains caffeine I would assume so ... but don't know as I don't drink tea.
Remeber everything is ok in moderation LM.
Hi Dave,
I'm about to embark on the same thing - except my poison is tea.
Fingers crossed that it has the beneficial effects that you're hoping for.
I haven't yet been able to give up tea. I've tried to go cold turkey twice in recent months during weeks off from work, then suffered such an awful headache that didn't respond to painkillers, and ended up giving up just in time to go back to work! (having had a crap week off while trying!).
My new tactic is to gradually wean myself off. It's not supposed to be such an issue with tea, but it is for me.
Evening jazzw. if you look at symptoms of going caffeine free frighting. my Master plan started today. Mug of coffee with toast, then any beverage is caffeine free until lunch time.then no more coffee till next day.just had mug of tetleys redbush. just hoping for not to many hic-ups. I think for me coffee was my comfort,and drug. best wishes. Dave.
start with decaf, take fruit teas inbetween, peppermint teas, freshly grated ginger and hot water, fresh lemon with honey, after a while it gets easier. I cling to the thought that I want to feel good again and if tea and coffee aren't allowed then so be it. You have to give yourself a fighting chance.
Hi Dave, I'm just like you with coffee, it's my comfort and drug but I did give it up for a few months then, convinced there was no improvement I started again - "just one" which soon became more and I the noticied that that it does make me worse: more brain fog and tiredness, no inclination to do anything.
So, like you, I'm trying to stick to the redbush - good to know there's someone else doing the same.
thyr01d. I get get just a Tad peed orf that to try and get ones self sort of match fit we are left on our own on these strange journeys with ill health problems, with little or no help from Drs etc. most of my info has come from good advice from these forums. will stick with weaning myself of the caffeine. just to add i am now trying vit B-complex [B5] we can but Try. best of luck with your journey. Dave
You could try Orzo, made with barley, an Italian 'coffee' substitute, with no caffeine. Doesnt really taste like coffee but nice enough!