I don't know if this is of interest to anyone .
It's on at 8.30 tonight. BBC1
I don't know if this is of interest to anyone .
It's on at 8.30 tonight. BBC1
Thanks for reminding us Pp, will have a look or if the telly is already booked (!) I'll get it catch up tomorrow afternoon,
yes I watched it - then had a huge rant on here under similiar post title - in respect of doctors and over medication, especially when they don't look at what mix' match can do to the body. Then scrubbed the lot - decided everyone would just think I'm mad and ranting again.
Sadly I now just get depressed by the whole Medical World in Uk and more so, here in France - although no I'm not suffering from Depression, pain, or a few other symptoms, now I've sorted out my own meds situation,
I listened to my own body instead. but there are still of lots of questions to be answered - Health Professionals here and there, seemingly, just don't want to listen to patients! It's the I KNOW BEST Syndrome, with them. I Just wish I could give them all a glass of Arsenic or send them to Switzerland! !
Thank for the info on panorama I have just downloaded it..reason for doing it is I have been on paracetamol/ dihydracodine since diagnosis of c/f/c fibromialgia in 2006 the paracetamol does not work I can take up to 12 a day with no effect..even worse my surgery never calls me in for kidney/liver blood tests.
I have asked if their is something else I can take for server pain that would last longer and I wouldnt have to take as many but no my doc was not interested,,,saying its all wecan give you,,iI cannot take ibuprofen or aspirin I have a reaction to them server!!! Should be interesting to see what the program says
Thanks again
hi Birkie, I hope you found the programme interesting, more importantly somewhat informative I know this may sound crazy to you, but have you tried cutting down on painkillers not taking more and more?
It takes days if not longer, to start to detoxifying liver or better still consided going to an alternative health therapist to discuss detoxification and or pain management with them, while you detoxify - that's if you decide to of course!
Hi sambs
Thanks the program realy opened my eyes..I stoped the taking paracetamol a while ago yes my pain is bad but it was the same when taking the paracetamol..I do need to take the dihydrocodine tho mostly at nite..I am now trying magnisium oil..just started on it today..so crossing everything it works for me
Best wishes birkie
Hi Birkie, I'm pleased the programme helped, and I really hope the Dhd and magnesium oil works for you, glad to see you had also stopped the paracetamol a while ago as well.
Keep us informed as to how you are with the magnesium oil - best wishes to you also - I'm off to look it up now find out what it's about and does! :Sambs
So sorry to hear about your problems.
So many paracetamol are not good , your doctor should be looking at alternatives.
Could you see anotherdoctor perhaps?
Best Wishes
Hi pinkpeony
I have seen three docs at the surgery..and none will look at my pain iI have told them how many tablets I was taking but no responce..I have weened my self off them and only take dihydrocodine mostly at nite..but iam in server pain especially in my ankles and my feet burn really bad especially at nite
Many thanks for your interest